Can’t Create? Repurpose!

7 Amazing Strategies To Reuse Your Best Content

Reuse Your Best Content

At this stage in the game, we’re all pretty well versed in the SEO benefits a stellar blog can bring. By building your brand authority and connecting with your target market through your company blog, you can see your website rise through the Google rankings. This goes for other content marketing too; videos, webinars, e-books, podcasts and infographics.

But creating world class content on a daily basis isn’t always a realistic goal. We have deadlines looming, clients to meet and a to-do list the length of our arm. Creating content that people want to read or watch is a labor intensive task so, the more you can do to maximize the work put in by you or your team, the better.

That’s where re-purposing your content can save time and resources. All of the excellent research and ideas that went in to one killer piece of content can be reused to create more.

Here are seven amazing strategies for reusing the best of your online content:

  1. Create Timeless Content From the Get-Go

Sometimes something really relevant to your industry happens and it’s all over the news. In these situations it’s ok to create content about this time sensitive event. As a general rule, however, it’s much better (when you’re aiming to recycle content) to create something timeless that will always be relevant. That way, revisiting and recycling old content is made a little easier.

This type of content is also referred to as Evergreen content, and here are a few tips to help you make your content stand the test of time:

a) Answer common questions your audience has. Don’t just answer the question, provide an insightful and in-depth, step by step explanation that will help ensure your answer is the go-to answer online. This type of post often comes in the form of a How-To f0rmat.

b) Provide a Case Study. Case studies are typically long form in-depth reviews that provide insight, clarity and resolution to an industry hurdle. Consequently case studies are backed by research, facts and proven results making them a true source of evergreen content.

c) Infographics and Video. Infographics and video use the same approaches as listed above just with a different media and possibly more effective media. People are drawn to formats that let you compile a large amount of helpful information in a manner that is visually appealing and easy for the reader or viewer to quickly get through.


  1. Revisit and Update Blog Posts

Go back to old blog posts that proved popular and ask yourself if anything can be updated. Has a new study revealed a little more about your blog topic? Has someone with a different perspective on the issue come out and said so? Update your blogs, add new images and play with titles to boost your readership.

jetpack for worpress

If you’re using WordPress there are a ton of great plugins to help you quickly see which posts have performed the best over time. One of my favorites is JetPack, as I believe it provides the best stats for WordPress. Stats lets you know how many visits your site gets, and what posts and pages are the most popular. An added benefit is that JetPack can help increase your blogs readership through it’s related posts feature.


  1. Put a Different Spin on the Same Topic

Think of ways you can expand on the same topic by putting a different spin on it. For instance, a home improvement website creates a successful blog post on the best ways to add value to your home. They could then create another post on the worst things to do if you’re trying to add value to your home. And another showing real life examples of the worst things people have done to their homes. Look at a central concept from a variety of angles to create heaps of content from the one idea.


  1. Create New Content Showcasing Your Best Old Content

A blog post, email or video talking about your most popular content of the past year is a good way to treat newer readers to your all-time content highlights. Or perhaps, you already have blog posts that outline the best tools, books, products and resources in your industry so you could compile them all into one awesome resource list or guide. If you happen to have a particularly insightful post, you could even turn that into a downloadable eBook.


  1. Put Your Content Into a Different Format

Once you have content that works, there are endless things you can do with it. Much will depend on the content you start with and the market you’re appealing to but YouTube videos, white papers, e-books, infographics, live streams, social media posts or an email series are all possible avenues to explore.

There are several online tools that can help you turn your existing content into infographics and animated content for YouTube. One of the most popular is Canva; which allows you to relatively quickly create infographics and animated gifs.


And check out VioMatic an online tool that will help you quickly turn online content into video:


  1. Drill Down into Data

If your company has conducted a research study or is reporting on one, your initial content on the subject is likely to give a broad overview of findings. Make more of your study by drilling down into the data and building new content around specific points raised by the research.

With consistent publication of high-quality, data-driven jounalism, you can grow your blog to 100,000 readers within two years. Neil Patel


  1. Publish on Third Party Sites

Some sites allow you to publish old content that has already been published on your own website. Guest posts of this nature are often allowed provided you disclose that that content has been published previously and link back to the original post. There’s a great selection of websites to try, offering the prospect of greatly increasing your content reach too. Here is a short list of some of the best sites to republish your content on:

1. Reddit

2. Inbound

3. Medium

4. Stumbleupon


6. Quora

7. Bizsugar

8. FlipBoard


Besides making the best use of the time you dedicate to content creation, repurposing content can also help you to reach a wider audience. Putting your content into a variety of mediums and placing it on a variety of platforms will engage a more diverse selection of your target market.