How to Recover Abandoned Carts on your WordPress WooCommerce Website?

Is your WooCommerce site losing a lot of sales? Learn how to recover abandoned carts on WooCommerce to boost sales and revenue.

How to Recover Abandoned Carts

Image Source: Elex

High shipping prices, poor site speed, pricing comparisons, sluggish checkout procedures, and requirements for logging in or creating an account are just a few of the many causes of cart abandonment.

There may occasionally be a website technical issue to blame. Unfortunately, the majority of the time, it is due to factors that are beyond your control, such as indecision, diversion, and doubt.

Between 80 to 90 percent of those who add things to their carts do not end up making a purchase.

This implies that you are going to lose a lot of revenue if you run an eCommerce store. If a cart is abandoned, it will be lost permanently if it is not recovered in a timely manner.

While determining the precise cause can be difficult, creating your WooCommerce abandoned cart plan can benefit greatly from studying the shopping habits of your target audience. One of the most effective techniques to increase income and sales in your store is to recover abandoned carts. In this article, we will discuss abandoned carts and how to recover abandoned carts on your WooCommerce website.

Let’s get started!


The Path of Least Resistance

The most popular and straightforward method for increasing your click-through rate with WooCommerce is to reclaim abandoned carts via email.

This strategy will help you get a lot of customers back to your shop so they can finish their orders. All you need to do is install a powerful abandoned cart plugin built to deal with this issue in order to begin sending cart abandonment emails from your website. Based on the time frame you specify, this plugin will send visitors multiple automated reminder emails. You can design different email templates that can be personalized. You can also generate coupon codes that are automatically attached and sent to your consumers with the recovery email. Sending personalized WooCommerce abandoned cart emails is an essential strategy to increase your sales because of all these advantages.

Why Do Prospective Customers Abandon Their Shopping Carts?

Customers may leave their shopping carts for a variety of reasons. Here are a few examples:

  • Unexpected shipping charges 
  • Limitations on Shipping Methods
  • Lengthy Delivery Timelines
  • Difficult checkout process
  • Price Comparison
  • Limited payment methods 
  • Doubts about security 
  • Change in customer opinion 


How to Recover Abandoned WooCommerce Carts?

Installing the ELEX Abandoned Cart Recovery Plugin in your WooCommerce store is the most effective way to automatically recover abandoned carts.

Let’s take a look at the plugin’s features and how to send abandoned cart recovery emails automatically. It aids in the recovery of abandoned orders. Its key feature is the capacity to send recovery emails automatically at set intervals. User roles, user email addresses, product quantities, product IDs, and total cart values may all be used to compose these recovery mails. After a specified amount of time, if the buyers don’t take any action, the abandoned orders are automatically deleted.


You have the option of selecting the WooCommerce order status that will clearly demonstrate that the abandoned cart has been retrieved. Discover additional details about each cart that has been abandoned or retrieved, view email history, enable unregistered guests to recover their abandoned carts, and set up email settings and triggers to automatically send abandoned cart emails. View a thorough report on the amount of abandoned and recovered carts, apply coupons in the abandoned cart email, and much more.


Access the settings after installing and activating the plugin by navigating to Dashboard > Plugins > Installed Plugins > Abandoned Cart For Woocommerce > Settings.

elex abandoned cart recovery plugin


Under general settings, you can enable abandoned cart emails, choose which WooCommerce Order Status should be taken into account when declaring a cart as recovered, set a cut-off time for cart abandonment, set to cleanup abandoned cart after a set number of days, and choose if you want to allow guest users to recover their abandoned cart, set the email address to send recovery emails from, and configure the GDPR message configuration.

woocommerce abandoned cart recovery


Under email settings, there are three subcategories:

Under email triggers, you can add new triggers and templates, edit the template name, select the email rules, set the trigger time, turn the trigger on or off and delete the trigger.

Under email rules, you can enable, disable, edit or delete rules.

Under email templates, you can edit, customize and delete the recovery email templates.


Take a look at this video for a deeper dive into how ELEX can help your store:

To Wrap Up

This is how you can easily set up an abandoned cart recovery plugin in just a few minutes. Every abandoned cart represents lost income, therefore even small actions to reduce them can have a big impact on your revenue. In order to avoid losing a valuable lead, cart abandonments must be addressed right away. Plugins like ELEX WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Recovery make it possible to quickly turn lost leads into paying consumers, even though cart abandonment can be a serious threat to your WooCommerce site. Please let us know if you have any questions about abandoned cart recovery in the comments section below.