Tactics to Achieve Effective Email Marketing in 30 Days

Want to accomplish effective email marketing goals within 30 days? Learn how to use emails to get more customers and a huge boost in conversions.

Achieve Effective Email Marketing in 30 Days

To accomplish your marketing goals, emails can help you a lot to get more customers with a tremendous increase in the rate of conversions. Create a subscriber base and start sending exciting content consistently to the audience.

Email marketing is one of the most effective marketing techniques as it converts on approximately 40 times as many customers as social media. For every one buck you spend, you can get up to 40 bucks (approximately).

Of course, don’t start blasting emails in expectation of instant results. It requires stupendously effective tactics to attract potential customers who will purchase your product and increase conversions. Batch-blasting will not show you any results, rather work with patience and dedication.

How to develop an effective email marketing strategy?

Decide your strategies and make a base plan to accomplish your goals.

Emails are very effective to increase engagement, advertisement, conversation, and conversions. Before you begin an email marketing campaign, answer the following questions keeping a clear picture in mind about your business.

  • Which is your target audience?
  • Why will you be sending the emails?
  • What will your emails comprise?
  • When will you send the emails?

If you have a list of email ids, who are already your subscribers, then you’re off to a great start. But, having a list of subscribers doesn’t mean that you have accomplished really any of your marketing goals. That being said, you are ready to start your campaign easily by creating the perfect email content.


After deciding your strategy and finding an accurate answer to the above-given questions, you can begin with below-given tactics for a successful email marketing campaign.

1. Personalize

The most essential part of any marketing strategy is to personalize the content. The demand for quality, unique and entertaining content is always on demand. The main element required by the customers is personalization. “Personalized marketing is the best, to incline customers for increasing the conversions” suggested by Assignment help Australia.

  1. Use the name of your customer in the email and express as if you are writing for him/her especially. If the first name of your customer appears in the email subject, he/she is more likely to respond or open the email. Also, in the body of email, include the name of your customer.
  2. Provide recommendations for products on a personal level and tell them, which product is relevant to previous purchases or Wishlist behavior.
  3. Customers who have visited our sites, send reminders to them and show your caring attitude towards them. You showed send abandoned cart emails if the customer left any product in the cart but didn’t complete the purchase.

2. Strictly avoid “do not reply”

The marketing emails, that are received from a real person are more reliable in the customer’s point of view. Rather than sending an email address with “do not reply” criteria. You can get an excellent opportunity by sending emails via real person from the company, for example, CEO, managing director, customer service manager, etc. Such emails have higher response and open rates.

3. Pay attention to Social sharing

To improve your email marketing campaign, combine the strategies with email marketing. To grow your email list, social media is very helpful. It is very simple and you just have to post something for your followers with an option for signup.

On the contrary, you can use emails for contacting your subscribers to follow you on social media platforms. You can include social media icons in your emails for the customers so that they can reach your social media account. Also, you can design your email in such a way that it could be shared on social channels. You can gain exposure and conversions can be increased with the contacts.

4. Use images wisely

Images are a great option to provide impressive content to the customers. It is very important to format the email in text and provide every detail in text form. Images are just to provide an illustration of information presented in the email in text form. You can reduce the length and complexity of a long and text-heavy email by adding an image. Make sure that your image is very concisely made, in accordance with the text information.

5. Mobile optimized emails

Your email marketing strategy should be mobile friendly. It is very crucial because more than 70% of users read emails on a mobile phone and to expand and develop your business effectively, it is very crucial to make emails mobile-friendly.

  1. The text becomes too heavy is you include two columns of text in your email. Text-heavy emails are too difficult to read and to make it easy to use single-column design keeping the mobile audience in mind.
  2. The call-to-action buttons in your email should be appropriately spaced. The small size buttons are difficult to use and tend to frustrate the readers. To be easily tapped, make sure that the call-to-action buttons are large enough so that you get a good response.
  3. The width of the email should be given proper attention. The email-width for laptops can be 600px but if you want your email to be presented effectively on mobile, don’t exceed the width more than 450px. You can impress your customers by saving them from struggling finger pinching their mobile screen.

You should preview the email on a mobile device before sending it to the customers.

6. Google analytics and referrals.

You can track the behavior of users with the help of the application of Google analytics. You can improve the segmentation and personalization with this application. You can employ one of the most powerful tactics in your email marketing strategy by proving an option of referrals to the people. You can offer an incentive to refer you. People find products more reliable when getting referrals from friends or family.

7. Send emails regularly.

You should create consistency by sending emails regularly to subscribers. It is suggested to ask your audience how often they would like to hear from you. customers don’t mind to get promotional emails every day but give your subscribers a chance to voice and take note of their requests.

To increase the revenue of your business, emails can prove to be very beneficial and with the help of the above tips, you can develop a good email marketing strategy. With a consistent schedule and personalization, you can make a profit with digital marketing channel. Now, as you know how to improve the email marketing strategy, you can build successful email marketing to the next level.