Why Graphic Design is a Must for Social Media Marketing

10 Solid Reasons Why Good Graphic Design Skills are Necessary for Successful Social Media Marketing Campaigns.

graphic design social media marketing Image Source: Kind CBD


Most information conveyed in the human brain is visual. This is exactly why businesses use graphic design — to visually communicate their message.

Around 65% of the population was categorized as visual learners


If you want to maximize your advertising dollars, it only makes sense to incorporate good graphic design into your social media marketing strategy since they are both highly visual. 

Social media is not designed for lengthy text based marketing. Business who are successful on Facebook and Instagram understand this. Take a look at Kind CBD’s graphic above. This is exactly how you convey a strong visual message on social media through the use of really good graphic design.


The more text you use, the more time to absorb the message. According to 3M, Research visuals are absorbed 60,000 times faster than a text. Solid graphics can easily communicate a message, feeling, emotions and value within seconds. Thankfully, you don’t have to be a fortune 500 business to make use of these practices.


Right now is actually the perfect time to outsource some of these services. COVID has had a big impact on all of us. Some of the negative are the job market has tanked and Students in the US are opting for part-time jobs to cover their basic financial needs. That being said, the online market has been booming. People staying home more, shopping online more has pushed businesses to market online more. Businesses have never needed graphic design services for social media more. 


Graphic designing is in high demand and everyone wants talented skilled designers for creating simple graphics use on social media to expert designers focused on user experience. 


All that to be said, in this post we’re going to look at Ten key reason why graphic design is essential for social media marketing.


1. Graphic Design to Build and Support Your Brand 


Strong branded graphics help differentiate you from competitors. This is critical on social media where your graphic design has to be on point to visually communicate your messaging to your audience. Perhaps even more importantly your graphic designs have to support your brand and keep your name in your customers’ minds.


By producing a unique brand strategy, you can assure that the brand and messaging are consistent across different mediums.


2. Graphic design can produce a better message than words.


There is an old saying ‘A picture is worth a thousand words’. Graphics are vital for a business that wants to make a long-lasting impression.

apple on social media

Image Source: Apple

When you spread the message about your brand on social media, it’s the design that gets all the attention. Combining simple text with clear graphics produce an excellent message for the audience. Apple is a common example of amazing simplicity in design. Have you checked out Apple’s Instagram Profile? It’s worth a look if you want to see awesome graphic designs with simple text messages to support their brand.


Apple is a great example showing how creative graphics enhance visual interpretation. The message you want to communicate should also be creative and good graphic designs will help you improve brand visibility.


3. Graphic Design Improves Sales


We know that Humans are visual creatures. When it comes to social media marketing, graphic design is a decisive part of an overall marketing strategy. Like I mentioned above, no matter how great your text is, no one will notice it unless it’s accompanied with great visuals. The same way a business needs a unique logo or a simple business card to stand out, social media is entirely visual and consumed at a rapid pace — imagine how important strong graphics are in that environment.


Creating designs for sales is essential and requires a lot of planning. Selling on social is a careful blend of design for engagement and motivation without being too salesy.


4. Graphics Support Your Brand Messaging.


Graphic designers play a vital role in communicating your brand message in a unique way. An expert graphic designer can convey the message in the form of charts/illustrations. The intent and purpose of the brand becomes self explanatory without the use of hundreds of words. Everything from the colors you use to the kind of layouts you choose becomes a part of your brand. 

moonpie social graphic

With graphic designing, you can design and customize ads, include videos, highlight text copies etc. to reach your target demographic. 


5. Graphic designing can influence social media followers.


social shot

Social media platforms Instagram and Facebook are influential and highly visual.


A high quality designed image can increase social media followers and increase sales.


Graphic designers can help you improve that message you want to send to followers. They work on creating images that can reflect that message.


6. Increase Website Traffic.


Graphic design can be the best idea to get more traffic to your business website.

social media

High-quality images on advertisements can help you draw people in to your website. When people look at well-designed ads online, it may be social media or any site, and there is a good chance they click on it.


Suppose you want to increase the number of people who are clicking on the ads and find their ways to your site. Then the graphic designer would be the best person to help you with this.


7. They are essential to build brand awareness.

the power of branding 

Social media platforms are the best place for businesses to increase brand awareness.


There is a diverse platform for businesses to select to use social media strategy. You may want your business to be present on many social media platforms to achieve maximum reach.


Then your social media profiles must be consistent in branding and design.


You want your customers to know about your business irrespective location, age, gender. Social media remain the same whether customers are on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. They must be able to see that they are on the business page immediately.


You must orderly arrange logo and content templates for all business social media channels. This helps you to increase brand awareness. A consistent activity in channels gives authority to the brand.


8. Increase customer engagement

Use Social Media to Engage with Clients and Consumers

The main objective of social media marketing is to increase customer engagement. It can be through likes, shares or followers.


An excellent graphic can help you to achieve your aim by only getting attention from social media users.


Graphics can boost users to share content to their feed. This can help you reach users outside your direct network. It is like mouth-to-mouth marketing for the digital age.


Graphics output can drive users back to the site. Around 75% of users on Instagram visit the business’s website after seeing a brand’s post on the app.


9. Good Design & Marketing are an Investment.


While planning a social media campaign, think about what you want to create and whether you can give justice. If not, you should consider a graphics designer or top graphic designing agencies.


If you need to create an informational video, get help from experts. This can increase the chance of sharing and visibility. Remember, high-quality content is worth investing.


As stated above, graphic designing is a technical skill that helps students build a career. The same way the IT field also has its name and professionalism. As a graphic designer, you might have the opportunity to work in an IT firm or be a part of a web development project. 


Certain niches or professional practices in the IT field can be very particular. People have a work ethic and working environment that a freelancer might not be familiar with. I would suggest budding designers and social media artists to work with the IT companies to understand these practices and adjust to them. Not only IT but graphic designers/ students working part-time must learn professionalism. 



10. You will be remembered.


Graphic design is a great tool to produce a memorable marketing message. It increases customer engagement and achieves results. App users on social media are getting updated with new images and call to action.


Graphic design can help you to produce great marketing messages. It ensures your brand can stand out in the crowd. It is proven that the human brain processes visual data better so that information sticks.




Social media depends on a unique graphic design. It boosts engagement, enhances UI and improves advertisements. Graphic design can help social media profiles and brands stand out in the market. Graphic designing is ever-evolving in social media.