4 Email Marketing Automation Tips to 5X Your Conversion Rate

Learn how to 5X Your eCommerce conversion rate with these 4 email marketing automation tips! Don’t put this off — it could mean a huge ROI.

4 Email Marketing Automation Tips

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When it comes to online marketing every conversion counts.

The primary reason for email marketings’ popularity is that it provides a substantial Return on Investment (ROI) of $36 for every $1 spent on a campaign.


With email marketing remaining the best way to engage customers, it only makes sense to start there. In this post, we’re going to show you 4 simple email marketing automation tips that can 5X your conversion rate.

The best part about these tips is that they can be accomplished through automation. Email marketing automation strategies are used by a plethora of businesses like online retail stores, hotel rental services, educational sites, social media, and mobile apps to promote their events, promotions, and freebies. 


Because email marketing automation makes this effective form of marketing directly to your customer easier, more efficient and more profitable.

Email marketing automation provides a variety of benefits like list segmentation, email customization, and a mobile-friendly interface. Here, we will discuss the 4 super effective email marketing automation strategies that have delivered amazing results for many businesses.

1. Nurture Your Leads Through Drip Campaigns

You can use automation to nurture your leads via drip campaigns.

Email marketing automation, believe it or not, isn’t as impersonal as it may appear. If you get this strategy right, this is a fantastic method to establish relationships. If you can produce relatable content based on your leads’ behavior, you’ll be able to bring even more visitors to your website, enhance click-through rates, and ultimately increase conversions and revenue.

The technique of scheduling and sending triggered emails to subscribers based on specified behaviors or activities are known as email automation. These triggered emails have an open rate of 38.03%, which is significantly higher than the generic emails. When customers complete the triggered action on your website or mobile applications, automated emails are curated, set up, and sent to them.

Automated drip campaigns make emails more timely, relevant, and effective by focusing your email marketing on the customer and their timeline rather than yours. A few examples include:

  • A visitor receives a “Welcome email” immediately after signing up for your email.
  • This is closely followed by the “onboarding email” which enables the user to better interact with your brand.
  • Another instance is implementing educational drip campaigns that provide informative content to smoothly move the leads through the funnel.
  • Finally, transaction emails as soon as they make a purchase also prove to be useful to ensure a lasting relationship with the buyer.

All in all, automated drip campaigns captivate your audience and boost the bottom line better than any other sort of email marketing.

2. Increase Retargeting Efficiency

When a customer visits your website and follows your activities across multiple channels yet does not make a purchase, you need to keep retargeting them in a subtle manner. Now, email marketing automation can help you do just that, but in a much more efficient manner.

You can set up triggered emails to inform the potential customer about the items they left in their cart. If you want to go one step further, send emails about special offers for those items. You can also create a sense of urgency by informing them about how that item is selling out quickly. Additionally, you can use the most basic strategy you can find in an email marketing guide — cross-selling and upselling to remarket for better conversions.

3. Automate A/B Testing

A/B testing can help collect data and is the best way to determine if an email marketing campaign is beneficial for your company.

Companies that perform segmented testing can earn up to 20% more than their competition.

Segmented testing or A/B testing can be used to test different forms of email messages. You’ll need to send two different campaigns to two different but comparable groups of people and observe which one has the highest open rate and conversion rate.

It’s preferable to start by keeping the two test subjects wholly different or contrasting in terms of substance or design when testing out a new style. You’ll be able to see what works best for your target demographic this way. After that, when it comes to optimizing your selected style for email marketing, you’ll just need to make minor tweaks.

The data you’ve gathered will always point you in the right direction as to what works and what doesn’t. But you also need to be more inventive when it comes to finding portions that can be improved.

Automating the emails will only lead to making this entire undertaking quicker and extremely efficient. This way you get more data about your consumer’s behavior and preferences and can cater to them in a better manner.

4. Personalize Every Email Through Automation

It is well-established that no two prospects are exactly alike. Their interests and requirements are frequently significantly different, despite the fact that their traits may be identical. If you treat every potential customer the same and throw them all into one large email track, you’ll irritate them and give them the idea that you don’t understand their needs and won’t be able to serve them.

However, you will notice results if you adapt each to the stage of the sales cycle your lead is in, the behavior on your website, and the needs of each persona.

According to 74% of marketers, a personalized email will result in a higher engagement amongst the target audience.

As an example, consider this: Putting a new blog subscriber on an aggressive promotional track with conversion-focused (bottom of the funnel) content would easily turn them off. 

However, if you set up behavior-based email automation, you can correspond to that person with more content in their area of interest when that person views certain pages with keywords or downloads a specific resource that was featured in your newsletter. Doing that before you do some self-promotion makes for a better strategy to ultimately win their business.

Final Thoughts

You must work hard to keep nurturing your leads through well-optimized email automation campaigns. Make sure you maintain track of your outcomes, alter or tweak your messages as needed, and convert leads into greater website traffic, sales, and social engagement. You can meet the goals you have for your marketing funnel and your email marketing automation campaign by implementing the advice and strategies presented here.