WordPress Tips

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If you want to improve your WordPress site, from load speed to finding the right plugins to add functionality – take a look at these posts.

2 12, 2015

Things to Consider When Launching a Blog

2015-12-02T16:30:45-08:00By |

So, you're planning on launching a blog?While many people blog for personal reasons, blogging can also prove beneficial for business owners and entrepreneurs. It will allow you to reach a larger audience; connect with your readers on a more personal level; and generate more sales/conversions. However, there are a few things to consider before starting [...]

4 11, 2015

The SEO Power of WordPress

2015-11-04T17:32:45-08:00By |

Still haven't jumped on the WordPress bandwagon?Powering more than one hundred million websites and counting, WordPress has become the world's most popular content management system (CMS). It's fast, free, versatile, and can be optimized for higher search rankings.Automatic Search Engine 'Pinging'By default, each time you publish a new post or page, WordPress will automatically ping [...]

12 10, 2015

9 WordPress Plugins That Add Functionality And Power

2015-10-12T13:30:15-07:00By |

One advantage of using WordPress as a content management system is the countless array of plugins that enhance a website’s functionality and increase its power. The nine WordPress plugins contained in this list do just that. Many are free while others offer pro versions that include added features and provide user support and help.1. Yoast SEOThis [...]

16 09, 2015

Hosted vs Self-Hosted WordPress Websites

2015-09-16T16:20:36-07:00By |

WordPress has become the world's most popular and widely used content management system (CMS), powering tens of millions of websites and blogs. It's fast, efficient, versatile, and loaded with features. If you're thinking about using WordPress, however, you'll need to choose between the hosted and self-hosted version. Many people are surprised to learn that there are [...]

4 09, 2015

WordPress Security 101: Safeguard Your Site from Hackers

2015-09-04T15:13:30-07:00By |

Does your website run the content management system (CMS) WordPress? According to a study conducted by EnableSecurity, 73% of the top 40,000 WordPress websites are susceptible to hacking. Numbers such as these may sound discouraging, but securing a WordPress site is actually a relatively easy process that we're going to discuss in greater detail today. Use [...]

22 10, 2013

WordPress: Using Shortcodes With Your Widgets

2013-10-22T21:28:08-07:00By |

Widgets are handy little applications that can be added to your website or blog to do important things like helping you with SEO, useful things like creating custom sidebars, or fun things like showing time zones from around the world.  If you already have a Wordpress website, chances are that you're probably a little familiar [...]

24 07, 2012

How to Create Custom Sidebars in WordPress

2012-07-24T20:31:21-07:00By |

Two WordPress Plugins that will allow you to create custom sidebars for pages and posts and add custom images for categories, pages and posts. As many people have discovered, WordPress is a great way to create seo friendly web sites that look fantastic. Even [...]

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