Top Habits That Make It Easy To Come Up With Great Logo Ideas

Successful entrepreneurs and brand designers share the same habits that make coming up with great logo ideas quite a bit easier — find out what they are.

Top Habits That Make It Easy To Come Up With Great Logo Ideas

As a designer, the first thing you think of when brainstorming great logo ideas is all the research it takes prior to setting pencil to paper.

I mean, to create a great logo design is to do extensive research on the business, the business name, the brand image, the visual communication, the messaging and of course the customer.

Any graphic designer will tell you…

what you consume becomes what you create and produce in your design.

As an entrepreneur or a graphic designer you have to make sure you consume the right information in order to come up with great logo ideas.

Sure there are some basic logo design guidelines that everyone should follow; which we’ll talk about, but there’s also some life habits that successful designers put into practice that have proven to make the process of coming up with great logo ideas a whole lot easier. We’re going to look at those too.

It wouldn’t be wrong to say that your logo design is the foundation of your branding efforts. If your logo fails to impress your target audience, everything  goes down hill from there.

Simple over Intricate Logos

When your goal is to stamp a memorable visual connection into your customers mind, choosing simple designs over intricate ones is the way to go.

Your logo design should be able to attract customers, and communicate your brand message.

This is exactly why professional brand designers focus on creating minimalist logo designs. Simple designs tend to capture more customers because they are easy to understand and have clarity in design. You should try to choose a design that is not too intricate because having too many intricate details in the logo design may confuse your customers.


Your logo should align with your brand identity.

Great logo ideas deliver your brand promise ultimately helping you establish credibility and authenticity of your brand. Effective branding not only solidifies a strong identity and relatability with your customers, but is directly related to an increase in customer loyalty and profits.

In fact, according to a survey done by Pitchbook in 2014, 82 percent of investors consider brand strength and name recognition as becoming more important.


All this to be said, when it comes to creating a truly great Logo design, ideas don’t come easy. Great ideas simply don’t happen overnight, they take research, planning and creative execution. If this is a challenge you’re ready to take on start incorporating these habits that will help make generating great logo ideas a whole lot easier.

When surveyed, these were the top habits that leading brand designers used to make it easier to come up with great Logo Ideas:



Consider what you consume

What you consume reflects what ideas you are producing. Books, articles, and tv show that you consume influence what ideas you generate. If you’re taking in a lot of crappy content as resources, you are more likely to produce crappy ideas. So, make sure you consume the right content to create the outcome that you are looking for.

Share what you consume

You can enrich your ideas by sharing them with the people around you. Often when you share what you consume, you’re able to gain perspective that you wouldn’t have come up with on your own.

Shape what you consume

Try to expand your ideas with what you have experienced and expose yourself to valuable insights. It will help you shape your ideas.

Do a little more research

Do more research about your field and the industry that you are working in. In doing so, you will keep track of what is happening, what’s trending and what’s been overdone.

Maintain a journal and do it the right way

Try to write down the ideas that come your way. Start journaling your thoughts and ideas to strategize your goals. This is going to help you take that great logo idea and make it a great logo in actual use.

Keep yourself fit mentally and physically

Many successful personalities of the world require not only mental fitness but also physical fitness. I know this can seem silly, but clearing the mind with a quick work out sessions is proven to help prepare successful business owners to run their business more efficiently. I personally, use the 7 Minute workout app to break up my work day — you wouldn’t believe how helpful it is to refresh the brain.

So, if you want to be successful, you have got to be strong mentally and physically.

Remove your fear

Sometimes, the only barrier standing between you and your success is the fear of failure. Try to shift your focus in making productive habits and focus on achieving your goal(s) and ideas that solve your problems.

Try going without a device

Taking a break from all your electronic gadgets can often be the only way to bring sanity. I dare you to try it for one day, just to see what it’s like and how focused you could be. It will provide you with time to take care of your health, fitness, and be more productive in your work.

Don’t give up

We’ve all hit the wall before, but there’s a big difference between stepping away and giving up. So, step away, come back and find a new source of inspiration for your daily goals.

Surround yourself with positive people

Positive people don’t tear people down — they lift people up. Negative people say negative things and ultimately this has an impact on what you do and how you execute your work. The only negative you should be working with is ‘negative space’. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t listen to the people you choose to share your ideas with, it just means choose people who’s constructive criticism is just that – constructive.

Listen and Learn

When you listen to people, you always learn something. By being a good listener, you are showing that you care about the other person and helping them express their feelings. There are so many times I simply don’t want to hear a clients feedback. That being said, more often than not the clients’ input is exactly what the logo needed. That’s a tough lesson for many designers to learn.

Stay organized and pay attention to details

When you are organized, you can have more focus on your work and be more productive. Making extra efforts to stay organized is going to help you set your goal and work through it positively. And paying attention to details will help you to solve your problems in your work.



Coming up with great logo ideas is a process and it’s just one of the many tasks that you have to perfect as an entrepreneur. When in doubt always consider the purpose of logo design as it applies to your business.