How to Engage the Viewer & Generate Traffic From Your YouTube Ad

Struggling to Generate Traffic From Your YouTube Video AD? Here’s How To Capture The Viewer’s Attention in the First 5 Seconds

Generate Traffic From Your YouTube Ad

Image Source: YouTube Video Ads

Thanks to the devices we rely on so much, the attention span of the modern-day consumer is tremendously reduced. They’re short and disinterested. Gnats and goldfish are common equivalents. 


Satya Nadella, the CEO of Microsoft puts it this way:


“We are moving from a world where computing power was scarce to a place where it now is almost limitless, and where the true scarce commodity is increasingly human attention.” 


This disheartening fact is actively working against every existing and future marketing strategy, whether written, creative, or video. 


So what does this mean for video marketers


Immediately captivating a viewer’s attention within the first few seconds of a video ad is critical in order to prevent them from pressing the “skip ad” button.


In a report produced by Facebook, they found that 65% of users who watched the first three seconds of a video typically watch for at least seven more seconds, totaling ten seconds. As many as 45% of those same viewers will go on to watch as long as thirty seconds.[1]


Making a quick connection is what compels viewers to watch more. Hooking them into your world right off the bat is what intrigues them to continue consuming your ad. 


This begs the question, how can you accomplish this feat? In an already noisy marketplace, how can you combat attention spans in addition to the competition? 


Here are a few top tips on how to capture viewer attention quickly in your next video ad!

Hook Them Early

Don’t waste time getting to pain points or desired wins and relevant questions. Get to the point immediately, within the first few seconds, to entice them to keep watching to hear the rest. Promptly set the tone for the rest of the video by stating exactly what they will learn by the end.


Video Ad Hook Ideas

Here are some exciting and effective ways to reel your viewer into watching your video ads to the end.

Ask A Question

Not just any question. Ask a question you know connects with your target audience. What obstacles do they face? What goals do they have? What experiences have they lived? 


Mirror their own language back at them and state the question as they would in their own mind. 

Quote Someone Relevant

Who are the mega-industry leaders that your target audience would recognize and respect? Use their influences to make a connection. If you’re a marketer, you might go for Jeffrey Gitomer or Neil Patel. 

Provide Value Right Away

Immediately answer a burning question and go on to elaborate in your corporate video. This shows not only that you truly understand your market but it also positions you and your brand as the authority. 

Use “What If” Positioning

Use the “what if” question to show them a future that is improved or enhanced by your product or services.

What if you no longer struggled with the tech and editing of video production?” “What if every video you put out was high-quality and highly effective?”


Show them that you understand both their goals as well as obstacles by revealing their own journey to them.

Tell A Story

Obviously, you can’t tell the whole story in five seconds or less, but you can drop a few strong hints that inspire them to keep watching for “The End.” 

For this to work, you have to tell stories that your target audience wants to hear. Leave room for the viewer to see themselves as the star. Successful video ads work in the same way. 


What story defines their experience or their goals? Give them a story that operates as a mirror or a reflection of themselves. Say enough to reel them in and set the stage for the rest of the story. 

Give A Plot Twist or Make A Strong Contrast 

What’s the state of the industry? And what’s a unique perspective that you hold that may be considered an industry plot twist? “Most people do X, here’s why we do Y.”

Be Funny

Tell a joke or use humor to build rapport with your audience. This approach doesn’t work for every video and must be used delicately. But when used properly it is highly effective. 

Make An Emotional Connection

Happy, sad, angry, annoyed. These are all emotions that connect people with stories and experiences. Show emotion with your face. Use captions and music to drive it home. 


What are the biggest and most appealing benefits of your products or services? What’s in it for the audience or customer? 


Use the emotions of fear, trust, desire, and FOMO as strong marketing triggers. Don’t overdo it. Consumers are savvy and quick to spot inauthentic marketing ploys. 

Use Motions and Transitions

Motion naturally draws the eye. This is a large part of how magicians and illusionists redirect your attention with movement to draw the eyes away from the “magic” that’s happening elsewhere. 

Immediately Set Your Product Apart

What makes your product or offer better than the competition? What makes your brand unique? Say it! Open with this power statement and get people hooked on your product. 

Fascinate Them

Start out with facts and statistics to capture their interest and show you not only know your stuff but that you know what the data implies. 

Be Unpredictable

Come up with your shock factor. Nothing will entice viewers to stay the course like the element of surprise. Use dynamic sounds, interesting visuals, unique settings, or unexpected talent to keep them guessing. 

Opening Shot

Imagine how it feels to the average consumer. Here they are, minding their own business and enjoying their favorite channel or influencer when their feed is interrupted and it’s you. 


That first opening image or film frame sets the stage for what they can expect later on. It should pack a punch and pique their curiosity right away. 

Use Dynamic motions

Did you know that over 85% of Facebook users watch most social media videos and ads without any sound? [2] It’s true and I am one of those statistics!


So how can marketers combat this? It’s not impossible! Interesting transitions and frequent snappy movements help capture attention, even without sound. 


Input text overlays, use hand motions as you talk, use current dance or movement trends, and remain energetic throughout the video. Hold their attention with dynamic elements like these. 

Use Powerful SEO-Driven Titles and Descriptions

YouTube ads only allow for 25 characters in the title and 35 characters in the description. But this is powerful real estate! Even if the video itself doesn’t captivate them right away, use this text to your advantage. 

Be specific and use powerful language that is as targeted as possible. Include search terms and key phrases that your audience would be looking for. Don’t forget to include a call to action in order to have the highest possible level of impact. 

Capture Attention and Generate Traffic

Seconds are all you have to captivate your audience with your video marketing ad. If you want to Generate Traffic From Your YouTube Ad, use these video hook tips to develop an instant and compelling connection with your viewers. Create confident and creative content that captures attention and keeps eyeballs on your ads and watch the views roll in. 



