How Cross-Browser Testing Helps Improve Inclusivity For Your Website

Don’t you hate it when a website doesn’t work across different devices? Ensure inclusivity for all users and boost your website’s success with cross-browser testing

Cross-Browser Testing

Image Source: Browserstack


In the modern digital landscape, businesses, organizations, and individuals must create inclusive and accessible websites. Inclusivity ensures users from all backgrounds can easily interact with your website, eliminating barriers. 


An inclusive website caters to the diverse needs of its users, providing a consistent and satisfying experience for everyone. This not only fulfills your users’ ethical and moral rights but also broadens your audience reach and improves your online reputation.


An essential component of inclusion is developing a website that caters to people with disabilities, such as visual, auditory, and cognitive. Emphasizing accessibility ensures your website adheres to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) and other relevant accessibility standards, making it more user-friendly for a wider audience.


This is where cross-browser testing comes in. Cross-browser testing verifies the consistency of your website’s design, functionality, and performance across many browsers, devices, and screen sizes. It identifies and resolves compatibility issues, creating a more inclusive and enjoyable user experience.


This procedure is instrumental in enhancing website inclusivity. Plus, with numerous web browsers, devices, and operating systems available today, it’s crucial to ensure your website functions seamlessly across these diverse platforms. 


By acknowledging the significance of inclusivity and accessibility and integrating cross-browser testing in your development workflow, you can create a website that attracts a diverse audience and guarantees your content and services are available to all users, irrespective of their preferred browser or device.

What is Cross-Browser Testing?

Cross-browser assessment, a vital aspect of web development, examines a site’s performance, capabilities, and visual appeal across various browsers, devices, and operating systems. This testing strategy will help achieve a consistent and hassle-free user experience for your business across all the operating systems. 


A business must ensure its website functions well on all platforms, given the diversity of modern browsers, such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Safari. Your business also needs an outlet to ensure a customer can report any issues with the website. Using secure remote access would be of great assistance as an expert could review and resolve an issue without the user needing to replace the product or follow complicated instructions. 

cross-browser testing

Screenshot Sourced from


Cross-browser testing involves examining your website’s design, structure, navigation, and interactive elements to confirm consistent functionality across different environments. This testing method allows developers to spot discrepancies, inconsistencies, and compatibility issues that might arise due to varying browser rendering engines, device screen sizes, or operating system features. 


By identifying and addressing these issues, developers can create a website that is accessible and appealing to all users.


The significance of cross-browser compatibility is immense, as it directly impacts user experience, accessibility, and the overall success of a website. A consistent user experience across various browsers and devices fosters trust and satisfaction among users, showcasing the website’s professionalism and commitment to quality. 


Cross-browser compatibility also enhances a website’s inclusivity by ensuring individuals using less common or outdated browsers can still access the site without barriers.


Moreover, cross-browser compatibility is crucial for improving a website’s search engine rankings. Search engines like Google consider user experience as a critical ranking factor, and a website that operates consistently across different platforms is more likely to achieve higher search result rankings. This leads to increased visibility, more organic traffic, and an expanded audience reach.

Advantages of Cross-Browser Testing for Inclusivity

Improved User Experience (UX)

Cross-browser testing enhances user experience by ensuring a website functions consistently across different browsers, devices, and operating systems. An improved user experience leads to increased user satisfaction, as people can easily navigate and engage with the website, regardless of their chosen platform. 


By identifying and resolving compatibility issues, cross-browser testing enables developers to provide a more enjoyable and hassle-free experience.

Better Accessibility

Web accessibility testing promotes improved accessibility by verifying that a website accommodates the diverse needs of users, including those with disabilities. 


By testing websites on multiple browsers and using assistive technologies, developers can identify and address accessibility barriers, ensuring their website complies with accessibility standards such as WCAG, as mentioned earlier. This improves the website’s accessibility and usability for a wider range of users.


Expanded Audience Reach

Through cross-browser testing, developers can ensure that their website appeals to users with different preferences regarding browsers, devices, and operating systems. This increases the potential audience reach, as more users can access and use the website without encountering compatibility issues.


A website that functions efficiently across all platforms can attract a larger and more diverse audience, ultimately leading to increased engagement and conversion rates.

Enhanced SEO Ranking

Search engines, such as Google, consider user experience and website compatibility as essential ranking factors. By ensuring that a website operates smoothly across various platforms through cross-browser testing, developers can improve their website’s search engine rankings.


In today’s increasingly competitive digital landscape, it’s crucial to invest in SEO and implement a strategy. Higher rankings result in increased visibility, more organic traffic, and an expanded audience reach, all of which contribute to the overall success of a website.

Decreased Maintenance Costs

Cross-browser testing helps detect and resolve compatibility issues during the development process, decreasing the need for extensive maintenance and updates in the future. By addressing these issues proactively, you can save time and resources that would otherwise be spent on fixing problems that emerge after the website has been launched.


A crucial aspect of creating an inclusive website is ensuring that your website’s copy is clear and concise, catering to users with diverse backgrounds and abilities. Cross-browser testing helps ensure that your copy is easily accessible and readable across different browsers and devices, ultimately enhancing the overall user experience. If you are a copywriter, make sure to showcase your skills in creating inclusive and accessible content for websites in your copywriting portfolio, as this can demonstrate your commitment to improving website accessibility and usability.

Essential Factors to Consider for Cross-Browser Testing

Browser Market Share

When conducting cross-browser testing, it’s crucial to consider the market share of various browsers. Prioritize testing on the most widely used browsers, as the majority of users will access your website through these. 


Consider utilizing a crowdtesting platform, which can also help identify errors or bugs on the website. That said, don’t overlook less popular browsers, as they may still represent a significant segment of your audience.

Device and Screen Resolution Compatibility

Since users visit websites through a variety of devices with different screen resolutions, it’s worth testing your website on multiple devices and screen sizes. This ensures that your website’s design, structure, and interactive elements function effectively and appear visually appealing across different platforms.


Operating System Differences

Different operating systems may render websites differently, leading to potential compatibility challenges. Be sure to test your website on multiple operating systems to ensure that it operates consistently and provides a uniform user experience.

Assistive Technologies

It is crucial to test your website using different assistive technologies, such as screen readers and speech recognition software. This helps identify and address accessibility barriers, making your website more inclusive and user-friendly.


Cross-Browser Testing Methods and Tools

Manual Testing

Manual testing is a traditional approach to cross-browser testing in which developers or testers personally interact with the website on various browsers, devices, and operating systems. This hands-on method enables you to directly experience the website as a user would, helping to detect any problems or inconsistencies that might occur.  


A useful tool to use when undertaking a manual test is website annotation, which allows you to add notes without amending the HTML codes. While manual testing can be time-consuming and labor-intensive, it’s valuable for providing insights into the website’s functionality, appearance, and overall user experience across diverse platforms.

Automated Testing

In contrast, automated testing involves using specialized tools and scripts to simulate user interactions and verify the website’s functionality, appearance, and performance. 


Automated testing can save time and resources by quickly identifying issues and generating comprehensive reports, allowing developers to focus on fixing problems. This is particularly useful for large-scale projects and when frequent updates or modifications are necessary.

Popular Cross-Browser Testing Tools

Numerous popular cross-browser testing tools are available, catering to different needs and requirements. Real-time testing, automated testing, visual regression testing, and connection with well-known development and testing platforms are just a few of the features that these solutions offer. The choice of the right tool depends on factors like budget, project size, and specific testing requirements.


Plasmic, a popular web design platform, also offers cross-browser testing features, making it an excellent option for developers looking for a comprehensive tool to ensure their website functions smoothly across various platforms.


5 Ways to Boost Inclusivity Through Cross-Browser Testing

1.Concentrate on the Most Popular Browsers and Devices

When performing cross-browser testing, it is crucial to concentrate on the most commonly used browsers and devices among your target audience. You can make sure that the majority of your users have a flawless experience by concentrating on the most popular platforms. However, do not disregard less popular browsers and devices, as they may still represent a substantial portion of your audience.

2. Implement Responsive Design

Incorporating responsive design is essential for developing an inclusive website that functions well on various devices and screen sizes. A responsive and accessible design automatically adjusts the website’s layout, images, and other elements to fit the screen on which it is being viewed. This guarantees that your website appears and operates optimally, regardless of the device being used.

3. Adhere to Web Accessibility Guidelines

WCAG is a set of web standards that must be followed in order to create an inclusive website. These guidelines offer recommendations for making web content more accessible to users with disabilities. By following these guidelines and incorporating accessibility best practices, you can create a website that is usable by a wider audience.

4. Stay Current with New Technologies and Browser Updates

It is critical to stay current with new advances due to the creation of browser upgrades and the growth of technology. 


You can provide a consistent user experience by regularly upgrading your website and running cross-browser testing to make sure it’s still compatible with the newest gadgets, technologies, and browser versions. 


With that in mind, don’t miss Europe’s leading Developer Congress where you can learn about new technologies and network with like-minded businesses. 

5. Involve Users with Disabilities in the Testing Process


Including users with disabilities in the testing process can yield valuable insights into the website’s accessibility and user experience. 


By gathering feedback from users with diverse abilities, you can identify potential issues and barriers that may not be apparent through automated or manual testing alone. This user-centric approach helps create a more inclusive and accessible website that meets the needs of all users.


Usability testing, another important aspect of website development, can be integrated into the cross-browser testing process. Usability testing involves gathering feedback from users to evaluate the website’s ease of use, efficiency, and overall user satisfaction. By conducting usability testing alongside cross-browser testing, developers can ensure that their website not only functions consistently across different platforms but also provides a user-friendly experience for all visitors.



The importance of cross-browser testing in ensuring website inclusivity and accessibility for every user cannot be overstated. By embracing cross-browser testing techniques, you can provide a uniform and enjoyable experience across various browsers, devices, and operating systems. This not only increases user satisfaction but also aids in expanding audience reach and boosting the overall effectiveness of a website.


Throughout this article, we have explored the significance of both manual and automated testing methods, notable cross-browser testing tools, and approaches to enhance inclusivity. By focusing on the most widely used browsers and devices, employing responsive design, complying with web accessibility guidelines, keeping up with emerging technologies and browser updates, and involving users with disabilities in the testing process, developers can foster a more inclusive and accessible web experience.


It may often be overlooked, but by improving inclusivity for your website, you ensure your platform can meet the various demands of all users as we traverse a continuously changing digital landscape. 


Through the implementation of cross-browser testing practices, we can collaboratively work towards creating a more inclusive web experience, where every individual has access to and can enjoy the abundant information, services, and opportunities available online.