How to Enrich Your Hubspot Data for Marketing

How do you improve the customer journey? Data. If you’re using Hubspot data, this post is going to show you how to improve your data for marketing.

Hubspot Data for Marketing

Image Source: Hubspot


When it comes to giving your marketing and advertisement teams the tools they need to improve customer experience and drive your company forward, it all comes down to data. Access to data that can give analytical insight to marketing teams can improve a customer journey and show insight into how to secure more customers. The difficult thing is simply getting the data needed into one view. 

Every time a customer does anything from browsing a page of a website, creating a digital shopping cart, or making a purchase, it creates data. One of the great challenges that modern industry faces is not only aggregating all of that data but integrating it into one centralized location where it can be enriched and used. Giving marketing departments the ability to make data-driven decisions that put their customers first is the goal of good data management and analytics.


If your company uses Hubspot as your dedicated CRM, here is are some tips for enriching your Hubspot data and giving your marketing teams the quality of data they need.

What Exactly is Data Enrichment?  

Before getting into some specific tips that can help enrich your Hubspot data, let’s first talk about what data enrichment is and why you should focus on enriching your Hubspot data in the first place. 


Data enrichment is a vital part of improving already existing information with pertinent addendums. This process focuses on enhancing existing data with information that can benefit the company. Data enrichment is typically a necessity when it comes to data integration because so many disparate sources can create data that all refer to one customer. Without focusing on data enrichment, marketing teams would lack the full robust picture of their customers that is available. 


In general, there are three major types of data enrichment that companies will focus on:

  • Behavioral Data Enrichment
  • Demographic Data Enrichment 
  • Geographic Data Enrichment

All three of these areas can help to further strengthen a team’s view of a customer profile. 

What Benefit Does Data Enrichment Bring?

Focusing on data enrichment can help marketing departments understand the customer journey in a way that promotes data-driven decisions. Not only that, but with a more full view of the customer, being able to not only market better but hone in on predictions is a big advantage. 

Syncing Redshift to Hubspot

One way that a company can focus on data enrichment is by moving data from Redshift to hubspot. This is something that can naturally build out that customer profile in meaningful ways. Hubspot itself is one of the most popular CRM tools on the market and does a great job of capturing a lot of valuable customer information. 


Hubspot has the advantage of collecting the single interactions that your customers make and giving sales and marketing teams insight into existing and prospective customers. Hubspot is one of the most robust and user-friendly CRM tools on the market, however, it does have limitations.


While single interactions live in Hubspot, unique customer data such as event data, custom audiences, and product usage data live in Redshift. Redshift is the AWS cloud-based data warehouse and is one of the most popular data warehouses on the market. While there are more modern data warehouses that focus on a cleaner, and easier UI, Redshift is still a mammoth competitor on the market. 

The Benefit of Syncing Redshift to Hubspot

By syncing data from Redshift to Hubspot, a company can expand its customer view in meaningful ways and gain powerful insight. This could target customers with specific upsell options based on their current use of existing features. This could also help set up powerful retarget marketing, like lifecycle emails to customers that abandon a shopping cart without paying for it. 


Syncing data from Reshift to Hubspot can give marketing departments the data they need to personalize emails based on the customer journey and product usage. This could also look like sending congratulations to customers for reaching milestones within certain products, or tips for features that customers have not used. 


All of this valuable insight can be gained by syncing Redshift to Hubspot and personalizing customer interaction in meaningful and impactful ways. The great thing is that by using services like Hightouch, you can accomplish all of this with ease of SQL. No complicated, custom SaaS tool for each integration and no scripts. With a self-serve audience feature, you can empower any teammate to take control of this data enrichment in powerful ways. 


Finding ways of enriching your Hubspot data so that your marketing and sales teams have more to work with will produce huge results in the end. If your company already uses Redshift as a data warehouse, then syncing the data from Redshift to Hubspot is an easy way to enrich your company’s data and further improve customer experience.