When Google AdWords first began, not many businesses even had Web pages, and fewer still used the advertising tool. As a result, competition was relatively low for any business that did use Google AdWords. That, in turn, meant the cost was low too. However, things have changed and now, for many businesses, the cost per click has skyrocketed. And, this has resulted in many people asking their pay per click consultant how they can afford AdWords or why they should even want to.
The Funnel
What you need to focus on, more than anything else, in any AdWord campaign, is an effective funnel. There are three parts to the funnel and each is equally important.
Keyword – The keyword is sort of like providing the connection between the searcher and the solution. Someone has a need and you need to show that you can resolve that need. There is someone looking to pay for your service. So, you want to reach them. You need exact matches. You also need modified broad and phrase. Broad keywords can be added in later, but that is not the most important right now.
Ad – The next thing is your ad. This should talk about your service. You need to make sure your viewers know this is a SaS. Line one should introduce you and line two should include a call to action. Be as clear and concise as possible. The ad also needs to have a balance between click-through rates, attractiveness and qualifying factors.
Landing Page – Finally, there is the landing page. It needs to make viewers understand right away they have come to the right place. The landing page also needs to show you know what you are doing. You need to make information online as clear as possible such as your licensing or anything else that would build trust, and contact information. A form would also be helpful to ensure you are receiving information from potential customers.
Getting these three things right is key to ensuring every single click is worth the cost.
The Volume Problem
Most people go after volume because they want to get as many clicks as possible, assuming that means more leads and conversions. However, a professional consultant will tell you this is not a good idea, because it doesn’t. Instead, it is just costly, and having more clicks rarely leads to more conversions. You need quality clicks. This is infinitely more important than volume.
Instead, when you have a tight budget, you need to have a little patience. As you start making progress, you can start expanding your AdWords campaign. A good quality consultant will help you immensely as you get ready to expand because there is much more to what you can do with AdWords. However, in the beginning, when it is so expensive, you do actually have to take your time.
If you are in a high competition market, then AdWords can be very expensive simply because each click is costly. Because of that, a tight budget can be difficult. That doesn’t mean you can’t use AdWords, though. A PPC consultant like me will help you understand how to ensure you are making the most of every single click. Because, that is where the problem comes from. When you have empty clicks, you are wasting money and that can be very costly. So, use the services of a good consultant or handle it on your own, but make sure your funnel is fully effective.

http://www.sitepronews.com/author/lior-krolewicz/’>http://www.sitepronews.com/author/lior-krolewicz/’>http://1.gravatar.com/avatar/583a0dfaa2b932614b4108815c2cea69?s=100&d=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.gravatar.com%2Favatar%2Fad516503a11cd5ca435acc9bb6523536%3Fs%3D100&r=G’ class=’avatar avatar-100 avatar-default’ height=’100′ width=’100′ style=’width: 100px; height: 100px;’ alt=’avatar’ />Lior Krolewicz, is CEO of Yael Consulting a leading Google Adwords and paid search marketing consulting firm helping both small and large companies grow profitably online.The post Dealing With High Competition and High Costs Per Click appeared first on SiteProNews.