Google analytics

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8 10, 2015

5 Google Analytics Metrics for Local Business Marketing

2015-10-08T13:30:57-07:00By |

A fundamental principle of information gathering is to ask the five “W’s”: who, what, when, where, and why.When it comes to market research, local businesses can use five reports contained in Google Analytics to address those questions and make better, more informed decisions about where to spend their time and marketing dollars.Who: DemographicsThe Demographics report [...]

8 09, 2015

Google Analytics: How to Define Website Goals

2015-09-08T13:30:52-07:00By |

Google Analytics Goals represent a completed activity, called a conversion, which measures how well your site accomplishes your business objectives. Properly-configured goals allow Google Analytics to measure the number and rate of conversions, enabling you to evaluate the effectiveness of your website and marketing campaigns.This post, Google Analytics: How to Define Website Goals, was first [...]

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