The Pros and Cons of SMS Marketing that You Need to Know for Your Business

Is SMS marketing effective? Find out if SMS marketing is right for your business, check out the Pros and Cons you should know.

Pros and Cons of SMS Marketing

Businesses that are still looking for ways to disseminate the news about their products and services must have an effective marketing plan. But, with technology becoming more significant, and with young individuals moving away from traditional televisions and newspapers, it becomes necessary to select your media carefully.


When considering possible ways to promote products and services, many businesses forget to think of cell phones. It is because it can be hard to consider a mobile phone as a way to carry advertising messages.


Mobile phones, though, are already everywhere, and almost everyone has a cell phone. It is feasible to send and get messages through mobile phones, which makes cell phones excellent for marketing. Mobile marketing involves text messaging or SMS marketing.


A lot of creative agencies and experts like golden search advantage digital marketing company recommends SMS marketing as a strategy to increase customer engagement but every kind of marketing has its advantages and disadvantages, and SMS marketing is not an exemption. Despite the fact that SMS marketing found online functions very well for some businesses. They should know both pros and cons of marketing with SMS messages.


Pros of SMS Marketing


Here are just some of the pros of SMS marketing that may engage businesses to use it:


  • You can circulate SMS text messages to other customers who are interested so that you can become partners with your customers with businesses in their marketing efforts.
  • It is simple to trace the favorable outcome of SMS marketing, which makes it uncomplicated to make adjustments to an SMS marketing campaign where it is necessary. 
  • It helps businesses develop a loyal consumer base by giving exclusive deals and news to customers who participated. 
  • It presents the ability to send instant messages. For instance, real estate agents can immediately notify customers about new listings. And if a restaurant is having a slow day, it can send out a today-only promotion to attract more customers. 
  • SMS marketing targets an interested group of potential consumers or niche marketing groups who signed up to receive messages.


Cons of SMS Marketing


Of course, there’s no perfect form of advertising or marketing. Here are some of the cons of SMS marketing:


  • Text messages have a restricted audience. Though SMS messaging is increasing quickly in popularity, not all people use it, mostly among elderly customers, and not all customers are pleased to sign up to receive text messages. 
  • It’s easy for people to disregard or delete SMS that doesn’t catch their interest, and since businesses typically pay for every message they send, they are more likely wasting money on an SMS that customers don’t see. 
  • Normally, every text message a business sends should be unique and well thought, that can take a lot of time and innovative energy than producing one good print ad or radio spot that you can repeat over and over. 
  • Businesses have to lure consumers to sign up for receiving the text messages. Sending messages without a willing participation of a customer will normally be considered as spam and drive away the customer.
  • SMS are short and can’t contain any images, sounds, or other types of media. Although you can say a lot of things with 160 characters, this does restrict what businesses can say and can do with this type of marketing.




When companies are considering SMS marketing, they should also think about all the pros and cons, as well as the cost of text messages marketing and how well their target market is able to respond to SMS marketing.

Depending on the budget and needs for your business marketing, the pros and cons of SMS marketing might suit well with the general marketing strategy of the business, enhancing its other marketing efforts.

However, every business has to research the target audience to determine if it is an effective solution for the business’s needs.