Ways to Advance your eCommerce Site for Search Engines

There are a lot of ways to improve your online store, and one of the most important is to advance your eCommerce site for search engines – find out how.

Ways to Advance your eCommerce Site for Search Engines

Technology has greatly impacted the behavior of online shoppers. As a result, many companies that run eCommerce sites are constantly updating them to keep up with technology and shopping trends.

There are literally thousands of ways to tweak an eCommerce store, but what areas should you really focus on to make a significant impact? We’re going to look at some of the most important methods to advance eCommerce sites for search engines in this post.


Because for the majority of eCommerce sites, organic traffic is still the biggest direct traffic to conversion path, so understanding how to advance your eCommerce site in search engines is an essential first step.

  1. High impact page optimization

Every website has page that are more highly visited pages.

These pages typically have the capability of attracting the attention of more of your customers. These include product pages, the home page, blog posts, and other categories of trending pages. Utilization of excellent SEO strategies can make them lucrative.

You have to understand what keywords target your users. From there, make sure the keywords are incorporated on the website’s high impact pages, including metadata.

A great website with a powerful landing page can make all the difference. If you really want to convert visitors into sales, then you have to know how to design a landing page that will actually do just that.

You’ll quickly find that it’s not enough to have great products or better services than your competitors.

You need to utilize keyword tools to determine the appropriate keywords and then write better copy than your competitors on high impact pages to incentivize an action. There are even tools like, wp site care to help optimize high impact page with a strategy to advance sites for search engines.

  1. Utilization of strategic internal linking.

Internal linking is critical to both users and search engines.

Your next priority should be to organize your existing content into keyword-based categories that make sense. Even if you weren’t planning to use an organized link structure on your website, it should be possible to sort your content into silos.

Here’s what a link silo structure would look like in its simplest form:


link structure

Remember that the diagram above is only an oversimplification of how hierarchies work in a link silo structure — more often than not, you will also have a handful of sub-category pages to go along with with your content.

The main categories of products are supposed to be linked with high priority pages. At this step, the use of breadcrumbs will be very beneficial since it will help the robots and spiders trace their way back to the webs home page. The users are also able to know where they are on the website as well as giving direction during navigation from page to page. Linking with related products promotes the generation of backlinks and also boosts the brand sales.

  1. Usability improvement.

Usability has become one of the biggest ranking factors for search engines — so think user first.

From landing page to checkout, today’s consumers expect an instant and seamless experience when browsing the web. Nobody is willing to waste their time trying to navigate a frustrating, clunky and unresponsive website.

So, what can you do to provide your visitors with a browsing experience that’s as satisfying and enjoyable as possible? Consider the following principles of user-friendly website design.

• Responsive Design

• Load Times

• Mobile First

• Content

• Images

• Navigation

Get a complete checklist here!

  1. Using blogging as a priority

Ecommerce blogging adds even more dimension to website marketing, and should NOT be neglected.

Websites that use a blogging strategy remain fresh and typically have a much lower bounce rate. Blogging improves the brand image, generates backlinks, and generally promotes business growth. Ecommerce needs content, and by writing long form blog posts, you can start ranking for your valuable keywords. These pages are easier to rank, and you can do an internal link to your product pages.

A great way to begin building awesome content for free is by allowing guest posting. It is also essential to allow comments to enhance engagement in an improvement of content’s length. The addition of social sharing buttons will promote the easier spread of the material by the readers. The focus should be supporting the content of the web in all places through the available means.

  1. Regular running of SEO technical audit

Maintaining one’s strength online can be achieved through the undertaking of regular SEO audit.

SEO auditing frequency varies from website to website, but the best-practice standards should not be beyond six months without. Auditing is very crucial because of the dynamic changes in technology forces search engines also to adjust their algorithms. It also allows web owners to point out the outdated content and make necessary updates. The website should be kept clean, up to date, and relevant.

Duplication of content should be avoided at all costs. This can hurt SEO ranking. Since repetition of the content may occur accidentally, this makes regular SEO auditing to be paramount to arrest challenges that arise. One can check on daily bases about errors on Google webmasters. This will enable the website owner to get the links that are not functioning or the ones that Google bots are facing challenges in crawling. Close monitoring of algorithm updates by Google is also essential. There are many updates made by Google that can harm SEO strategies, therefore doing the latest updates of new Google changes on the firm’s website promotes SEO.


Advancing your eCommerce site for search engines is a critical first step to driving qualified traffic. Customers and potential customers are going to the internet to obtain data about brands before taking purchase steps. Search engines have given an excellent opportunity to the companies to promote their brands through webs. Through the best SEO practices, company brands have been able to remain profitable and competitive in the dynamic business environment. For search engines to carry out an excellent performance, the websites should make advancements that promote SEO. Therefore, this article has looked at various website advancement strategies that can improve SEO. It has given an overview of website owners have to do to keep their websites up and running. Having a website that is up and running is not a direct success in promoting e-commerce. SEO practices determine success in e-commerce. Therefore sites should conduct advancements that encourage search engines for successful eCommerce.