Google’s PageRank Algorithm Code Decoded

A Brief Overview of Google’s PageRank Algorithm Code for the Business Owner Who Isn’t an SEO Expert

Google’s PageRank Algorithm Code Decoded

Are you one of those business owners who is constantly wondering what’s going on with your website and not sure what people are talking about when they mention Google’s PageRank Algorithm Code in respect to your site’s position in search?

If so, this post is for you.


Every digital marketing professional gets that “oh shit” feeling when they hear the words – “Google’s algorithm has been updated.”

That being said, there really is no reason to get stressed if you optimize your website as per Google’s SEO guidelines. Google updates are aimed at targeting those sites that breach Google’s SEO rules and regulations.

If you haven’t touched your site in a while, the only thing your site is suffering from is probably neglect.

If you’ve paid an SEO service provider in the past and aren’t really sure what they did… you might want to pay attention.

PageRank is one of the most important updates released by Google. It refers to the ranking of websites or web-pages using related hyperlinks and assigns each of them a value reflecting their importance among other documents. The weight of links affects the credibility of web pages. Always keep in mind that PageRank can calculate the whole site and pages separately.


A Brief History of PageRank Algorithm Code

In 1996, Larry Page and Sergey Brin implemented the BackRub search engine (Initial Name of Google) to the market. Its main objective was to introduce the idea that the importance of a document should depend directly on the number of links to it from other pages.

In 1998, the founders of Google published an article in which they described the essence of the PR ranking algorithm used by the search engine. They also explained the search engine architecture in a separate article.

Page and Brin created a product and reshaped it in the current form in 1998 to attract investors. Since then, various Google updates have been released. By 2018, more than 1,500 updates surface, which affects the posting of websites on Google’s SERP.

However, the role of PR remains one of the most important algorithms used by Google even today. Google was one of the first search engines to introduce link rankings. Therefore, its search results are far better than other search engines.


Page Rank’s Role in SEO

All digital marketing professionals must keep in mind that PageRank does not affect the position of websites directly, but it helps to improve their performance. There are many indicators and factors which indicate the ranking of websites. But PR is still one of the most important factors using which Google determines the ranking of websites in its SERP. The main disadvantage of PageRank as an algorithm code is that it lies in hanging nodes.


Decoding Google’s Page Rank Algorithm code

Page rank has 3 dimensions:

  • Real,
  • Toolbar and
  • Reverse PageRank.


1. Real PR

It is regularly updated and plays an important role in website ranking. It displays the specific weight that the links convey.

Here is the formula:

D = Attenuation coefficient which indicates how much weight the donor page is able to give to the acceptor page,

N: It is the number of donor pages that transfer weight to an acceptor which doesn’t fall under the filters,

PR (T1) = It is the weight of the PR document leading to page A,

T1 = 1st referring page and

C = The number of external links coming from the donor website.

2. Toolbar PR

Because of the huge number of web pages in search engines and the continuous appearance of new links, the calculation of the absolute weight of the page is not correct. So, ToolBar PageRank is used. Its value is calculated from 0 to 10. It is updated frequently.

TLPR = Log base (PR) * a

3. Reverse PageRank

Several SEO professionals argue that if you refer to authoritative resources, your site’s ranking is improved a lot. You get the reverse PageRank and the weight can not only be given to the backlink on the same page.

How to Increase the PageRank of your website?

When it comes down to it what you really need to pay attention to is how to feed Google’s PageRank algorithm code so that it loves your site. I’m going to make this simple and break down the hundreds of factors that play into the Google PageRank algorithm code into 4 simple points that you can use to drive real results.


1. Use the Unique Content for Website Optimization

In order to improve the ranking of websites in an easy way, you must use unique content in search engine optimization. But the problem is that the demand for high-quality content is always higher than its actually supply.

So, many content developers use cut-paste technology to produce content in quick successions. Such content is of low-quality and doesn’t benefit websites in any way. So, always create unique content for website optimization. Make sure your content is free from errors. It must include useful hyperlinks, images, charts, facts, figures, etc.

Useful content adds more value to your website, attracts the attention of Internet users, and helps to promote the ranking of websites. The regular publishing of useful contents on a website easily catches the attention of search engine bots. They visit such pages regularly & rank them after a comprehensive review.

2. Focus on Internal Linking

To increase PR, an important prerequisite is the availability of at least more than 50 articles on a website. So, you must interlink web pages with each other. This is known as internal link structure and helps in web page indexing and improves the ranking of websites.

Also, website visitors take more time on your site sifting through content to read and ultimately improves desired actions.

3. Earn High-Quality Backlinks to Your Website Through Guest Blogging

Guest Blogging is one of the most important and the easiest ways to get backlinks to your website. As a matter of fact, there are many website owners who are constantly in need of high-quality content for SEO activities.

There are many SEO professionals and digital marketing individuals who are ready to donate free content to any website owner who is ready to publish their posts in exchange for a backlink to their websites.

One thing that is in short supply is marketers providing valuable content. This is where you can really take advantage and earn high quality backlinks by creating high-quality content for Guest blogging. Guest posting is of great value in terms of building page rank and even driving direct traffic.

According to HubSpot, inbound marketing tactics (e.g., guest blogging) don’t just help you drive traffic to your site, but can also increase your revenue.


4. Crowd Marketing

Crowd marketing is when a business connects with an important influencer. An influencer is someone who has a large online audience that they engage with.

In simple words, crowd marketing is using other people to target your audience for any marketing objective, position of a brand on social media channels, blogs, forms, in questionnaires and response services. This type of making is aimed at popularizing a product or service in various Internet communities and stimulate sales growth by meeting the needs of the targeted audience.


Final Words

So, now we know that PageRank is a reference ranking algorithm designed to determine the relative importance of an object associated with a network of objects. Just grasp its basics, optimize your website for Google & the targeted audience & improve the ranking of websites easily. Good Luck!