50+ Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) Statistics in 2022

The slightest boost in conversion rate impacts revenue greatly, find out what you can learn from these 50+ conversion rate optimization (CRO) statistics.

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) Statistics

Source: NotifyVisitors


Marketers invest a lot of resources (both time and money) for increasing website traffic. Optimizing conversion rates to convert as much of that traffic as feasible is the true test to maximize revenue.


As we all know that slightest improvement in conversion rate can have a big effect on your bottom line. To put it another way, if you double your revenue by increasing your conversion rate from 1% to 2%, you’ll have doubled your conversion rate.


That’s great, but what does that really mean in terms of my business sales and revenue?


That’s a great question! Here are just a few highlights from our 50+ CRO statistics that let you understand how real businesses have learned to convert better. Don’t worry, just under this section is the infographic with all 50+ CRO statistics that will help you boost sales and improve ROI.

CRO Statistics – CRO Strategies that work


  1. Companies experience a 55% increase in leads when they increase their landing pages from 10 to 15 (Hubspot).
  2. Brands with more than 40 landing pages received 12 times more leads than those with just one to 5 landing pages (Hubspot).
  3. There is a 1.95% average opt-in rate for emails (SUMO).
  4. Personalized emails boost conversions by 10% on an average (Aberdeen).
  5. On average, the conversion rates increased by 161% across all industries with user-generated content. So, social proof is a game-changer that businesses should utilize (Yotpo).
  6. Personalized CTAs generate 42% more conversions than non-personalized CTAs (Hubspot).
  7. Long-form landing pages have the potential to bring in up to 220% more leads than short-form landing pages with an above-the-fold CTA (Marketing Experiments).
  8. 70% of marketers who use CRO consider the outcomes of their experiments to make other marketing decisions (Marketing Experiments).
  9. In lead generation forms, you can get 120% more conversions by reducing the number of fields from 11 to 4 (Unbounce).
  10. Multi-page forms averagely convert by 13.85% whereas single-page forms convert by 4.53%. By segmenting your form into several pages, you can minimize the fields on each page (Formstack).
  11. Lead generation increases by 220% with longer landing pages when compared to shorter ones (Marketing Experiments).
  12. When it comes to the wordings (anchor text) on CTA buttons, “click here” works better than “submit”. The conversion rate for the former is 30% whereas for the latter is 3% (Unbounce).
  13. Conversions lower by 5% when your lead generation form has fields asking for their telephone number (Unbounce).
  14. A 451% increase in qualified leads is experienced when businesses use marketing automation (Business2Community).
  15. Removing page navigation elements such as navigation bars from your landing page can increase conversions by up to 100% (VWO.com).
  16. Businesses that effectively increase conversion rates are the ones that carry out 50% more tests (Econsultancy).
  17. You can increase landing page conversions by 86% by using videos (EyeView).
  18. Nurtured leads generate 47% bigger purchases than their counterparts who aren’t nurtured. This emphasizes the importance of lead nurturing (Annuitas Group).
  19. Emails that have a single CTA boosted clicks by 371% and sales by 1617%. So, when you send marketing emails, focus on one goal per email (Wordstream).
  20. Businesses gain an average ROI of 223% with conversion rate optimization tools (VentureBeat).
  21. 65% of consumers begin their buyer journey through mobile phones. This emphasizes the importance of making your site mobile-friendly (Yotpo).
  22. Every desktop visit is four times worthier than smartphone visits. However, mobile-friendliness is crucial as the buyer journey often starts through mobile phones (Adobe Digital Insights).
  23. Optimizing your site for mobiles triples the chances of mobile conversions by 5% or even more (Outgrow).
  24. 96% of marketers agree that segmentation is the most powerful strategy for increasing conversion rates (Econsultancy).
  25. Averagely, 34% of people who see contests being conducted will complete the form. However, they tend to be low-quality leads. So, if the quality doesn’t matter, you can use contests to boost conversions (Formstack).
  26. Of all customer acquisition channels, referrals have the highest conversion rate of 3.74%. So, do run a brand ambassador program (Marketo).
  27. With 31.24% conversions, social media is one of the top drivers of referral traffic to a website (Shareaholic).


Besides these amazing stats, Personalization is something that most businesses are already doing, but you can take it to the next level to increase conversion rates. More complex rules and individualized touchpoints that may be applied to a wide range of niche behaviors can strengthen ties and open up new avenues for interaction.


Further, you can create campaigns that perform multiple types of analysis on your data to categorize your clients into groups with shared tastes and behaviors. For example, customers using desktop computers may be more inclined to click on the center pop-ups, while those shopping on mobile devices may be more likely to add the suggested items to their carts, increasing their total purchase value. You’ll have to A/B test your audiences to identify the winning combination for every segment.


In light of this, We have compiled a set of essential CRO metrics to guide your approach to increasing your website’s conversion rate. You should be able to eke out a couple of extra sales with the help of these numbers.


The following data on improving conversion rates are divided into 50+ stats.

So, check out the infographic with 50+ Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) Statistics in 2022 to take your business to the next level.


cro statistics infographic

Infographic by NotifyVisitors: CRO Statistics