How to Nurture an Email and Facebook Lead into a Sale

Every online business wants to know how to convert viewers into leads and sales; this post will show you how to nurture an email for Facebook lead into a sale.

nuture lead


You have succeeded in converting the viewers of your content into leads? You spent a lot of time producing great posts for your site and Facebook page and finally, your efforts paid off: people found it useful and decided to connect with your business.

Now, you’re facing an equally challenging task: nurturing these leads into opportunities for sales. The problem is, most of these leads are not ready to make a purchase from you even though they are reading your content.

Don’t worry, you have a powerful weapon in your arsenal: your nurturing strategy. Simply explained, nurturing is the way to stay connected to a lead who is not ready to make a purchase and build up trust until they are ready.

In this article, we are going to apply effective nurturing strategies for Facebook and email leads and show you how to build up trust, step by step.

How to Nurture Email Leads

The core of email nurturing strategy is a series of emails designed to move leads down the sales cycle. The emails are different but serve the same purpose: building up trust that you provide the best deal, understand the problems of your customers, and have a solution for them.

The types of lead nurturing emails:

  • Welcome emails – used to provide the lead with contact information and “welcome them into the family.”
  • Educational emails – contain various educational materials related to the industry to build up trust in that the brand is the expert when it comes to customers’ problems.
  • Offer emails – these messages have offers that correspond to their stage in the sales cycle. For example, an email can contain information about a big upcoming sale.
  • Re-engagement emails – used to connect with prospects who have fallen off the map; for example, they view the emails but don’t visit the site to view the offers and discounts.

Let’s now see some awesome examples of welcome and offer emails.

Welcome email


This is where it all begins: you have sent a prospect the content they wanted to download. The example from Hubspot is great because it performs two important functions:

  • Personalization. The email uses the data entered by the lead to download the content. Hubspot uses this data to address the receiver by name plus the text is written in a really conversational way. For example, “just give us a call” implies casual friendliness that is preferred by the most customers.
  • Support. Starting with the very first email, the company tries to make the lead feel important by providing several ways in which they can be reached. This is a great technique for demonstration that a company is serious about what it does.

Offer Email

offer email

The email above was designed by Holland & Barrett, an online shop that sells vitamins and supplements. It lets the prospect know that the company is having a sale that ends very soon. Take a closer look at notice the following elements:

  • Hurry, last day… – creates type and shows that this email should be read further
  • Shop now, Plus Last Chance – creates the sense of urgency.


Additional Tip: be consistent and provide content on a regular basis! It helps leads to remember the name of the brand and recall it when they need it.

additonal tip

How to Nurture a Facebook Lead

Generating sales on the most popular social network in the world is possible through Facebook Lead Ads. They work just like other types of ads there but they can be seen without leaving the site (e.g., in the middle of your news feed).

For example, you can raise awareness about your services like Vende Social in this ad:

facebook lead

It contains a promotional video, a short text, and a link with an invitation to sign up for a web consultation. Even though the ad does not enjoy a lot of attention (only 6 likes), it has been viewed 6.4K times! That’s the kind of exposure a Facebook Lead ad can provide your business.

Given that people follow brands on Facebook for specific reasons like promotion, latest product information, customer service, and educating content, you should focus your social media nurturing campaign on these areas.

Tools for Nurturing Leads – a sales hub that puts all nurturing processes in a single dashboard so you can prepare next actions and analyze the conversion effort. – sales process management tool for tracking and processing leads automatically. Email personalization included. – a tool for producing marketing texts for emails and social media posts that makes attracting attention to your content easier. – a tool that makes scheduling and uploading posts on social media automatic so you can manage your Facebook lead generation effort more effectively.

Time for Nurturing!

Lead nurturing is something every business should master to increase sales. Feel free to use the tips in this article to enhance your marketing strategy and get more quality leads. Remember: even ice-cold leads can be turned into happy customers once you apply enough effort.


