How To Market Your Business Effectively During COVID-19

Many small businesses are freaking out right now, it’s understandable, COVID-19 has brought a lot of uncertainty, but you can still market your business effectively – learn how.

How To Market Your Business Effectively During COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has thrown the world into chaos, bringing with it a time of unparalleled economic uncertainty. Businesses have closed, millions of people have been furloughed, and there has been a significant decline in consumer spending – but that’s no reason to panic. 


By marketing your business in the right way, you can not only ensure that it stays afloat throughout the pandemic but flourishes once it’s over as well. After all, the lockdown has provided you with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to evaluate your own company, looking for areas where cuts could be made or you could be focusing more of your time thinking about.


With this in mind, join us as we go through some top tips on how to market your business effectively during the pandemic. 


  1. Utilize Social Media.


While it may be the least of your concerns right now, keeping your consumers engaged through marketing is paramount to ensuring you get through this period unscathed. And what better way is there to engage with potential customers than via your social media platforms. 


Especially now that everyone is stuck in lockdown, people will be using their social media accounts more than ever to get through the hard times. Therefore, make sure your business is front and centre on their newsfeed by providing them with relevant content that will keep your business in their mind whenever they need your services. 


  1. Improve Your Online Presence.


While on the subject of keeping your consumers engaged with your business, why not use the time you have available during the lockdown to improve your business’ online presence? 


Whether it be through making updates to your website, working with an SEO service provider, investing in paid search or simply rejuvenating your social media profiles, keeping on top of your business’ online presence is imperative to keeping your consumers interested. 


  1. Prepare For Post-COVID-19.


The lockdown may largely be seen as a huge hindrance to businesses but it doesn’t have to be. Utilised in the right way, you can use your time during lockdown to the benefit of your business – especially in terms of preparing for the aftermath of the pandemic. 


Once this is all over, it’ll pay dividends to be prepared well enough in advance. Therefore, make sure you do exactly that – work on your post-COVID-19 marketing campaigns, contact a bespoke printing service in advance, and mock-up a plan of attack to use as and when required. 


  1. Offer Incentives.


Most of the advertising platforms you currently see over the internet or on TV aren’t really appropriate for the time – travel agencies are currently recommending ‘beautiful places to visit’ while other ads aim to encourage consumers to go out on a spending spree. 


Therefore, it’s important to ensure your business’ advertising efforts are time-appropriate and relevant to each of your target consumers. 


After all, to be successful in marketing, it’s vital to be able to move with the times. If you’re selling a product or service that nobody can really use right now, adapt your approach in a way that encourages consumer engagement in a different way. 


For example, by offering incentives to consumers, such as giveaways or prize draws, you can help drive website traffic and ensure your business stays in the mind of your consumers. 


  1. Don’t React Too Hastily. 


Yes, times are hard right now, but that’s no reason to undo years and years of hard work, time and effort. Therefore, before you act too hastily and make cuts left, right and centre, it’s important to prioritise what you think your business needs. 


While it may be difficult to predict when this pandemic will end and when the government’s lockdown restrictions will be lifted, don’t give up hope too easy. This will all come to an end eventually and life will get back to the way it was. 


In the meantime, you simply need to react in the appropriate way for your business, only making cuts to spending or production avenues as and when absolutely necessary. 


Final thoughts…


The coronavirus outbreak may continue to wreak havoc on businesses throughout the globe but, with the right processes in place, you can help ensure your company makes it through relatively unscathed. 


In essence, it all comes down to three key areas: being sensible when it comes to making decisions, taking every effort to keep your consumers engaged, and being organized enough in advance to prepare for the future. 


By ensuring you do each of these three things effectively, you can not only help keep your business afloat during the pandemic, but you can also potentially bring in fresh customers and profit once it’s over as well.