Top 10 Web Design Issues That Prevent Conversion Goals

Out of 100 small business eCommerce stores interviewed, these are the Top 10 web design issues that prevented customers from converting, find out what they are.

10 Web Design Issues That Prevent Conversion

Website wireframe vector created by storyset –

If you’re looking for the most important advice in terms of web design issues that prevent your customers from making a purchase, this post has your back.

Do people visit your site and leave without converting?

When someone clicks on your ad, what do they see?

Does your website’s layout and content reflect your brand, your product?

The 10 essential web design tips in this article address the most common web design issues that prevent customers from engaging. Pay attention to these! They are easy to fix and can boost your revenue exponentially.

Will You Need to Update Your Website?

If you’re not converting customers — yes you will. But don’t worry most of these tips are easy fixes that aren’t going to require a lot of super hard work, but they will product super great results. Consequently, it’s critical that you pay attention to both the content itself and the overall design of your website.

As you may have discovered, site design is more than just aesthetics. It involves careful preparation and envisioning the end goal of your audiences’ action. The typefaces, colors, and visuals are all part of this. It’s a given that a website with too many elements, out-of-date content, or even broken links and pages is not something you want to visit. But what do you do if you’ve put a lot of time into a site that you thought was great from a user stand point?

Well, learn from what others have done wrong. This post has compiled the 10 most common web design issues that prevented customers from taking action, and here’s what you should fix first.

1. Keep it Simple

Keep in mind that your website’s main objective is to convey your main message to your target audience. It should be straightforward and simple to use so that your visitors can process your material more effectively and quickly locate what they’re looking for.


2. Put readability first

Will your intended audience comprehend what you have to say?

Are they ordered, or is the information cluttered? You should think about how simple it will be for your audience to understand what you are writing. Avoid utilizing blocks of text while doing this. To make the text easier to read, use lists and bullets.


3. Use Quality Images

65% of people are visual learners, according to the Social Science Research Network. Additionally, our brains receive 90% of the information we take in visually. Therefore, instead of merely utilizing words, your website needs to feature high-quality photos to properly express your message.

Additionally, using visuals to explain your written information in greater detail will help you connect with your audience. High-quality photos also convey authority and professionalism.

4. Use Branded Graphics

Re-enforce your brand. You can overcome this problem by spending some time on content creation. Firstly, add graphics explaining what your brand offers. For instance, if you sell leather products, add pictures of your products on the home page. Remember, one photo of every product category would be sufficient. Next up, talk about the value your products will deliver to customers. Perhaps, you can emphasize durability or quality.

5. Focus on Headlines

Avoid using ambiguous, wordy headlines that could mislead your viewers. Use terms or phrases to draw the visitor’s attention while being as direct and clear as you can.

6. Make Your Content Easy to Scan

On average, a visitor can read only 28% of content on a website. Hence, it’s critical to make it easy to browse for them.

You don’t have to cut down your information. Instead, focus on its proper presentation through sub-heads, short paragraphs, highlighted formatting, bullets & numbers, etc. This kind of approach can help you increase the consumption rate of your content among people.

Check out this tutorial on how to format your website content the right way.

7. Keep in Mind Your CTA

CTAs, or calls to action, are essential for your business, particularly on your website. Be specific about the following actions that visitors to your website will take. But be careful not to overdo it. Avoid placing CTAs at the top of your page. It is usually preferable to place the CTA at the bottom of the page because not every visitor to your website is prepared to take the following step.

8. Pay attention to your 404s

Make sure your website’s visitors who are your target market don’t see 404 errors. 404 indicates that no one can find your page. And one of the main reasons for this could be that the URL is incorrect or that the website was relocated or destroyed.


9. Watch where you place your social links.

Your social media profiles should always be listed on your website so that visitors may connect with you there. Do not place them at the top of your page because they may distract visitors and cause them to leave your website.

10. Lack of Social Proof

When it’s time to buy a new pair of shoes or pick out a furniture store, chances are that you ask your friends and family for their advice and suggestions. Then your best friend will come to you sharing their latest story of that fabulous hair stylist or the must-visit burger place that has opened mere months ago, so you add them to your list, as well. Trust is a fickle beast, and as such, it needs constant pampering, so companies far and wide invest heavily in strategies that boost trust.


The design hints mentioned above are only a few of the many elements you can use to create and enhance your website. The objectives of the design update you are performing will determine everything.