Evergreen Content vs Topical Content: What’s Best for Your Content Strategy?

What’s best for your content strategy? Evergreen content vs topical content is a well-debated topic when it comes to what works better for content marketing, see how it shakes out.

Evergreen Content vs Topical Content

Photo by Mark Fletcher-Brown on Unsplash


Evergreen content vs Topical content… you’ll likely find hundreds of SEO posts telling you to use one or the other strategy to rank your content, but what really works?

The traditional approach to content creation and strategizing doesn’t seem to be as effective today as it was before. Today, the key to success is striking the right balance in your content marketing strategy.

Based on the time sensitivity and relevancy, content strategies can be divided into two major categories: Evergreen and Topical.

Topical content covers current relevant news and events that result in a sudden spike in traffic. But as the timeliness of the content diminishes, the levels of traffic decrease with it. Evergreen content, on the other hand, is timeless, relevant content that continually brings fresh traffic to your website.

It’s still a topic of debate, which content strategy brings more traffic, Evergreen content vs Topical content? This has made it difficult for content marketers and businesses to choose the ideal content strategy out of the two.

To help marketers and businesses find the right strategy, let’s dive deeper into this raging war.

Topical Content vs Evergreen Content: The Raging War for Best Content Strategy

Topical Content Strategy

Topical or seasonal content provides time-sensitive, relevant, and targeted information from around the world. The content builds hype and creates a buzz around an event or new product launch just like what tech product manufacturers do.

Such content gets a high amount of attention, traffic, and shares on social media. However, when the hype settles down, it suffers a high rate of decay. Outside of their relevance window, such posts will come across as a piece of outdated information.

That said, businesses need to be quick enough to leverage the topical content strategy to gain high user attention and engagement. Some of the best examples of topical content include:

  • Writing about current news stories
  • Upcoming product launches & events
  • Sharing yearly trends on a particular industry such as fashion

Evergreen Content Strategy

Evergreen content is timeless, valuable content that stays relevant even after months and years of publishing. The content may frequently be updated to make it crisp, informative, and more beneficial for the readers.

Since the content is not tied to a specific event or news, it tends to bring a continuous flow of fresh traffic and conversion. The more traffic it can bring, the better it is for your website’s SEO. Moreover, authoritative content helps accumulate backlinks from niche websites over time, which also boosts SEO.

But on the downside, it’s hard to create a hype or sense of urgency with evergreen content. They are less motivational in making potential customers act immediately.

Most common examples of evergreen content include:

  • Writing tips and tutorials
  • Instructional How-to guides
  • Answering FAQs 
  • Product reviews, etc.

Advantages & Pitfalls of Topical Content


1) Creates Hype

The biggest pro of producing seasonal content is to build hype & create a sense of urgency for a particular product or upcoming event. For instance, a post on ‘Tech products launched in [Year]’ or sports events such as Olympic, FIFA, etc. tends to build hype for the actual event. Such posts published at an opportune time can attract new eyeballs & increase conversion momentarily.

2) Brings New Set of Audiences

Another benefit of publishing topical content is its potential to bring in a new set of relevant audiences from season to season. If you put in a little effort to plan & improve your content marketing strategy to produce seasonal content, the chances of people returning to read your content can rise significantly.


1) Stiff Competition

If the notion of writing about tech product launches can strike you, it can also strike in the minds of others in your niche. There will be an ocean of other publishers covering the same seasonal content as you. Thus, ranking for such content sometimes is hard due to the stiff competition.

The only way for people to notice your content is if you are already an authoritative publisher posting ultra-creative, relevant, and in-depth guides.

2) Establishing Trust

Sudden spikes in traffic don’t necessarily mean people have started trusting your publication. It takes more than just a few seasonal content pieces that perform well to establish trust among users. One way to go about this is to keep publishing value-adding content to bring in new sets of eyeballs.

Advantages & Pitfalls of Evergreen Content


1) Evergreen Lasts Longer

Content on evergreen topics generally lasts longer than topical content. Seasonal content may contain outdated information, which can’t bring fresh traffic outside of its window. However, there’ll always be many eyes searching for updated information, case studies, how-to guides, and tutorials years after they have been published.

2) Updating and Repurposing

Since evergreen content can last longer, it doesn’t mean you can create multiple contents and leave them to dry. You’d want to keep revisiting the articles to ensure all the new & updated information is covered in the content.

Also, you can repurpose many of the evergreen content pieces to post on social media and other platforms. You can also create long-form content by combining two topics to attract more visitors.

3) Targeting Beginners

Evergreen content written specifically to target beginners is one of the most successful content types. There will always be beginners looking to learn a new technology or a platform by making a ‘How-to’ search. Thus, such content attracts new visitors & brings more conversions as long as the platform or technology exists.


1) Instant Engagement is Low or Zero

There’s no doubt evergreen content could perform well over the years, but it does not bring as much engagement as expected instantly. The user engagement at the initial stage is low or almost zero.

2) Ideas are Hard to Come By

Brainstorming to dig out the ideas for evergreen content strategy becomes difficult in the long run. Relying only on the evergreen content can be detrimental to your overall content strategy if ideas become hard to come by.

After learning the strengths and weaknesses of each of the content strategies, you must be wondering what’s the ideal choice? Since ranking for topical content is hard sometimes and evergreen content has lower initial engagement, which content strategy would suit your business?

Let’s find out:

Which’s the Ideal Content Strategy Best-Suited for Your Business?

As we have learned, topical content is best when you want to capture the seasonal news, events, product launches, etc. for momentary traffic spikes. While evergreen content is most suitable when you want to sustain the regular flow of traffic.

I think what we can glean from this information is that it’s not an evergreen content vs. topical content scenario — it’s more about when to use which strategy. Mixing both content strategies would help you achieve your goals of traffic generations, user engagement, and conversion rate over the years. A well-rounded content strategy is one that covers the complete perspective of what users’ needs are.

For instance, while you brainstorm new ideas and write in-depth evergreen content, it’d be better to cover the most recent and relevant industry trends and news to your audiences would likely interested in. It’ll keep them hooked to your website.

Thus, finding the right mix of both content strategies would benefit your business immensely.

Parting Words

In a nutshell, both content strategies have their own set of benefits and downsides. But finding the balance to produce content that helps your business enjoy the benefits of both while limiting the pitfalls.

The key here is to experiment, measure, and find the right mix of content strategies that work best for your business. Doing so will ensure your audiences keep coming back to find more relevant news and content that interests them while improving engagement, conversion, and SEO for your website.