Health Tech Marketing Techniques to Engage New Customers Online

Finding it hard to engage health tech customers online? You’re not alone, use these reliable marketing techniques to increase traffic several times over.


Health Tech Marketing Techniques to Engage New Customers Online


The goal to engage new customers online in the Health Tech industry is not an easy task. However, we offer several reliable health tech marketing techniques that will allow you to increase traffic several times over.


Whether you create a medical product or provide unique services, your customers should be able to find you. In the digital age, the best channel to attract and engage customers is the Internet. A properly developed strategy allows to get results in a short time.

Here are some effective and reliable health tech marketing techniques that can be implemented today.

The challenge for health tech companies and their marketing departments to attract and retain customers is clearly becoming more difficult. Managers and decision-makers receive hundreds of emails and advertisements calling for services or purchasing a product. The ability to stand out from the crowd, to be really interesting to your client is no longer enough. New marketing rules teach that first, you need to understand the problem, propose a solution for it and motivate a customer to make the right choice.

So how to deliver the necessary information to the customer?

Social Media Potential

Social networks coped well with their initial task – communication and entertainment.

But over time, they turned into an excellent marketing tool that can be used by both health tech startups and large companies. Investigate which topics have the most effect: likes, shares and comments. This will help you to choose an interesting topic for your blog. Besides, you can take part in any discussions, answer questions, make reposts. This is how you create an expert reputation and increase credibility with customers.


Social media is a great way to build your group or community where you can share ideas and news, engage your clients in conversations and discussions.

Offer them a unique and interesting solution, ask for feedback. It may seem that social networks are not suitable for serious tasks, but research shows that 65% of the total customer traffic comes from social networks. No need to use outdated forums and drag customers there, go to a place, where they already spend a lot of time. Social media marketing techniques help to achieve great results in a short time.


Another way to engage customers is to invite to a closed community where original content, that is not available on other resources, is offered. You can provide up-to-date tech and health data, conduct surveys and communicate with customers, emphasizing their importance.

Interaction with Customers

Offering new health tech solutions and ideas, encourages your customers to leave a comment, share experiences or opinions. The easiest way to do this is to ask a question at the end of a blog post or article. Do not forget to thank and respond to statements, conduct a dialogue under the blog post. It is unlikely that you will be able to avoid spam messages. So, you need to ensure that the comments concern only the topic under discussion and remove the excess.


Conduct surveys and research about your product or service. If you are planning to release a new version of the application, or model of the project, invite customers to participate in the development. They can offer their ideas or talk about what they need.

You can also set a reward for the best idea: a prize or special mention, thanks, dedication.


Another way of health tech marketing is to conduct webinars or video and audio meetings with your clients. There are many ways to conduct online health tech conferences or presentations. Thus, you can reach a large audience and offer useful content.


The main advantage of the webinar is the visual aspect. People love simple and clear diagrams, slides, graphs, supplemented with a detailed explanation. Besides, you can watch the webinar in any convenient place and from any gadget. That is, it is easier to find time for it than to attend a full-fledged conference. The average duration of such a tech health care meeting is one hour. Prepare a presentation and leave time for QA session. You will get a double benefit by talking about the topic and communicating with customers.

Health Tech Marketing Tip: Generate Content for The People

Customer-focused content in your blog increases customer involvement by 4.5 times. The same study shows that an interesting and helpful blog attracts much more clients than the brightest advertisements.


The key to getting maximum response from the audience is to offer health tech solutions to their problems. Conduct a study of the target audience, the industry, find out their challenges. Offer a unique solution or try to find it together. Both ways will attract a large audience and potential customers.


Make sure your content is relevant and interesting, conduct a preliminary survey. In your blog, focus on the needs of customers — the articles should be useful to them. Try not to advertise directly your health tech apps, services, and features. This creates the impression that all you need is the customers’ money. No one likes that.


Create a reliable customer-centric content base that will be helpful to a large number of specialists. First, you show your knowledge of the issues and solutions in general. Secondly, it motivates to apply for your paid services. Third, you share your experience proving you are an expert. Supplement your blog with media materials. Customers do not always have time to read the article, but there’s a chance they’ll pay attention to a video or an interactive scheme.


This is a 3 step outline on how to get customers online in the health tech industry, engage and retain them. Applying these methods, you can independently verify their reliability and usefulness. We hope these marketing ideas will help you increase traffic and get feedback from the customers. Tell us in the comments how you attract customers, which ideas of the article are you using now?


Which of the proposed techniques seemed to you the most effective?