7 Free Tools to Find Great Content Ideas for Your Blog

Stuck trying to find great content ideas for your blog? This post has 7 FREE tools that will help you break through that wall and get to publishing.

Free Tools to Find Great Content Ideas

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Generating ideas for your blog or website requires some preparation. Do you want to distribute information that your audience isn’t interested in? There are free tools that can make your life easier by speeding up the creation of catchy ideas many times over. 

Learning information about simple but effective ways can help you take your business to the next level. Do you want to become a brand that predicts what its users want? Take advantage of a few tips from industry experts from Contenthub.

1. Answer The Public

This tool is designed to make your job easier and improves its database of search queries to do so. About 3.5 billion searches are generated every day and can be used to grow your business. How does it work? Instead of blindly researching a situation, you have the ability to shed light on audience behavior. 

Answer The Public is a tool that helps you understand what people are looking for. In some ways, the tool is autocompleted when you type queries into Google. The database that is used to work is created based on millions of user questions. The purpose of using it comes down to the following:

  • predicting the end of queries;
  • analysis of the information already specified;
  • structuring the information to create a data source.

The algorithm of the work is similar to the one used by Google, but it makes it possible to provide help for generating ideas. Clients can discover niche ideas, identify gaps and attract organic traffic. In addition to the free version, there is an option to use the paid one.

2. Reddit

This popular platform has become a real source of ideas, and that’s why it’s one of the top 6 well-known resources. Companies can start communicating with 330 million users, and this is not a bad start for startups and other organizations. The number of visits to the resource is growing, so it’s worth taking a closer look at development trends.

To assess the level of engagement in your theme, you can find the right forum. Thanks to the availability of more than 1 million variants it becomes very easy to collect the target audience. Analyzing the data will allow you to compile a list of topics that arouse the most interest, and then develop your channel/company/brand.

Tactics for successful use of the platform consist of several effective steps:

  • searching for discussions that are relevant to your business;
  • researching the problems of your target audience that you can solve;
  • finding out about the problems of colleagues who have already sought answers on the platform;
  • creating content based on the information received;
  • dissemination of useful information on the blog or social networks.

A high-quality work done will allow you to study the requirements of potential customers and find effective solutions. Yes, this process takes time, but the results are worth it.

3. Quora

This platform is like a forum where different people share their questions and give advice to other users. The benefit of using this content tool is not so obvious, but it is worth remembering the purpose of creating a business: the owner (content-maker) needs to know what the audience cares about and how to close this need.

It is not enough just to open a forum to find new ideas. You will still have to create an account to research the required issue. To do this, you can open a rubric with popular questions, check out other users’ evaluations, and look at your product (offer) through other people’s eyes.

There are other reasons to use this platform for creating ideas and working with content. Experts highlight the following ones:

  1. Creating your own portfolio. Answers and questions on your page will allow you to get to know your readers and increase the level of trust. The more positive comments you get on your page, the better it is.
  2. Adding links. The popularity of the platform is related to the easy promotion of a personal account. The questions that end up on your page will certainly attract attention. To get the right audience to find your site, simply add a link to your answer.

You can find a lot of interesting things as a result of searching, because people’s thinking is different. However, you will still have to create a content plan and intentionally search for publications on topics you are interested in to complete the task successfully. The main advantage of this forum is the absence of any fee to read the content.

4. Google Webmaster Tools

The tool is in demand because it allows you to search for keywords and phrases you haven’t thought of before. The combination of several free services will allow you to not only generate an idea, but also make it popular and spread it on the Internet.

The advantage of this way of searching for ideas is that you can generate as much traffic as possible by using the right keyword queries. Moreover, you will be able to see real statistics and assume the result of the work.

You shouldn’t rely entirely on Google Webmaster Tools. The reason is that you can only form a base of keywords, not create content. Do you see a keyword phrase that allows you to generate traffic? Use that knowledge while creating fresh new ideas.

5. Google Keyword Planner

Those content creators who have discovered this keyword tool at least once will no longer be able to give it up. The secret of its huge popularity lies in the fact that you only need to enter a small query to create a text. The system will give you cues on a given topic and allow you to generate a post that users will appreciate.

You don’t have to make any effort to use it successfully. The user needs to:

  • enter the term you are interested in;
  • read the suggested terminology options;
  • create an innovative idea for promotion.

Since masters don’t require any usage skills, Google Keyword Planner is ideal for beginners and experienced masters as well.

6. Google Suggest

You can use Google Suggest to search for ideas for an article or material for your blog. The algorithm is simple: you specify your keyword phrases and the system tells you how to use them further. It’s an easy way to see what gaps there are in the information field.

Despite the fact that there are other tools, this one is always in high demand. It is probably due to the trust to the brand. In addition, the tool performs well in everyday life. If your ideas for themed posts aren’t enough, it’s worth taking the help of the great Google.

7. Soovle

Working on content creation often forces you to look for unexpected and creative solutions. If that works for you, it’s worth using Soovle. Here you will find ideas that are not often used by brands and show excellent results.

Using this tool allows you to discover not just keywords, but also “tails”. This advantage comes in handy for those who promote content on well-known sites:

  • Bing;
  • Yahoo;
  • Answers.com;
  • YouTube;
  • Wikipedia;
  • Amazon.

In this way, you manage to get a huge amount of data, which will be used in the future in the process of creating ideas. This service is enough to get you started on those platforms where long keywords are more common (the same Google).


Finding great content ideas for you blog isn’t always easy, but these tools should help make it much easier. Content writing is essential for the successful online promotion of any website. You have to research and use winning keywords but still answer the users’ questions in detail and support them on each of the stages of the decision-making process.