5 Useful Marketing Tech Integrations for Your Business

Eliminate repetitive tasks and increase your productivity with these 5 marketing tech integrations to help automate and streamline your business.

Useful Marketing Tech Integrations

Photo by Christina Morillo from Pexels


Owning a business is no laughing matter. You’ll find yourself wearing way too many hats and struggling to keep up.

You already know that it’s up to you to do all that you can to grow and expand your business. If you are feeling overwhelmed, don’t worry, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Make use of marketing tech integrations to help free up your time and reduce tasks.

Choosing the right marketing tech for your business isn’t always easy, and that’s why we’ve put together this post. Here are the 5 most useful marketing tech integrations that will benefit your growing company.

1. Automate Your SMS System for Mass Marketing

Email marketing is a major part of your online sales strategy. The key is to reach as many people as you can. The onus is on you to do so in the shortest possible period of time. Even as you do so, there are other emails coming in from your rivals in the industry. You need to hit quickly and very memorably.


One of the best things you can do to master the art of tech integration is to use a modern SMS api system. Doing so will allow you to send a wide mass of texts to all of the people on your outreach list. This eliminates the need to personalize each of them. You can create a single message that reaches everyone at once. This will save you time and effort.

2. Use Software to Automate Your Content Marketing

Content marketing is one of the areas where you may have to spend the most time. This doesn’t need to be the case if you are using the right modern software. The idea should always be to automate as many of your marketing processes as you can. This will free you up to complete other tasks and plan for your future.


Once you have created the content that you want to upload, you can store it in the system. When the time comes to post it, the software can do all of the work on your behalf. This will ensure smooth and steady delivery of content to all of your various locations on the web. The process is quick and totally seamless.

For a deep dive into how to use automation for content marketing, click here.

3. Automate Your Closed-Loop Funnel Tracking

Closed-loop funnel tracking is a strategy that lets you keep all of your sales and marketing data closely connected. This gives you the advantage of being able to track the total return on every investment that you make. The key here is that you will know which moves are paying off and which ones need to be revised.


You can use a handy series of new software programs to completely revamp your closed-loop funnel tracking strategy. The incentive to do so will be to have more control of every bit of content that goes out in your name. You will gain the ability to gauge the impact of every post in terms of the gain it yields.

4. Automate Your Advertising on Social Media Pages

Advertising on the web is a very different process from doing so in the physical world. You can reach a great many more people on the web than you can through any other means. But to have the most impact, you need to use integration tools. Doing so will give you the ability to streamline and diversify your strategy.


There are many different types of marketing software that will prove useful for your business. One of the best tools you can buy is a software program that is dedicated to automating your web advertising. You can use it to deliver ads to all of your social media network pages and other locations.

5. Control All of Your Assets and New Creations

The new breed of marketing integrations will help you to control your existing system. They can also help you create and market a whole new series of assets. You can use the software to integrate all of it together in one coherent initiative.


How To Use Marketing Tech Integrations to Drive Sales?

Despite all the improvements in technology, one of the biggest hurdles for any business is to reach new customers. Customers do a lot of research online before making a purchase. This is something that every business can take advantage of to better reach and communicate with prospective customers. Thankfully, this is something that automation software can help with in the lead generation process. Click here for 10 ways to increase leads and sales with marketing automation software.

It’s Time to Integrate Your Online Marketing

Are you ready to grow and expand your business?

The best way to do so will be to make use of the best marketing tech integrations. This includes software that can help you integrate and streamline your various processes. Doing so will be a huge boost in efficiency. It will also help you to reach a global audience much faster.

If you need help finding the best automation tools for your business, find the best tools here.