How to Increase Your Brand Awareness Using Data Science

Data science is based on facts distilled from real customer information — there is NO better way to build brand awareness.

How to Increase Your Brand Awareness Using Data Science

Is big data just a big buzzword?

It is when you see it just as random data. But when you convert it to insights, it’s much more than a random trend — it’s Data Science.

With proper implementation of data science, you can add a breath of fresh air to your branding strategy.

To give you an idea of how important data is for businesses, we’ll share some data.

The Big Data Executive Survey 2019 shows that 62% of executives who invested in big data initiatives have already seen measurable results from their investments.

But how can we relate data science to branding strategy?

When you’re trying to promote your brand, you aim to two goals:

  • Make it stand out among the competition
  • Make it attractive for the target audience

But to figure out how you can make the brand attractive for your target clients, you have to understand what their preferences are. To discover a way to make it stand out in the crowd, you first need to understand what your competitors are doing.

That’s where data science comes into the picture. It gives you details about the behavior of your audience and competitors. That’s a great foundation for taking actions that will truly make a difference.

Why Intuition Doesn’t Work

When you start developing your branding strategy, you’ll mostly want to be guided by intuition. You’ll find the “vibe” of your brand and you’ll want to express it throughout the marketing campaign. You’ll choose colors and logo by intuition, and you’ll write content and social media posts by intuition.

That seems simple.

But it doesn’t work.

When you’re guided by gut feeling alone, you will develop a plan that would influence you as a client of a similar brand. But can’t use yourself as the customer persona? No. The customer persona is an archetype that conveys the main characteristics of a large segment of the audience. That’s who you target the branding campaign to. And you form the customer persona thanks to the data you get from a larger audience.

Tips: How to Use Data to Boost Brand Awareness

It’s time for the actionable advice.

How exactly can you use data science for branding purposes?

1. Offer Personalized Recommendations

Let’s take a look at some more data. The 2018 Trends in Personalization Report showed that customers were willing to send more money when they got a personalized experience. 40% of the surveyed shoppers said they purchased a product they didn’t intend to buy once a brand provided a personalized recommendation for it. In general, they were satisfied with these impulse purchases.

Personalized marketing drives sales and builds customer loyalty. That’s a huge part of the branding process. It’s exactly why many companies send targeted emails to their loyal customers, with recommendations for new types of services based on their previous activity.

You can make personalized offers only if you rely on data that analyzes the behavior of clients at your website. You’ll see the abandoned shopping carts, types of products they are interested in, and their search history.

2. Write and Publish Relevant Content

Before launching their Maybelline Master Contour makeup line, the company partnered with Google to get the data they needed. They got valuable data about the specific questions and concerns that makeup users from all around the world had. Based on that data, the marketing team segmented the audience and focused on people who were looking for quick contouring tips. They published videos personalized by demographics and intent. With those videos, they reached over 9 million people.

That’s how great brands work. They find out what kind of content their audience would want to see, and they deliver it.

There’s one thing to keep in mind at this point: no matter what kind of content you decide to publish, it has to be flawless. It’s always wise to invest in the best writing and editing services.

Whether it’s an infographic, video, article, or eBook, quality remains the key factor of success.

3. Use the Right Social Media Network

When you think about the platform where you’ll distribute branding content, Facebook is the first one that comes to mind. That’s a logical move, since Facebook has the greatest and most versatile audience.

But should you also target Instagram, Twitter, Periscope, Quora, Reddit, Tumblr, Google+, LinkedIn, and other platforms?

That depends on the type of audience you have.

Whenever you try to target a new platform, it’s important to pay attention to the data you get. Data analytics show you where your referral traffic is coming from. So if you notice that Quora gives you the best results, you can hire writers from Superior Papers services to target it more actively. If you notice that Instagram is great for driving traffic, you can invest in a professional photographer to help you make a powerful impression.

4. Analyze the Performance of Your Business

The activity of your business gives you data to analyze. B2B brands, in particular, can implement machine learning methods to understand the journey of a prospect from stage to stage. The analytics platform will give you analytics that show the best acquisition and retention tactics. It will also show where you’re failing.

The behavior of your previous and current clients can help you conduct predictive analytics. You understand what the audience appreciates about your brand, so you elevate those aspects to priorities. When you predict future client response, you’ll be able to optimize your branding campaign.

5. Use Data from Your Email Marketing Campaign

Why are you sending emails to your subscribers, anyway? Is it just about sending information? No; it’s about getting the data that enables you to send relevant information and personalized offers.

The UK Essay HR team used data analytics to attract more talent in their team. They tracked important data, such as the location of the potential collaborators, the frequency they checked emails with, and the calls that led them to the company’s website. With this knowledge, they were able to develop a more personalized branding campaign. They were able to showcase their brand as the perfect fit for their needs. They knew when to send those emails and what to write in them. As a result, the HR team was able to win over 43% of the talent they targeted.

Let’s Sum It Up

Big data is a big deal. It may seem like a whole lot of mess at first, but you’ll soon make sense of it. The important thing is to keep exploring it. Data science gives you the foundation for reasonable decisions, which have great potential to result with good ROI.