How to Boost Your Brand’s Awareness & Online Visibility

Learn the best ways to boost your brand’s awareness online to increase your website’s visibility, drive traffic and conversions.

boost your brand's awareness


The best way to improve your online visibility, drive traffic to your website and increase your conversion rate is to boost your brand’s awareness. This means embarking on a search engine marketing campaign that can take your company to the next level.

We are therefore looking at the different options available to improve your online exposure.

1. Social Media

The likes of Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, LinkedIn and Instagram have the potential to boost your brand exponentially – and the best thing is that it is absolutely free to use. You can, therefore, utilize each platform to build your brand and reach a new audience successfully.

Building up a social media presence will take time and hard work. To succeed on any of these platforms, you must develop effective marketing campaigns that are creative and engaging, which will allow you to stand apart from your rivals.

You must also aim to post several times a day if you want to regularly engage with your audience and attract a large social media following, which could drive significant traffic to your website. It is also important to respond to as many comments as possible on your social media pages as soon as possible.

Your response time is critical in online customer service.

In a study published on Convince & Convert research found that;

Among respondents to The Social Habit who have ever attempted to contact a brand, product, or company through social media for customer support, 32% expect a response within 30 minutes.

Further, 42% expect a response within 60 minutes.


2. PR Campaigns

Editorial pieces offer the credibility and professionalism that can complement a brand, which can also encourage customers to trust in your company. Press coverage is essentially a free form of advertising. To utilize the benefits of the media, it is important to come up with a newsworthy angle, which will ensure you are promoted in the local and national news, online publications, print, radio and TV. If you are unsure where to start, don’t know who to contact or what angle to use, you always have the option to contact a company like Berbay that specialize in legal public relations. A professional PR company can, therefore, provide the visibility your company needs to improve brand awareness and drive sales.

If you’re looking to bootstrap your PR campaigns to help boost your brand’s awareness online then you may want to check out these leading DIY press release distribution sites.


Site PageRank / Majestic Trust Flow / Moz Domain Authority 6 / 47 / 84 6 / 55 / 77 6 / 26 / 67 5 / 26 / 70 5 / 26 / 56

3. Content Marketing

Content marketing may be old news to you by now, but if you haven’t realize the power of high-quality copy to boost your brand’s awareness – it’s not too late.

There is a multitude of benefits to content marketing, as it has the potential to improve your website’s organic search traffic, generate additional leads, promote products and establish the company as an industry leader. You must, therefore, work with a talented blogger who can help write engaging content in your brand’s tone of voice.

Here are some interesting stats from Hubspot that indicate the true value of publishing content to boost your brand’s awareness online.

Companies that published 16+ blog posts per month got about 4.5X more leads than companies that published 0-4 monthly posts. (HubSpot, 2015)
75% of HubSpot’s blog views and 90% of blog leads come from old posts. (HubSpot, 2014) (Source:

4. Video Marketing

Video marketing is already becoming one of the most successful marketing tools.

Did you know that 65% of your audience are visual learners? One of the most powerful methods you can use for video marketing is to educate your audience.

Facebook Live reportedly experiences 8 billion daily views, rivalling YouTube’s rate of 5 billion views per day. It, therefore, goes without saying that the online audience enjoys watching videos online, so it could become a valuable promotional tool for your brand – and you could also embed the video content into your website and blogs to improve engagement.

To considerably boost your brand’s awareness, you must take the time to understand the customer to identify how they interact with brands both on and offline. By doing so, you can encourage trust and awareness of your business, which will help to drive sales and create a large following.

Dove has always been one of my favorite companies for examples of successful video marketing campaigns. Look at the way the Dove uses this “like a girl” video to empower their audience. I love how they take an infamous derogatory insult to grab your attention and then brilliantly redefine what it means to do anything “like a girl”.


If you’re looking to boost your brand’s awareness online, these 4 methods are a sure fire way to do it. I think the key take away is to take the time to understand your customer in order to be successful in crafting the right content to share on these marketing channels.


