How to Immediately Increase Your Google Ads Conversions

Are you Google Ads getting clicks, but no sales? Learn how to increase your Google Ads conversions immediately in this post.

Improving Your Google Ads Conversion Rates

Image Source: Pixabay

When it comes to advertising online, there are several options for businesses. Despite the many choices, PPC marketing (pay-per-click) continues to be one of the best. It can get your ads in front of the right people, all at a small cost. No matter the size of your business or your budget, you can take advantage of Google Ads.


While getting clicks on your ads is great, you also want them to convert. This conversion could be anything from the sale of a product, to signing up for an email list or anything in between. Unfortunately, a low conversion rate is common amongst many businesses and can lead to a lot of wasted ad spend.


If you’re wondering how to get your ad seen, let alone clicked on?


In this article, we’ll cover that  as well as give tips on instantly improving your Google Ads conversion for better ad interaction.


What Are Google Ads Conversions?

Google Ads defines conversions as actions counted when people interact with your free or paid product listings and then purchase or contact you afterwards. 

Interactions may be clicking or viewing the ad. Other actions done after interactions may be further defined to include other activities valuable to your business besides purchases or messages. 

10 Tips to Improve Your Google Ads Conversions

Now let us break down the seven recommendations to archive the best outcome with your Google ad campaigns. 

1. Ensure That Your Call to Action Actually Calls for Action

Another tip is to improve your calls to action (CTA). Call to action, or CTAs, are what make people click on your ad.

Simply asking someone to complete a desired action is often enough to get them to do it. Now, a lot can go into a good call to action. First of all, the call to action should be direct, and not try to be subtle or slick about what you want the individual to do.

It is best to use action phrases and/or command verbs in your CTAs. This can include buy, shop, order, download, tag, share, subscribe or many others. Also, if you can minimize distractions, it can go a long way in improving CTAs. If you overload ads with too much information, it can overwhelm people. The ads should quickly explain what you can offer, provide some value and then a CTA for them to complete a desired action.

For instance, would you choose to click on an ad that openly encourages you to buy from them or one that doesn’t nudge you at all? Of course, you’ll go with whatever makes you feel wanted!


But what does an effective CTA look like? Studies show that leading ad brands use the words “get,” “buy,” “shop,” and “try” most often. 

As a rule of thumb, stay away from lengthy or two-worded CTAs like “sign up” or “discover” as they don’t really get the word across.

2. Let Them Know What You Offer, Loudly

Customers see headlines first when looking at an ad, so you should make it count or you’ll risk losing to the competition. Again, you should use evocative and descriptive words such as “#1 Product Supplier” or “Over 5 million reviews.”

Speaking your customers’ language is also important. There’s no need to use highfaluting words for mere seconds of viewing time– it won’t stick. 


Google only lets you use 90 characters for your headlines, so don’t waste it. Consider using a headline analyzer to help you choose better words.

3. Show Them the Money… Well, the Prices anyway.

One of the smartest things you can do to increase your conversion rates on PPC Google ads is to add pricing into the ad. If your ads contain the price of your product or service, there is a better chance that only people who are comfortable with the cost will click and go further.

Sure, less people might click on the ad overall, but that isn’t always a bad thing. Every time someone clicks on a PPC ad, you need to pay for it. If only 2 out of 100 convert, you paid for 98 clicks that got you nowhere. If people already know the price, they will generally only click when they have some real interest, and your conversion rate should generally be higher as more of those clicking will buy.

4. Get Specific With Keywords

As you know, the keywords you use in your ad copy and on your landing page can be critical to how successful an ad is. While all keywords can have their place and benefits, it is often a better idea to focus on specific keywords.

If you rank for general keywords, you might get a lot of traffic, but your conversions will be lower and thus, your ad spend won’t be going as far as it could have. The keywords you use should specifically relate to your business or ad, and should be search terms your target audience use.

5. Use Social Proof to Your Advantage

Social proof is a social and psychological phenomenon that makes people copy the actions of others when facing similar situations. In the age of information, it influences almost anything today. 

You can use social proof to your advantage by displaying your product or service’s notable reviews along your headline to add traction to your ads. In fact, research suggests that reviews boost conversion rates by up to 380%.


Associating big brand names with your ad also boosts your credibility. Wouldn’t you trust a brand that’s aligned with other well-known companies?

6. Customize Your Landing Page

Let your customers know your next move by aligning your heading to your landing page. This way, customers won’t be confused and will know clearly that you want them to get particular services from you.  

Using CTAs on both the heading and landing pages will also get you even more conversions. Having your customers look at cues that would subconsciously make them purchase something is the key to successful e-commerce. 


Integrating marketing with your main website also helps you cut some costs. You can use a heat map to see and improve on areas where customers look when they go to your site. 

7. Monitor and Focus on Your Click-Through Rate

It’s simple when you think of it: more clicks mean more chances of conversions. 


You can boost your click-through rate or CTR by first analyzing your CTR or with ad tracking software.


Try to find your field’s average CTR, then see how yours compare. Ideally, you should aim for higher than average if you want to maximize your reach.


You can boost your CTR by using branded keyword search, focusing on your prospect customer’s intent when searching, improving your ad copy, using ad extensions, and using other conversion standards like clicking on quotations. 

8. Let your Competition Lead Customers Your Way

Whether you choose Google or Facebook as your advertising platform, there will always be competition.


What’s unique with Google Ads, however, is that they’re the best when addressing the user’s intent. This means that thanks to their more personalized arsenal, they know whether or not a searcher is looking to buy something or just know more about a product. 


A telltale sign to know if a searcher wants to buy something is when they use branded keyword search, which is when they look at specific brands.


You can use this to your advantage by using a technique called “competitor targeting.” Essentially, this lets you show your ads when someone searches for your competition’s branded keywords. Neat right?

9. Utilize Remarketing

If you are not taking advantage of remarketing (or retargeting), you are not getting the most of your ads. The idea of remarketing is to target those who have shown an interest in what you have to offer. Maybe they clicked an ad, had items in their shopping cart, visited your site or interacted with you on social media.

If someone clicks on your ad or takes another step to show interest, but doesn’t convert, don’t give up on them immediately. Retargeting them at a different time or on a different site can draw them back in and help them finally make a purchase. This gives you a second chance to improve your conversion rate and reach out to them at a different time or on a different platform.

10. Target Desktop and Mobile Users Separately

Although it’s desktop users that are more likely to purchase more expensive items from time to time, it’s mobile users who buy things more often.


If you add things up among the two categories, you’ll notice that mobile users are more profitable targets. You can target mobile users more by using mobile device targeting and key terms such as “free shipping.”

Start Improving Your Google Ads Conversions

Paying for your ads is a good investment if you know how to make them work. Online marketing is one of the fastest ways to grow your client base, after all. 


However, there’s really no one-size-fits-all strategy in marketing. You just have to find what fits your company best. Being able to utilize different solutions for one problem effectively is a sign that your company will be up for the long term. 


Customers should also not feel like they’re being lured into something complicated. At the end of the day, e-commerce is in service of them as much as is it to you.