How to Write a Sales Page that Converts

The difference between a sales page and a sales page that converts may seem minuscule, but when measuring revenue becomes all too apparent.

a Sales Page that Converts

Image Source: Vecteezy


When it comes to a business website, the sales page is one of the most crucial parts of it. A good sales page should be able to pull in mainstream audiences and guide them into your sales funnel.

But what is a sales page? 

A sales page is a common term for business owners and digital marketers. It refers to a website page where a business or organization presents its product or services to potential customers. 

A sales page’s intentions are solid and clear: to attract buyers and boost sales. It can be the primary conversion point for a website, which is designed to turn visitors into customers.

Additionally, a well-maintained sales page can help you to generate organic traffic. With robust SEO strategies, your sales page can survive and rank well on search engine results.

Furthermore, a sales page can be great content to be shared with prospects. 65% of sales representatives face difficulties in finding content for their prospects. So a sales page can be the solution.

You can use AI tools to make compelling and captivating sales copy. But if you want to make a Sales Page that converts from scratch, we’ve got your back! Read on to learn some practices for writing a good sales page. Keep scrolling!

7 Best Tips for Writing a Sales Page

In order to create a highly converting sales page, you need to master some writing strategies. To generate results, you must know what vital information to include on your sales page.

More than that, you should know which word choices, tones, and styles to choose for your target audiences. Below we’ve rounded up seven practices to improve your writing and create a sales page that converts.

1. Understand the target audience

Understanding your target audience allows you to tailor the page’s language, images, and overall design to approach target customers. You can create a page that speaks directly to their needs and pain points, guiding them to take the desired action.

market segmentation

Image via slideteam

Consider conducting market research to understand your target audience better. You can refer to the above illustration for geographic, demographic, psychographic, and behavioral segmentations. 

You can create a targeted and personalized sales page with comprehensive market segmentation. With the right approach to the target audience, you have a better way of sales prospecting.

2. Make it straightforward

It’s best to make your sales page copy concise and compelling. You can be straightforward in delivering vital messages, like product features, benefits, and how it works. Consider adding testimonials to power your copy.

Moreover, a sales page includes several elements, such as a headline, subheadings, product photos, and a call-to-action button. Make your intentions clear, especially on those elements.

guest blogging

Image via AdelaBelin

For instance, create a strong headline that grabs the reader’s attention, a well-written persuasive body copy, and a CTA. Consider bullet points if you want to mention some product features and benefits. 

More importantly, your sales page should be visually appealing and easy to navigate, with a clean and uncluttered layout. Developing proper content for your sales page copy is key to success.

3. Focus on the value proposition

Focusing on the value proposition means highlighting your product’s unique values. This proposition should be the main focus of the headline and subheadings to build effective communication.

When creating a sales page, it’s important to consider your target audience’s unique needs and pain points. Briefly explain how your product or service can solve their problems.

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You can use persuasive language and imagery to convince potential customers that your product or service is the best solution for their needs. Finally, to make a high-converting sales page, the (CTA) should clearly communicate the next step.

4. Make the pricing clear

Clear pricing on a sales page is a key element of a sales strategy and can significantly impact a business’s revenue. It helps prospects compare product prices and features to determine which option suits their needs and budget.

Making the pricing set available on screen helps potential customers study your products or services better and faster. This can be extremely helpful if you offer a service with several feature sets.

Image via WritersPerHour

For example, you offer a content marketing tool with three feature variations available. The more expensive ones provide more comprehensive and valuable features for customers. So they can quickly study products and finalize their decision.

5. Add social proof

Adding social proof to a sales page can effectively show your business credibility and build trust. Social proof can take many forms, such as customer testimonials, video reviews, ratings, and the number of people who have already purchased the product.

Any form of social proof from satisfied customers can provide credibility and reassurance to upcoming buyers that the product or service is effective and of high quality. It can also create a sense of FOMO and impact prospects to make a purchase.

social proof pixel productions

Image via PixelProductionsInc

An excellent recommendation to power your sales page is to add testimonial videos. It helps audiences visually, and video content can also play as SEO to promote your page on search engines and increase your traffic.

After all, providing social proof on your sales page can help you achieve business goals effectively. You can show credibility, build trust, and, most importantly, increase conversion rates.

6. Pay attention to the design

50% of buyers agree that website design is vital for businesses. The best way to have an excellent website design is to focus on the “user-first approach,” which requires paying attention to the target customer’s preference.

Elements like photos, images, videos, and colors are the major aspects to consider to make a good sales copy. Moreover, page layout and navigation are no less important to build an engaging user interface and user experience.

7. Add a clear and prominent CTA button

A CTA on a sales page is crucial to clarify your intention. Make a clear CTA to achieve your business goals, whether it’s to drive people to purchase products, subscribe to a newsletter, sign up for a free trial, join a community, or else.


Image via Breadnbeyond

Make your CTA stand out by creating a clickable button that is easy to spot for visitors. A strong CTA is an essential element of a well-designed sales page. Consider some points below to make your CTA captivating.

  • Use action-oriented language
  • Make it prominent
  • Use contrasting colors with the background page
  • Use a sense of urgency
  • Make it clear
  • Test the placement
  • Keep it consistent

Wrapping Up

A sales page is as important as a landing page. It’s a critical part of building a business’ online presence. It’s often the first point of contact between a prospect and a business. Therefore, applying the right content strategies helps you communicate product values effectively.

A high-converting sales page should include several key elements. You can put a clear and attention-grabbing headline, an effective product or service description, high-quality images or videos, any form of social proof, a prominent CTA, and transparent pricing. 

Your page should also be easy to navigate and optimized for mobile use. Those aspects help you build a seamless shopping experience for customers. Therefore you can guide them to your sales funnel and make more sales at the end of the day.