30+ Insights You Need to Know About Video Marketing in 2018 (Infographic)

If video isn’t part of your marketing strategy in 2018 — it should be! This Video Marketing In 2018 Infographic will help you benefit from video in 2018.

video marketing in 2018

Video content consumption is reaching the highest point in the last few years. The year 2018 is not an exception for that. Cisco predicted that by 2021, videos will make up 82% of global internet traffic.


The way people use Internet is completely different now. Regular content marketing just won’t cut the way it used to, especially for Business-to-Consumer (B2C) companies.


Social media networks play a big role in affecting how people interact with content on the internet. Many social media are now paying more attention to video content – like Facebook and Instagram –  and many video content platforms are becoming more social, like YouTube. This state of social media opens up a new horizon for video marketing. You can practically shoot, edit, share, and promote your videos from the palm of your hands these days.


Along with the growth of their users, new features are added every now and then by social media developersmost of which are related to video content. Let’s take a look at some of these social media updates and how they can fit into your video marketing strategy.


LinkedIn Native Video Update


LinkedIn has always been the go-to platform for building professional relationships, but it lacked video marketing potential.


Mid 2017, LinkedIn launched an update that allows users to (finally) upload their videos natively to the platform without having to link from another website like YouTube or Vimeo. This update obviously improves LinkedIn’s viability in being used as a video marketing platform.


You can finally share a brand-building content like explainer videos1 with all your professional connection on LinkedIn. This will massively increase your brand’s visibility, especially if you work for a B2B company.


Facebook Creator’s App


Facebook Creator App is a multi-platform management app that allows brands to customize their Facebook Live broadcast with features like custom intro and outro, reactions, emojis, frames and many more to come.


Better yet, this app allows you to receive notifications for BOTH Facebook and Instagram so you don’t have to jump back and forth between apps to reply messages and comments.


Breadnbeyond, an explainer video company, compiled 30+ other important updates, predictions, and facts about video marketing on social media platforms in 2018. Check them out in this infographic:

video marketing in 2018 infographic