Why Focus on Site Speed and Keyword Optimization for SEO?

Why pair site speed and keyword optimization? These are two of the most important SEO elements in terms of your overall SEO strategy.

Why Focus on Site Speed and Keyword Optimization for SEO?

What are the Benefits of Site Speed and Keyword Optimization?

1. User Experience

Site speed improves the  experience of the user. Even Google is concerned about the speed of your website. This is because there are a lot of users that will abandon a website if it is not performing the way that they think that it should. Most of the time, the website owner will make a lot of efforts to engage all of their visitors through the graphics and content that they use on the website. But none of that really matters if no one sticks around to see it.

53% of visitors will abandon your website if it takes more than 3 seconds to load.

47% of visitors expect a web page to load in 2 seconds or less

77% of websites take more than 10 seconds to load on mobile

Looking at that last statistic, focusing on site speed can really give you an advantage where SEO is concerned.


2. Achieving Goals

Managing your Site Speed and Keyword Optimization makes it easier to achieve your marketing goals. By optimizing the website, then you will be able to accelerate the loading time. There are a few things that you will be able to do through the optimization like reduce the bounce rate, improving the service that you give to your customers, and improve your conversion rate. A fast website will help all of these things that your business will need in order to be as successful as possible.


The single most important thing to remember about marketing goals is to stay focused. Choose 1-2 core goals that impact the bottom line and 3-5 supporting goals. Shanelle Mullin ~ Shopify


Site Speed and keywords are two foundational elements that will help you focus on other aspects of your SEO services to attain realistic and measurable goals.

3. SEO Positioning

Targeting your niche-specific keywords will help your business with positioning on the google search. This means that you will need to think about how people will find your website when they are searching on the Internet. You want to make sure that you are able to get a good score according the algorithm that Google will use when they are ranking your page. A few things that Google will look at the time that it takes for a website to load, the experience metrics like the bounce rate and page views.


If your website does not have a lot of value, then it will be penalized. This means that you will be lower in the rankings then you want to be. If your website is optimized to the point where it will be able to load in about 2 seconds, then it can greatly reduce the bounce rate. This means that people will be a lot more likely to add a lot more items to their cart if the website loads a lot faster. If the website has the ability to be a lot faster, then Google will be able to crawl and index a lot more pages.


4. Target Traffic

Analyzing the different keywords that are related to your site can help to target the traffic to your website that you are looking for. This is going to be a lot better than the more traditional ways of advertising. This is because you will be able to reach you audience effectively when they are actively seeking your product or services. This is exactly what makes inbound marketing so much more effective that cold calls or emails.


5. Advertisements

By optimizing keywords and site speed, you’re setting your site up for long term ‘free’ high quality leads. Of course, this means that all of the content that you have on your website is high quality. And, yes, this will require a little bit of investment on your part initially but it will be well worth your time in the long run. In other words, you will be able to attract the customers that you want to your website for months or even years after you have published the website.


6. Passive Linking

The sixth benefit is that it can help your link building efforts. Most website owners don’t really think about all the impact that site speed has on their marketing efforts. But think about it for a second… site speed impacts everything starting with user experience. User experience and load time directly impact how or whether your content will be shared. Shared content plays an important role in link building. Without in bound links your site can’t build authority and your pages won’t rank for the keywords you’re targeting.


7. Competition

You will have the ability to move ahead of the competition. This is because you will be able to improve your search engine rankings and improve the online presence of your company. Going back to that statistic mentioned previously;

77% of websites take more than 10 seconds to load on mobile

77% of websites — that’s a LOT of websites that you could eliminate as competition. Of course, this needs to be the highest priority of your company. You have to think about everything that your competitors might be doing to establish the high rankings inside the search engines. Therefore, you are going to need to have the best SEO strategy for your company to make sure that you are getting all of the customers that you want.



Don’t skip site speed and keyword optimization — these should be two of the first things you tackle before focusing on other elements of your inbound strategy.