What is Content Intelligence and How do You Choose the Right Platform?

Content intelligence is essential and if you have the right platform you essentially have a roadmap to content that generates leads and conversions.

Content Intelligence

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The way companies collect data is evolving. However, data is crucial to effective content strategies. This is why content intelligence is gaining traction in the discussion.

The research shows that nearly one-third percent of marketing professionals believe information has an important impact on their strategy, as it helps them:

  • Reach their intended public
  • Create more effective marketing content
  • Know which strategies for marketing are the most efficient

However, access to data is rapidly changing due to privacy concerns technological advancements, privacy concerns, and many other factors. Therefore, businesses have to discover new ways to gather and analyze data to inform marketing strategies.

Continue reading to learn more about the meaning of content intelligence and why it’s beneficial and how you can help make it work for your business.

What is Content Intelligence?

The term “content intelligence” refers to the method of using software that blends machine learning with AI to conduct market research on the efficacy of particular kinds of content. It helps marketers design a quality content strategy they are confident will be successful.

It’s basically a GPS system that directs you to a top-quality strategy for content that generates leads as well as revenue, conversions, and leads. You won’t need to guess what’s going to appeal to your target audience since the data tells you which content is the most effective for your target audience based on competitor and market analysis.

What is the significance of content intelligence? 

A lot of marketers utilize content marketing to engage with their audience and get them interested. Content marketing such as webinars, blogs, or social media online courses provides businesses with the chance to interact. Every piece of content offers an opportunity to draw customers, engage them, and please customers.

Content intelligence can help them achieve this efficiently. Other advantages include:

  • Gaining a thorough knowledge of your intended audience and the kind of content they prefer by analyzing competitor data and analysis.
  • Making it easier to make decisions about content creation, as the AI evaluates content for its style, tone of voice as well as other parameters.
  • Focusing your content on your audience and their preferences using information collected from surveys.
  • Understanding different types of content and ways to make them, such as video content intelligence, allows you to identify actions in videos that result in outcomes.
  • Ability to assess the efficacy of your content by analyzing the past performance of your competition.
  • Building authority in your field by providing high-quality, informative content will help you gain more traffic, improve conversion rates and increase prominence in search results.

How to Choose the Right Content Intelligence Platform

1. Find out the problems your platform is required to tackle.

While tools for content intelligence can assist with creating content They excel in the field of content strategy.

Its AI will analyze your data and arrange it in order to identify connections patterns, trends, and trends. This will help you identify issues, enhance your analysis of data and accelerate your ability to learn quickly. Use these tips to improve the quality of your content to appeal to your customers.

If you’re looking for content intelligence, there’s a good chance that your content requires improvement. To determine whether these tools can aid by defining your issues as precisely as feasible.

In case you’re experiencing a difficult starting point, start with a particular issue and move backward. Record every step you’ve taken to get this result. Write down your suggestions for possible solutions.

2. Find out about the features of your Content Intelligence Platform.

As per Statista research, just 5 percent of marketers use machine learning and artificial intelligence. Analytics-driven data from websites as well as SEO-related tools have become well-known norms. Marketing leaders might not be aware of anyone working on content intelligence.

That is why research into various platforms for content intelligence is essential. Begin by exploring every AI tool and its capabilities. Some tools will offer tools for managing content, whereas others offer tools for creating content. Content intelligence platforms might:

  • Create content that is automated using the use of natural languages generation (NLG)
  • Find relevant or related content by using Natural Language Understanding (NLU)
  • Use big data for content analysis
  • Give suggestions on wording
  • Automate the creation of content and promote it
  • Use other instruments to facilitate the management of content

A platform that has too many tools may overburden your team and limit your resources. Therefore, it’s important to examine your preferred list of features against what each platform can offer. It’s also an excellent idea to examine your technology stack to see which of your content marketing tools have the features you’re seeking.

It is beneficial to involve additional team members in this process. Different perspectives can aid in narrowing the search area.

3. Learn the data handling capabilities of each platform.

While you’re conducting your research, make sure to take note of the way each platform collects, makes use of, and manages information. Since the effectiveness of this tool comes directly from the data it collects, it’s crucial that the method by which the platform handles data is consistent with your company’s policies and the expectations of customers.

For instance, privacy and data ownership are the top priorities for the majority of customers. 86% of the respondents in the 2021 Cisco survey declare that they are concerned about data privacy, and 79% think privacy is an important factor when they make purchases.

It’s also crucial to consider what kinds of data you’ll require in order in order to make this resource efficient for your company. What happens if the data preparation process is too complicated for your team’s ability to manage on a regular basis? The majority of AI tools make use of a variety of data sources to make forecasts. A glitch in the data pipeline could alter the information the tool makes use of to provide insight.

4. Select the features that your team would benefit from.

It can take time for businesses to develop a strategy for content and then implement it, as well as create processes around it. Thus the choice of AI software for content has to be able to integrate easily with your existing plan and workflow.

While narrowing down your choices for content intelligence make sure not to become overwhelmed or overwhelmed by features that you don’t really need. Make sure to concentrate on the primary reason for the importance to evaluate every feature.

When you are deciding on your priorities, don’t only think about the ways your employees use the product. It’s important to ask questions about:

  • How will this tool aid our team achieve customer expectations?
  • Will this tool affect the business goals?
  • Are there ideas from stakeholders that we can incorporate into this tool?

When you have the chance, consider the ways this tool could enhance your marketing of content.

5. The choices you make on platforms should be aligned with your future goals.

One of the main reasons to employ machine learning in content is the possibility of scaling. You might not wish to automatize processes or create AI content today. However, you don’t exactly how content marketing could alter in the coming three or five years.

Based on 2022 surveys, 78% of marketers believe that their field has seen more change over the last three years than it had during the previous 50 years.

When search engines and other electronic channels develop, content for businesses must change to reflect. This makes future goals an essential part of how you make decisions. For instance, many companies that provide tools for content intelligence also provide other tools. If you are able, look into this type of tool as you decide on the platform for content intelligence. This will provide you with the foundation to build your future tech stack strategy.

Tests of content intelligence are difficult since this tool is extremely useful in the context of content strategy. If you’ve developed a strategy previously, you’re aware it could take months to implement, publish and then analyze. This is why you should conduct the most thorough research you can prior to getting to the next stage.

6. Plan out how you will put your platform for content intelligence in the right place.

Before you decide to sign up for an intelligence platform for content It’s best to plan out a strategy for training, installation, and use. Any tool that provides the widest range of data can be difficult to manage.

A plan can aid in ensuring that your team receives the most value out of this investment. When you are creating this plan, you will need to determine:

  • Which features give the best value for money?
  • What features will require more training than others?
  • Platform capabilities that cause much more hassle than their value

The process of planning may not seem like a crucial process, but it will assist you in proving your platform’s ROI. But that’s not all. The best content marketing plan will reach out to the right audience as well as support sales and service teams, and boost the effectiveness and quality of the content department. Content intelligence is a great way to achieve these goals and more if you’ve spent the time to create.

7. Try the platform.

Once you’ve narrowed down your options for content intelligence then it’s time to test your choices of software. There are a few points to consider while you’re trying out AI software.

The first step is to ensure that the software is up to your expectations. Verify that all features you were expecting are in place and working correctly. If you’re unsure how to utilize any of these features ensure that the support or documentation will be able to answer your questions quickly.

Utilize your workflow to try out the new tool for analyzing content. Keep notes while you study new topics in content, analyze the performance of your content, or modify your strategy for content. This will help you figure out the existence of issues or bugs in the program.

Although no tool is perfect It is important to be sure that the additional value, you’re receiving is greater than the additional work you’ll have to do when something goes wrong.

As an example, what happens if you’re not finding any useful information on the subjects relevant to your company? If this tool doesn’t have the specific content ideas you’re looking for, it may not be the best fit for your needs. The truth is AI isn’t easy, and you might need to look into the issues before making a decision.

Examples of Leading Content Intelligence Tools:

  • Buzzsumo – Buzzsumo helps marketers identify trending and popular content across the web around a topic via keyword search, helping content creators replicate successful content that is already performing well for other companies.
  • Optimizely – Optimizely is a popular enterprise content management system that incorporates content intelligence functionality that provides real-time recommendations for content improvements driven by AI, right within the CMS itself.
  • SpyFu – SpyFu is a content intelligence tool focused on search engine marketing. SpyFu allows marketers to “spy” on their competitors and identify the keywords they are bidding on in Google Ads and other ad platforms, as well as the content that is being promoted via those platforms.
  • Contently – Contently is a tool focused on content analytics. Some of the data points that Contently helps marketers measure are attention time, returning visitors, and social reach of content.
  • TrackMaven – TrackMaven is a content tool that is focused on competitor analysis. Using TrackMaven, marketers can compare how their content is performing against competitors across over 15 different channels to help identify where their content marketing strategy is working, and where it falls short.
  • Curata – Content curation is increasingly becoming as valuable as content creation itself, given the volumes of content being created daily. Curata is a tool that helps with content discovery and curation, and helps companies scale their content marketing efforts.
  • NewsCred – NewsCred is a tool that can be used for the entire content creation journey, and also helps with identifying avenues for content promotion, and often overlooked piece of the content marketing puzzle. NewsCred can help marketers identify influencers in their niche and recommend the ideal channels for content promotion.


Content Intelligence Can Help You Scale Your Content Strategy

The strategy for the content you select is based on the needs of your business. However, you can enhance your content, strategy, and brand image through tools that help you improve your content strategy. Select the best software for you and begin increasing your influence.