6 Mistakes in UX Design for Business NOT to Make!

UX Design For Businesses: 6 Mistakes To Avoid at All Costs When Building Your Business Website 

Mistakes in UX Design for Business


A business’s digital presence plays a significant role in communicating its products and services to its target audience. A website, for instance, can help facilitate this presence and provide a means of interaction between the company and clients. 

However, not every site provides the end-users with the interaction they’re expecting. This, often, can lead to users moving to other websites that can address their concerns and meet their expectations. That’s where an efficient user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) become beneficial. 

While you may not get to talk with your target audience physically, your website can do the talking for you. Thus, ease and simplicity of use are considered a good UX strategy that can help increase website traffic and improve your search rankings. 

Furthermore, avoiding the following 6 mistakes in UX design for business websites will ensure you’re on the right track. 

1. Links That Open To New Windows Or New Tabs 

As visitors browse through your website, they may find links to other website pages they may want to explore. However, if these links keep opening on new windows or tabs, it may become cumbersome going back and forth. In the end, they may leave the website altogether due to frustration. 

Additionally, as new windows and tabs open, a user’s device may become slower due to too many processes. This, too, can result in a user closing the website and moving on to a much lighter website. 

You can counter this by having links open as an expansion or extension of the user’s current page. In this way, you can keep them on your website longer and engage them more. 

2. Slow Loading Speed 

Every website visitor wants to consume as much content as possible within a short period. Therefore, the quicker your website loads its pages, the more it meets this satisfaction.

Research suggests that an ideal loading time for a website page should be 2 seconds or less. A page that takes three seconds or more to load increases its abandonment rates, as it tends to lose visitors as they close the website and move on to another. 

Thus, if your website takes longer to load, you may lose your target audience. As a result, this can cause a reduction in profit margins. You should, therefore, check with your website designer on how you can achieve a quicker page load speed.

3. Not Mobile-Friendly 

It’d be good to note that mobile usage continues to increase, perhaps due to smartphones and convenient internet connections. This means that your target audience may access your website from a smartphone instead of using a laptop or desktop. 

With that in mind, you should design your website that allows your target audience to easily navigate it, even when they’re using a mobile phone. This can make it more appealing to smartphone users and increase your website traffic.

4. Lack Of SSL Certificate 

Your viewers are very cognizant about UX design for business websites. Therefore, you need to be prepared when browsers may return an’ insecure website’ warning if your website lacks the secure sockets layer (SSL) certificate. SSL certificate refers to the digital certificate of your website authenticating its identity and permits an encrypted connection. Such a warning to a user can elicit a quick close reaction to the website, thus robbing you of potential customers.

Moreover, search engines may rank you lower if your website doesn’t have an SSL certificate. URL security is, thus, essential for higher search engine optimization (SEO) ranking and more website traffic. 

5. Unclear Call To Action (CTAs) 

CTAs communicate to your website visitors what you need them to do next. In other words, they point to the direction you want the visitor to go to next. For example, Add To Cart, Sign Up, Register, Place Order, Call Now, among others. These CTAs should be in sync with the context of the page. 

It’s important to note as much as you may need to place CTAs on your website, they should, however, not be too many. If you have several CTAs on a single page, they may feel a bit intrusive to your visitors and display a push instead of a nudge kind of situation. 

6. Not Optimizing Your Graphics, Images, And Other Media 

Any visual displays you may want to show on your website should follow the loading speed rule. If the graphics and images are heavy, they will be slow to open, making your visitors lose interest and move on.  

However, you need to find the balance between speed and clarity. This is because you may be optimizing your media to open quicker at the expense of its clarity. Thus, you may end up with poor-quality images, which is not also ideal, and more so, may not appeal to your target audience. 



In short, UX design for business websites is a fundamental building block for keeping viewers engaged as well as motivating them to take action. 

To summarize, your website’s quality should take note of load speed, security, CTAs, and graphics. Moreover, coupled with a mobile-friendly interface, you can successfully avoid some common website design mistakes and increase your website traffic.