10 Effective Tips to Promote Your YouTube Channel

Video is like all other forms of content – you have to promote it! Learn how to promote your YouTube channel effectively right here.

10 Effective Tips and Tricks to Promote Your YouTube Channel


YouTube is the single largest video sharing platform in the world, providing an active audience of viewers for business seeking to build their brands.

YouTube allows companies and individuals to open a free channel and share their videos. However, merely opening a YouTube channel and publishing videos often isn’t enough. Many of you may have discovered this already. Just like any other content, you also need to promote your YouTube channel to reach your viewers.

Reasons to Promote a YouTube Channel

With over two billion users logging on to YouTube every month, it’s a vital resource that any organization or individual that wants to open a channel, can’t y afford to ignore. 

Therefore, how does one reach their audience, considering there’re close to a whopping 40 million channels on YouTube?

To help you, here’re 10 effective tips and tricks to promote your YouTube channel. These are time-tested and proven methods to promote your YouTube channel.

10 Effective Tips and Tricks to Promote a YouTube Channel

Digital marketers and especially YouTube marketers aver that promoting a channel can be fairly easy if you’ve the proper skills and knowledge about what to do. There’re rather simple tips and tricks that one can easily deploy for promoting any YouTube channel. Here’re the 10 effective tips and tricks that you could use effectively.

1. Use Proper Keywords

Use the proper keywords for your YouTube video.

Creating a video on a single longtail keyword helps people to access it easily. You can look for the most searched keywords online. Often, YouTube has been unofficially known as the second largest search engine in the world. That’s because people look for videos using specific keywords. The use of proper keywords in the video will also make it easier to do Search Engine Optimization. For more tips on how to use keywords for your YouTube videos, click here.

2. Superb Thumbnails

Very often I watch a video simply because the thumbnail appears very attractive and appealing. And I’m sure that countless people also do the same. Therefore, use superb and attractive thumbnails to go with your YouTube channel. Creating such thumbnails is very simple and requires some effort. However, superb thumbnails do drive traffic to your videos.

3. Appear on Videos

As the owner of the YouTube channel, it’s also important that you should appear on some of the videos that you upload. That’s because people always want to see the face behind such videos. You can appear in all videos if you like, merely to introduce the theme to the audience. A personal touch to these videos can help promote your YouTube channel.

4. Open a Blog

A lot of YouTubers also run a parallel blog.

That helps them to promote their YouTube channel in two ways. They blog about something and create a video to promote specific content. That way, you can drive traffic to both, your YouTube channel as well as the blog. Starting a blog nowadays is fairly simple. You can refer to any excellent tutorial on how to start a blog.

5. Rejig Old Videos

As a YouTube channel owner, you might have some videos that didn’t get much traffic but had superb content. You can take content from these videos or rejig them to the latest format and add animations or graphics. You could relaunch these videos with superb thumbnails and some personal touch by appearing on them where possible.

6. Create Engaging Videos

The very reason that you’re uploading videos on a YouTube channel is to engage people. Therefore, create videos that people would love to watch. Generally, people love viewing interviews, personal stories and of course how-to videos. If you’re promoting a brand or product or service, you can create amazing and engaging videos by interviewing happy customers for the channel.

7. Promote Your Channel on Social Media Platforms

Various social media platforms are a vital resource to promote your YouTube channel. For example, Facebook has close to 2.8 billion users while Instagram has over 500 million users. Use these social media platforms by posting videos or links to your YouTube channel. That way, you’re reaching out to countless people around the world too.

8. Upload Regularly

The frequency of your video updates on the YouTube channel does matter. In fact, the more videos you upload, the better the chances of them getting views from thousands of YouTube users. That’s also a fantastic way to keep people engaged with your YouTube channel because every viewer wants fresh content frequently. Therefore, try and upload as many videos as you can frequently.

9. Ask for Subscriptions

Another thing that you can do to promote your YouTube channel is by asking for subscriptions from viewers. There’s a bell icon on every YouTube channel that people have to push to subscribe to the channel. You can request people to engage with your channel by asking them to push this bell icon and get notifications whenever some new videos are uploaded. Monetization of YouTube channels through Google AdSense also requires that you have a specific number of minimum subscribers though there are various other methods to monetize your YouTube videos.You can personally appear on the videos and ask for subscriptions.

10. Monitor Video Quality

While it’s important to upload videos frequently and create amazing ones for people to engage, you also have to monitor their overall quality. For example, HD videos can sometimes take longer to load and a prospective viewer might lose interest and move away from your channel. And if the video is poor, you won’t get any desirable results. Instead, these can adversely impact your reputation or brand. Therefore, monitor the quality of your videos before uploading.

In Conclusion

Generally, every good YouTube marketer will advise you how to go about implementing these 10 tips practically. That’s because every organization or individual has a different niche and wants to reach out to people within that specific category only. Providing subtitles in a foreign language, if you’ll be catering to such an audience is also a superb way to promote your YouTube channel. That way, you could use a single video to reach out to a much broader viewership base, instead of limiting it one target community only.
