Mobile Application Testing vs Web Application Testing

Testing apps is essential for a successful software launch, but do you understand the difference between mobile application testing and web application testing?

Mobile Application Testing vs Web Application Testing
An essential part of preparing an app for market, software testing can help ensure that a product is fit for consumption, safe, and secure. A highly skilled process, it is important for even the most experienced of practitioners to take time before testing – or ideally development begins – to develop a testing plan that matches your specific requirements.
So what exactly does testing involve and what approaches do the two platforms need?

What is testing?

Software testing is a formal process executed during the development cycle to ensure that the app is functioning correctly, key tasks are thoroughly validated, and that the final product is ready for release.

This requires the use of trained testers and the use of a suite of tools and collaborative software to ensure clear communication between developers, other testers, and any key parties. While there are a number of approaches that testers can take, it is important for them to address their work based on the nature of the app.

Failing to do so can result in delays, overlooked elements, or additional expense that could otherwise be easily avoided. Finding the right support to help you create a marketplace app can help ensure that disruption is kept to a minimum and your devices.

What does web app testing involve?

Cloud testing: One of the biggest challenges facing modern testers is the idea of using cloud sharing to host, edit, and store information on a system. This means being able to test devices with a traditional ‘single station’ setup but also through the range of devices or permutations that comes with accessing data through a range of browsers, channels, and more.

Increased inputs: By default, a mobile app will be restricted to the functionality of a device’s keyboard and touch interface. With a computer, this has to be extended to mice, keyboards, and other accessibility devices that offer a wide range of inputs and interactions with key pieces of software.

Compatibility testing: As a rule, mobile testing will be restricted to leading platforms and services such as android and apple. Computers run a number of permutations including windows, Linux, Mac OS and more – making timely and varied testing essential.

What does mobile app testing involve?

Diverse Audiences: Given the ubiquity of smartphones and devices, mobile apps need to have a significant degree of focus on how users will interact with them. This should include a look at UX testing, multi-language, and accessibility options.

Communication options: While a PC or laptop can take advantage of a wired connection, mobile apps will need to be able to compensate for dropped connections or limited connectivity. This should protect users from disruption or the risk of unforeseen data charges.

Technical Options: In many ways, mobile app testing will have to make the most of the potentially limited resources available through a smart device. This includes limited RAM and memory options, connection speed, and how the app is accessed on the system.



Regardless of what your launching whether it be a product, service or software — it’s imperative to test it.