Important Content Marketing Tools for Writers

Get the top content marketing tools for research, management, and creating visuals for creating content regularly for online marketing.

Content Marketing Tools for Writers

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Thanks to the internet, the writing business has been booming for the past decade. Writing content is only half the job. Your endgame is to reach as many from your target audience as you possibly can, and without the right Content Marketing Tools, even the best piece of writing will fail to have a meaningful impact.

More and more people are seeing the appeal and getting involved in content marketing, which means content providers need to constantly up their marketing game to keep on top of this fast-growing, highly competitive industry. 

There are currently about 1.7 billion websites worldwide, but over 90% of them see no regular traffic from search engines. This is because their marketing teams lack the means for effectively distributing their content to a wide audience. Quality writing and effective marketing go hand in hand. One is no good without the other. If you are a writer or a writing service looking for ways to extend the reach of your work,  join us as we explore the best content marketing tools for writers.

Research Tools

1. Google Trends

Easily the most useful tool for planning your marketing strategy. It is no secret that Google is a dominant search engine, spanning over a monopoly-like 90% market share. Google Trends offers free statistics that graphically display search tendencies over time and correlate the frequency and phrasing of requested searches with the time of day and user demographics. 

Such a portal gives valuable insight into what people are interested in and helps identify the keywords that can move up your content in search results. 

Yes, creating and distributing your work in an ever-expanding ocean of online content is not as easy or straightforward as it might seem. Making your final product impactful and setting it up for popularity is a complicated, multi-variable, step-by-step process.

We can break it down into these seven stages :

  • Market research – understanding what your target audience is looking for and gathering relevant data to share on the matter.
  • Sourcing – finding and establishing connections with subject-matter experts.
  • Writing – kind of self-explanatory. Using online writing tools makes the process more efficient and less error-prone.
  • SEO – optimizing your content according to the working principles and prioritization… of search engines to increase traffic.
  • Adding visuals – populating your content with images, videos, graphs, and visualizations to increase comprehensibility.
  • Distribution – spreading your final product across various platforms. Keep in mind content marketing goes on way beyond initial publication.
  • Analyses – evaluating how well your content has done, based on predetermined KPI targets.

2. Feedly

Do you, like so many others, keep up with your news by jumping between twelve different websites and apps while bookmarking and screen-shooting stuff you want to return to? Such a cluttered mess can make you lose track of everything and turn you into a scatterbrain.

Feedly is a hub for all content-writing news and publishing you may need to keep track of. It is a specialized portal for writers and marketers that brings scattered content all in one place.  It lets you customize your feed, save articles for later, and follow particular sources. Feedly is a news source equivalent to a shopping mall.

You can even use it to monitor your competition’s progress. After all, to come out ahead, you need to know your enemy!

3. BuzzSumo

BuzzSumo lets you know what topics are trending in the content-writing world and even spotlights publishers who are the main trend drivers. If you upgrade to a paid premium subscription, you will be able to track usage and share rates of particular content. Knowing which articles are frequently downloaded and shared across social media the most is of obvious use in the planning stage of your marketing. 

BuzzSumo allows you to keep your finger on the pulse of the dynamic and complex writing industry. Services like this are what maps are to war tacticians. They show you the industry landscape so you can consistently hit the right spot with your choice of content and marketing strategy. 

Content Management Tools

1. Grammarly

Writing can be a joyful and self-enriching experience. Devising a marketing strategy can be as interesting as it is challenging. In contrast, no one likes proofreading and spell-checking. Those are universally acknowledged burdens and chores. Grammarly is an advanced writing assistant that does the dirty work for you and does it better than you even could. It doesn’t stop at mere spell-check but also offers knowledgeable advice regarding your wording and sentence structure. I am using it at this very moment as I am writing this. 

2. Google Docs

This one you should be well familiar with. Google Docs is slowly becoming a default content management system. It is increasingly challenging the long-lived king – Microsoft Office and has established itself as a basic tool in any content writer’s toolkit. 

Google Docs is constantly being modified with enhanced features and intuitive controls to make the workflow as efficient and user-friendly as possible. It’s a cloud-based service, making the content accessible from anywhere and modifiable in real-time; it features built-in Grammarly service and is equipped with all text editing/styling tools you can wish for. 

Google Docs is a true workhorse and a swiss army knife when it comes to content creation and management. 

3. WordPress

WordPress is a highly versatile open-source content management system used for building websites. With WordPress, starting up a website from scratch is no longer an arduous and expensive endeavor reserved for tech-savvy computer rats. Its intuitive and beginner-friendly interface speaks to the layman and doesn’t require a degree in programming. You can choose the design of your website from many available templates or custom-create your own. 

Because of its practicality and ease of use, WordPress has long established itself as a household name and a clear leader in its playing field. 

And now to our titular subject: Marketing tools

1. Mutiny

Mutiny is a clever platform that uses AI-driven software to personalize with its user and crank out content recommendations. It even lets you customize their website in real time. 

A high level of customization allows you to directly appeal to your target audience and adjust to different requirements. You can make your platform compatible with mobile devices, for example, and target different users with different pop-ups and terms of service. The AI tracks visitors’ actions and surf history, allowing you to address customers with personalized pitches. Tailoring a product to individual needs is a mark of any top-notch service from Rolls-Royce to suit tailoring. That is why wiser students go with write unity writing services when they need high-quality work that answers the custom needs of their assignments. 

If you don’t wish to settle for mainstream templates and want to have maximum control over your platform, Mutiny should be your service of choice.

2. Quuu

Social media is the lifeblood of any modern marketing. Quuu offers you the means to increase your social media presence and boost your content across many SM platforms. 

The working principle is simple and very effective – In return for a paid subscription, other users agree to spread and promote your material online. This way, instead of taking on a full load of marketing on yourself or your company, you can decentralize the effort and reach a much wider audience. Furthermore, the sharing process is not random; your content is categorized and paired with users who are close to the subject matter and host relevant blogs. 

Quuu is a very effective distribution service, the benefits of which far outweigh the moderate subscription price you are asked of. You can’t go far nowadays without a strong social media presence. 

3. HubSpot

HubSpot is an automated content marketing system that operates with minimal effort and maximum results. The effort that you were spared was spent by the engineers and programmers who created powerful AI and software algorithms that govern the HubSpot system. The platform features fully automated email distribution and social media management services that help you spread your content quickly and efficiently.

HubSpot has proven so effective that most content-sharing companies use it as their default content marketing program. If you are looking for an easy but proven way of increasing traffic, HubSpot is the way to go.

Last but not least: Visual Tools

1. Canva

Visualizations are the meat of a text. It’s when your storytelling comes alive. Without them, your writing can quickly turn into an unendurable snooze fest that is hard to follow and slowly bores readers into a coma.

Canva is meant for non-professional designers. It is a free-to-use and simple design tool that any jabroni can quickly get the hang of. It is a very user-friendly and convenient program that will come in handy when you need to enhance your content with visuals like graphs or pie charts. 

Visualizations interspersed within written content greatly increase the readability and informativeness of material. Why write an extra hundred words when you can throw in a single telling graphic that always does a better job of getting the idea across? 

2. Unsplash, Pexels, Pixabay …

Stock photo websites are a free and easy way to source pictures and videos relevant to your content without worrying about copyright claims. Unsplash, particularly, is home to one of the biggest libraries of any stock photo resource. Photos and videos are a great way to liven up your text; make it more inviting and eye-pleasing. 

Vision has been crowned as the most powerful and influential sensory medium. Visuals will linger in the reader’s subconscious long after the written text has faded and make your content much more memorable. 

To wrap up

We have taken a long journey, so let us recapitulate all the takeaways that we have covered in respect to these Content Marketing Tools. A successful writing service needs to pair the quality of content with a stellar marketing strategy. You need to conduct thorough market research, source competent help to ensure a high standard of material, keep working on distribution and popularisation way beyond publication, and analyze your previous work to eliminate mistakes in the future and keep improving. 

There are many marketing tools out there, and this list is far from complete, but we are fairly confident we picked out the best the online world has to offer. Follow our advice and see how they supercharge your path to success!