Smart Admin Tips for Managing Your Small Business

Michael Giannulis Offers Smart Admin Tips for Managing Your Small Business Seamlessly

Smart Admin Tips for Managing Your Small Business

Image by Firmbee from Pixabay

A small business owner needs to be versatile enough to multi-task as a way of life.

For most entrepreneurs this means taking care of routine admin tasks that are still a big part of running a successful small business. This could be anything from employee communication to customer satisfaction all the way down to double checking receipts for the books.

We know that the admin job is integral to the smooth running of your business on a day to day basis. Admin work doesn’t have to be overwhelming. With perfect planning and dedication, you can make all your admin responsibilities relatively easier and less time-consuming. It is all about having proper organizational skills and efficiently completing all your tasks so that there is enough time left to concentrate on other business needs.

Let us explore some easy but smart admin tips for guiding you every step of the way.

Set Up Dedicated Time to Admin Tasks

You may focus on setting some time separately for performing admin responsibilities. Carving out some time on a Monday for organizing all your admin needs for the upcoming week could prove to be a good idea. It is of utmost importance to set some time aside for fulfilling admin tasks every week just like setting time aside for your daily workout regimen, for instance. This is necessary so that the admin tasks are completed seamlessly without things spiraling out of your grip. Mike Giannulis says that if you focus on getting your week organized, it could become easier for you to tackle all admin responsibilities.

Remember to Generate an Admin To-Do List 

The best way of getting organized for performing all your admin responsibilities is by creating an admin-to-do list. You could make this an integral part of your Monday organization. Make a firm resolution that you will complete the tasks on that list. This should prevent the building up of that week’s admin tasks and spill over into the next week.

Maintain a Detailed Calendar Suggests Michael Giannulis

You must maintain diligently a schedule or calendar for organizing your time. However, it is a good idea to include details to the extent possible. Ensure you have accounted way beyond just important meetings. You should reserve time for completing your vital admin activities. Do not break your resolution unless some kind of an emergency comes up. It pays to remember that successful people rely on planning and organizing their time to the minute.

Focus on Setting Alerts

There are always times when admin tasks prove to be pretty overwhelming. A small business owner is constantly multi-tasking so things can slip from his mind. It is best to set up alerts for reminding you of critical tasks and important meetings. There are a host of calendar apps that comes with the option of setting up alerts. 

Realize the Importance of Regular Backups

Nothing could be more frustrating and counter-productive than starting from scratch once all your work is lost. Many business owners have learned their lesson the hard way. It is of pivotal importance to ensure regular backups so that all admin-work is saved safely in the worst-case scenario.

Dedicate a Full Day to Bookkeeping

Small businesses fail chiefly because of poor record-keeping. Organizing and maintaining accurately all financial records could make things so much simpler and easier. You can now come up with wiser financial decisions relating to your small business. If your business is an S Corp, maintaining corporate records and corporate minutes is actually an essential part of separating the business from your personal assets. Moreover, maintaining financial records would make tax reporting a cakewalk.


Follow the above-discussed admin tips so that you could manage your business well. If you are running short of time, you may outsource some of your admin work. You may consider using remote assistants who could help you with a host of activities like bookkeeping, email management, transcription, and even more from remote locations.