How to Adopt New Approaches for Effective Email Marketing?

Find out how to use proven data science to shape new approaches for effective email marketing strategies and building your customer base.

New Approaches for Effective Email Marketing

Photo by Mailchimp on Unsplash


Email is one of the most important channels to reach your customers.

However, if you are looking for an effective way to grow your business email list and get more people to open your emails, you need to make sure that you have optimized every step of the customer journey from sign-up onwards.

This post is going to cover some proven tips on how to adopt new approaches for effective email marketing.

Advanced segmentation

Advanced segmentation is one of the most powerful and effective ways to reach your customer base. It allows you to send the right message at the right time, and it’s crucial for email marketing success. In this section, we’ll look at what advanced segmentation is, how it works, and why you should use it in your next email campaign!

Advance Segmentation: How does it work?

Advanced segmentation involves dividing customers into smaller groups based on their behavior or interest in a specific topic. For example, if you sell shoes online then you might want to create three different databases: men’s shoes; women’s shoes; baby shoes (for children). These databases would be used by different campaigns so that they can be targeted accordingly.

Advanced segmentation is a great way to get more out of your email marketing campaigns. When you divide your customers up into different segments and send them targeted emails, they’re more likely to engage with the content and take action. If you don’t have enough data to create these groups then consider asking customers what they’re interested in when they sign up for your list.


Personalization is the process of tailoring content to the needs and interests of each individual customer. Personalization can be used in email marketing in a number of ways, including:

  • Email subject lines: In order to maximize your open rates, you should use personalized subject lines that are relevant to each user’s specific interests or needs. For example, if someone has asked for advice on how they can lose weight quickly and easily without having to change their diet or exercise routine—their recipient’s desire may be addressed with something like “Are You Ready To Lose Weight?”
  • Email content: The same applies here; personalizing your emails will help them stand out from other messages sent by competitors who may not have taken this into consideration when building their campaigns (and therefore won’t necessarily work as well).
  • Email formatting: While many marketers think that using machine learning algorithms makes sense because they’re so quick at analyzing data sets (a person would take days!), there’s no reason why human intervention couldn’t be used instead—especially when it comes down specifically what kind of information should appear where within an email message itself.

In fact, many marketers believe that the more personal an email is, the better it will perform. While this may not always be true when it comes to your sales emails (especially if they are coming from a business), it certainly applies when sending out other types of messages such as newsletters or announcements. By taking into consideration each user’s interests and needs with every campaign—along with their name and contact information—you’ll be able to build rapport much faster than would otherwise be possible.

A/B testing

A/B testing is a method of comparing two versions of a web page to determine which one performs better. For example, you may be marketing two different types of content on your website: an educational blog post and an article about how to use the product in question.

You could run either version alongside the other and see which gets more clicks and engagement from visitors. You could also run both versions against each other at once and see which performs better overall (if this is possible).

There are a few different ways to do an A/B test, but the most common is to create two versions of the same page (or content) and track how each performs. You can then make changes to the version that performed better and run another test with it. This method allows you to quickly determine which version performs best for your audience, based on their behavior when exposed to each version.


Conceptualization is the process of creating an idea or concept. It involves defining the purpose and reason for your product or service, as well as identifying its target audience. This will help you develop a strategy for email marketing that will be effective in reaching your customers.

In order to conceptualize email marketing, first identify what type of content you want to create and how often it should be delivered (e.g., weekly or monthly). You should also consider how long each piece should be (e.g., 1-2 paragraphs per email). Your choice depends on how much information needs to be conveyed within each message; if there’s too much information then readers may get bored easily while reading through all those individual emails because they’ll feel like they’re missing out on something important along with getting bored by having too much information crammed together into one feature article/blog post etc.

A key component of this conceptualization is understanding who your audience is in the first place.

This can be done by asking yourself some questions about your ideal customer:

-What do they like?
-How old are they?
-Where do they live?
-How much money do they make per year?
-What do they want out of life?
-What are their goals and aspirations?
-What is their biggest struggle right now?
-How can you help them overcome that struggle?


Accountability is the process of ensuring that the person or organization you’re working for delivers on their promises. This can be done in many ways, but one method that has proven effective is through tracking results and holding people accountable for those results.

For example, if you are a business owner and want to improve your sales team’s performance by 50%, then you could give each member of your team an individual goal (e.g., increase revenue by $100k this month) based on what they have achieved with previous goals set by themselves or others within your company. Then each week after making sure everyone meets their targets they would receive praise from leadership when they do so well!

You need to make sure that your team is aligned with the goal and knows how they will achieve it.

This is a great way for you to hold people accountable for their performance. For example, if someone promises to do something and doesn’t follow through with it then they need to be reprimanded by their supervisor or manager. If they keep making excuses and not following through then they should be let go.


  • Have a plan for what you are going to do, and make sure it is realistic.
  • Make sure that you know who your audience is, how they think and act, what motivates them, and why they should receive an email from you in the first place (e-commerce sales?).



  • Clarify your email message.
  • Use a subject line that will get their attention.
  • Use a clear call to action in your content and make sure it’s easy for them to click on the link or press the button so they can take action right away!
  • Make sure you are sending the right email to the right person, based on their profile information (email address) and any other information that may be available about them such as social media accounts or website visits recorded by Google Analytics tools like Google Tag Manager (GTM). You should also consider whether they have opened any previous emails from you before because this could affect how likely they are going to open yours now too!

Keep your emails short and to the point. If you have a lot to say, consider breaking it up into multiple emails or sending them over time instead of trying to fit everything into one email! Keeps your content interesting and relevant to the person reading it; if not, they will simply unsubscribe from future messages and may even report them as spam.

Learning More about Your Customers

  • Learn more about your customers.
  • Use the information you have learned to create a better experience for them. For example, if you know that one of your customers is interested in purchasing from your company but they haven’t purchased anything yet, then it would be beneficial to send them an email with information about how much the product costs and what other products are available at the same price point (or something similar). You could also offer coupons or discounts for those who purchase before a certain date or time period expires so that they can get these savings while still being able to use them later on down the road when needed most!
  • Keep learning more about your customers’ needs and wants so that each customer feels like their needs are being addressed personally by someone who cares about their situation–and not just because someone else has told him/her what will work best (which wouldn’t necessarily work anyway).

Automate Some Things

To save time and make your email marketing more effective, you can automate some things. This includes sending emails at set times, based on customer actions, and even using a tool like Hub Spot to create custom content for each subscriber.

  • Automate your campaigns: if you have a lot of leads coming in every day but don’t have the time or resources to send out an email update every single day then it might make sense for your business owner(s) to hire someone who has these skillsets so that they can spend their time doing what they do best instead: creating amazing content!
  • Schedule when emails should go out: if there’s one thing we’ve learned from researching this topic over the past few years it’s that people love being reminded about something new at at the moment it’s relevant.

Personalize Your Emails

Personalization is the key to effective email marketing.

  • Data-driven personalization: When you start with data, you can create personalized emails that are tailored to each individual user’s needs and interests. You might use their age, gender, or buying habits as part of your segmentation process. This will help you capture their attention more effectively by showing them content that resonates with them the most and turns them into loyal customers.
  • Personalized offers: By using data on who has opened previous emails or clicked on links within those emails (and what they did after doing so), it becomes possible for businesses to create tailor-made offers based on what they know about their customer’s preferences and intentions towards buying products/services from a specific brand name company like yours!
  • Personalized images: Just like how humans identify friends by facial features without even looking at each other’s faces firsthand; machine learning algorithms can be trained on thousands upon thousands of images from social media platforms such as Instagram etc., identify patterns between people based purely off appearance alone rather than any other variables like age, etc. These algorithms can then be used within automated systems such as chatbots which respond intelligently when asked questions relating directly back to marketing strategies being deployed by companies today!

Connect with Other Channels like Social Media

Connecting with your customers on social media can be a great way to promote your email marketing campaigns and build community.

You can use social media to:

  • Promote your email marketing campaign by posting links, images, and content related to it
  • Create a community around your brand by promoting events or specials that are only available through social media channels
  • Drive traffic to your website by posting links in the comments section of other people’s posts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc., or even by creating an account for yourself as one of those influencers who share knowledge about the topic at hand (for example if you want people who follow you online but don’t know much about fashion yet). This will help them find out more about what interested them from the get-go instead of having them come across random posts without any context first! It will also help increase engagement levels since there won’t be any surprises when someone sees something new posted online today compared with last month/a year ago which means less friction between reader experience expectations vs real-world conditions like bandwidth limitations etc.

Use Mobile Technology

You should use mobile technology to your advantage. Mobile devices are becoming more popular, and they can be used in places where desktop computers cannot. You can have your emails sent directly to the mobile device of your customers, which makes it easier for them to access your content when they’re on the go. This is also why it’s important that you make sure all of your emails look good and are easy to read on mobile devices as well as desktop computers—if they don’t, then people won’t read them!

You should also make sure that your emails are mobile-friendly. This means they should be readable on any device and easy to navigate. It’s important that your readers can quickly get through the email without having to scroll left, right, and down just to find what they need.

It’s also easy to add links, videos, and other features that are designed for mobile devices. This makes it easier for readers who may not have a desktop computer or whose internet connection isn’t very fast.


There are many approaches for effective Email marketing, and using the points above, you can create a marketing strategy that will help you increase sales and build brand recognition. By following the tips above, you’ll be able to stay on top of your email marketing efforts and make sure they reflect the needs and wants of your customers. For additional tips on crafting new approaches to effective email marketing check out this post.