5 Ways You Can Grow Your Business Using UX Design

From reducing development costs to increasing revenue, here’s how UX Design can make it easier to grow your business.

Using Ux Design

Image Source: UserSnapblog

There are a large number of businesses developing websites and mobile apps and it’s making businesses across all sectors and industries realize the value of UX design.

UX design can increase your company’s ability to solve the right problems, create great user experiences, and drive real value for customers and the business.


An easy and visually appealing experience with your business’s website or mobile app is an important element in creating happy and loyal customers.


UX design is the practice of taking a user-centered approach to design. The goal of UX design is to create a website, product or app so well designed that users can enjoy all the features and functionality it provides without having to do heavy manual work.


Investing in a good UX design will expand your business because your website brings plenty of good business from a great UX design. Great UX designs prove to be valuable and you may monetize besides promoting your own brand


Some UX designing elements are more important and that design elements incorporate user experience, lead generation, conversion, branding and accessibility. 


But it’s not so simple. Because this is a complex area that prompts serious questions. So, let’s take a look at the business value of UX design to help your business grow.

1. UX design helps reduce development costs


There is always a certain amount of risk while you are developing or designing a new website. But if you had research, analysis and testing well you are immediately setting yourself up for success.


Some research has found that if the mistake is not discovered during the design phase it will be costly four and five times more.


It’s necessary to prioritize efficiency over quality when trying to hit launch dates. But cutting corners and planning to correct issues on the fly after release will only incur further expense.


Make UX design a core component of the concept and development processes from the start. Assign or hire experienced UX designers to focus on the way users interact with the product in minute detail.


It’s easy to prioritize efficiency over quality when trying to launch a new business. So make UX design a core component of the design and development processes. So assign or hire UX designers who focus on this type of UX design process.

2. UX design can increase revenue

According to some research 88 percent of consumers do not like to return to a website after one bad experience.


So UX design can improve the customer experience, it affects the company’s ROI because good UX investments enhance customer satisfaction.


Satisfied customers become loyal because they trust a company’s products and they want to come back to buy new products and at the end it is vital to a company’s success.

It is a staggering statistic, but it definitely says something about the importance of user experience in website design. If your business website has a stronger UX design your business can achieve better ROI


I am sharing here some questions you need to think about to engage you users:

  • How long do your images take to load?
  • How easy is it to navigate from one page to another page?
  • Do videos play on mobile devices quickly?
  • Do you choose the right background for your website?
  • Do clashing colors make reading text difficult?


These are just a few questions to consider but you must take care of other details to maximize the value of UX design.

3. Importance of UX design in converting leads 


Social media marketing and SEO activities helped drive valuable leads to your website or app. But if you are struggling to get secure conversations it’s time to take a closer look at how UX design can help your business grow.


You could improve your UX design by replacing text with a video instead. Some companies boost conversion rates by more than 30% by adding a video to a landing page.


Some other further research shows more than 70% of marketers find that video leads to higher conversions than any other type of content. It’s more engaging and prompt than text and much less passive than static images.


But only putting videos is not the solution you need to incorporate videos in the right way if you want to create good UX design. Make sure the video loads quickly, plays smoothly, and doesn’t disrupt the product’s performance elsewhere. Otherwise, it may cause more problems than it improves design.


Apart from conversions UX is absolutely crucial for helping your customers stick with your product in the long-run. In many business terms, stickiness is very close to retention and adoption.

4. How UX helps businesses drive brand loyalty


More and more companies nowadays are investing in UX design. Some big brands are acquiring UX firms to deliver a stronger customer experience which was highlighted in an adobe blog post.


User experience is expected to become the main brand and some companies delivering the best user experience through solid UX design stand to achieve real customer satisfaction and loyalty in the long run.

5. How UX design can help increase word of mouth referrals

People enjoying a positive experience with a business or any other things. Even in the digital world word of mouth is a great way of getting business from unique UX design. People buy people. But perhaps even more relevant here, people buy experiences and if you provide a good experience to your users then why wouldn’t they shout about it?


Investing in quality UX design can leave users satisfied enough to spread your business or product.Effective UX design also offers your business a real and provable value.

It may take time and money to achieve a good level of UX design but it will pay off when you develop a loyal audience of brand advocates or take web design services from experienced companies.