logo design

Home/Tag:logo design
6 12, 2019

Logo Design: Taking Your Logo from Concept to Finish

2019-12-10T00:44:23-08:00By |

Logo Design: Taking Your Logo from Concept to Finish The journey your logo design takes, from concept to finish, is a critical one in uncovering a truly impactful and memorable business mark. The logo plays a crucial part when it comes to branding both yourself and your business. With enough impact to either help or [...]

19 03, 2019

The Subtle Art of Creating a Fail-Proof Logo Design

2019-03-19T16:15:30-07:00By |

The Subtle Art of Creating a Fail-Proof Logo Design Your logo design has the power to influence your audience and that can't be undervalued, so keep reading to understand the principles behind a fail-proof logo design. “A First impression is the last impression” Surely you've heard that phrase before. Needless to say, nobody wants to [...]

23 11, 2016

Establish Your Brand By Creating an Effective Company Logo

2016-11-23T22:47:54-08:00By |

Establish Your Brand By Creating an Effective Company Logo Effective company logo design captures the essence of your organizations' message and persona providing iconic presence when establishing your brand.   A logo personifies and embodies the presence of a brand. The best logos have common characteristics that seek to accomplish a goal. Social Media Today [...]

4 10, 2012

Sometimes Being a Control Freak Isn’t Productive

2012-10-04T22:11:29-07:00By |

Sometimes being a control freak leads to bad leadership decisions or missed business opportunities. This can often be the case when it comes to creating a brand identity. Good business, like good design work, is a collaboration. Micromanaging a designer only stifles creativity and fresh ideas. Sometimes to be successful you have to learn to let go a little.

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