Using Business Cards and Color Psychology to Influence Customers

Don’t underestimate the value of Business Cards and Color Psychology — when applied correctly they have a better conversion rate than the average website.

Business Cards and Color Psychology

Business cards can be a valuable addition to your business. They play a pretty big role in linking the customer directly with the owner.

There are plenty of naysayers thinking that business cards are just a waste, people just throw them away.

Those people might want to look at business cards as a marketing tool in a different light.

For example;

Did you know that business cards typically average a 12% conversion rate? That is more than 5 times the conversion rate of your average website at 2.35%.

Another key factor about the undervalued business card… they’re cheap!

In terms of marketing expense, the business card barely even registers as a blip in your budget. Hands down one of the cheapest investments you’ll make in business. The average full color double sided business card can be ordered online for about $20 for a set of 1,000 delivered right to your door. For such a minimal investment with such a high return — it’s worth spending a little time to understand how you can maximize it’s influence on your customers.

To that end, colors play many different roles in influencing the human psyche. Let’s have a closer look at the science behind color psychology and how you can use it to your advantage in business card design.

The Idea behind Color Psychology 

Idea behind Color Psychology

Color psychology is how different colors have an impact on people’s moods and how they feel. Moreover, the colors also influence the decisions that people make every day. You would want to choose the colors which would be more attractive for people and make them choose your product/service. As a marketer, it is important to understand the way colors are perceived by different people.

  • Orange is perceived as cheery and confident. It is mostly used in brands as it attracts attention and has a positive impact on the people.
  • Grey is associated with calmness. Calmness may be a good thing but it’s can quickly become bland and boring. Therefore, if you choose greys there should always be a cheery and fun color to pair it with.
  • Blue is linked with strength and satisfaction. It is also known to be one of the most widely accepted colors due to its calming abilities. Moreover, blue can be used for a wide range of brands as it is mostly accepted and satisfies people.
  • Red conveys danger, passion, and caution. Humans are known to become more energetic and react faster when they look at the color red. Unfortunately, the adrenaline rush is only temporary and reduces the ability to think clearly. A person who is exposed to the color red during a test or exam is most likely not to perform well.
  • Although yellow is linked with happiness and warmth it is not widely accepted. It may be appealing to a certain few but not popular with the masses. If your brand is associated with kids or pre-teens then yellow might be a favorable option.
  • Green refers to peace and nature. Due to the association of green with nature, it is also linked to regrowth and nature. Therefore, if your brand is focused on productivity and mindfulness then a green business card would be perfect!
  • White can be the perfect color if you want to go for a clean or minimalist look. At the same time, it can come across as monotonous and boring to some. Using white can be well and good if you are using fonts that are extremely catchy and appealing to the audience.

Therefore, it is important to pay close attention to what colors you choose for your brand and your business cards as it applies to color psychology.

Whether your a software development company or an online retailer, applying the right graphic designing services can help you choose the right color combination to influence potential customers. However, if you want to decide the colors on your own this post will help you understand how!

Let’s take a closer look at designing business cards with color psychology in mind.

Understand Your Target Audience

Understand Your Target Audience

It is important that you conduct a proper marketing survey before you present your brand in front of the audience. Know your brand in and out. Moreover, you must be sure of your target audience. The colors on your business card play a vital role in attracting different kinds of customers. Different age groups are attracted to different colors. If you have noticed, girls and women are usually attracted to pinks and reds. Whereas blue is usually used to attract men. Wherever you would see colors, it would instantly remind you of your 2-year-old nephew or even your own kids. Therefore, choosing the right colors would help you attract the right audience and increase your chances of getting more business in the future.

Consider Cultural Barriers

Colors possess different meanings from people all over the world. When you are doing a marketing analysis for your brand, you must also understand which color plays a strong role in the cultural setting of the country. For example in America, the color green is associated with richness as the dollar is green. Whereas, this is not the case in other countries.

A lot of factors need to be kept into consideration when choosing a business card such as religious sentiments, controversies, etc. There are also certain colors that are universally associated with certain events or even entire genders. For example in most parts of the world black is associated with mourning whereas white with purity. Staying up-to-date is crucial when you are deciding on the colors of your brand. Moreover, color preferences are constantly evolving too. There is more acceptance towards pink for men and blue for women nowadays.

Consider your Competitors          

One of the most important factors to consider when you are choosing the color of your business card is the competition around you. Choosing colors that are unique is important to help your brand stand out from the rest. Therefore, it is important to analyze the competition around you so that there is no overlapping of any sort. Into the bargain, unique colors are attractive and will help you get the right amount of attention.

You must also keep in view the personality of your own brand when you are deciding on the colors. Don’t be so caught up in between unique that you disregard the true meaning of your own brand. The colors of a brand should be able to associate a strong emotional connection with the audience and the customers likewise. Try to build a relationship based on loyalty and consistency.

Final Thoughts 

Business cards can be a great way to market your business directly. At the same time, if you keep in mind the impact of color psychology. Your business card can have even a bigger impact on the buyer. Therefore, before you print your cards. Sit with your graphic designer and discuss which card would work best for the kind of business model that you have. Good luck!