What Effect Does Personalization Have on Cold Email Deliverability?

Sending out cold emails? See what personalization can do to improve your cold email deliverability in this post.

Cold Email Deliverability

Image by storyset on Freepik

This article will briefly describe what cold email is and email deliverability. How does personalization affect the deliverability of cold emails, and how do you personalize your emails? 




When you open your emails daily, you notice a 100s of emails in your primary inbox, promotional and social inboxes. Adding on, you also see some emails in your spam. 


Hi, try our new launch.”


“Hi XYZ, I know you would love it.”


Which mail would you like to open? Yes, 2nd one!

Did you notice that you only open emails that seem essential or personalized? 

Therefore, to stand out in the ocean of emails, you need to personalize your cold emails, from the subject line to the main body content. According to a study, personalizing your emails increases your reply rate by 100%. Yes, that’s the impact of personalization.


Personalizing emails increases the deliverability, opening, and conversion rates. Adding on to it, Email personalization is directly proportional to its deliverability. Therefore it proves personalization helps keep your emails out of the spam box and viewed by your customers. 


What is Cold Email Personalization?


When we talk about personalization, some of you may think personalization is all about just adding the customer’s first and last name. But believe me, honey, it is more than that. 

When most of the mass emails are forwarded using merge tags; {{first_name}} {{last_name}}

Which means there is no personalization. Nowadays, as technology advances, making your customers do what you want is very difficult. 

Personalizing your cold email crusade involves creating an emailed duplicate custom-made to your possibility. The possibility ought to realize that you have gotten your work done and exceeded everyone’s expectations in catching their eye.


Powerful personalization is critical and is a considerable impediment to the progress of your cold email crusade. To have a profoundly customized movement that will yield ideal outcomes, you want to utilize more particular custom fields like your possibilities past work (web journals, articles, digital books, and so on), clients, programming used, promoting exercises, interests, and so on.


Why do you need to personalize cold emails?


Now, let’s suppose you are the one who is receiving a cold email. You have zero ideas about the one who is sending you a cold email; therefore, there is less probability that if you get a mail from someone you don’t know, you won’t open it; you will ignore it. 


Let’s imagine another situation where you get an email that directly attacks your pain points. Would you open that email? 

I say, yes! Because you can relate to that mail and that is targeting your issues. That is because the email is personalized according to you. 


You are adding a fun fact! Personalizing your email’s subject line increases your open rates to 22%!

Personalized emails always stand out in the pool of all emails. Customized emails are far more fascinating and tempting than those which are not personalized. Personalized emails make the customer feel like you care.


What should you personalize in your cold emails?


First, the subject line should be engaging and direct the customer to the email. It should be catchy and more personalized. Second, the opening line of the mail is essential. It should tell the customer that you care for them. The receiver should know that the email is specially written for them. If you make it through the first 10s of the reader’s time, then, believe me, you got their full attention. 


The main things you should personalize in your emails are:

  1. Subject line
  2. Email body
  3. CTA: Call to action.


What effect does personalization have on cold email deliverability?


Before starting, you must be wondering what email deliverability is. Email deliverability is a proportion of the success rate of your emails shipped off your clients and is evaluated by the number of your sent emails that reach your client’s inboxes.


You must have noticed that many emails never end up in your primary inboxes! And that is because, When identical mass emails are sent, Email service providers (ESP) label those emails as SPAM! These emails activate spam alerts that never appear in your primary inbox and end up in spam. If this happens continuously, the IP server for that email will get blocked, and hence, you will lose your email ID forever. It is near impossible to revive your old email id back!


And personalizing your cold emails is a solution for it.


Benefits of personalizing your cold emails:


Increases the no. of open rates

When you send an email to someone you don’t know, there is a low chance that the receiver will open the email. But personalizing your email helps the customer to open and read your emails because it shows that emails are specially created for them. It shows the efforts; of course, the reader gets attention as they see the email is personalized. 


Decreases the no. of spam reports

When you send a large no. of duplicate emails to a large no. of people, then most probably, it will never end up in the receiver’s inbox; it will end up in spam. It will affect the deliverability of your emails; hence, your email’s reach and open rate will undoubtedly drop, and the purpose of you sending those emails will never be fulfilled. Thus, personalizing your emails helps to curb this situation. ESP (Email server provider) notices these mass emails and identifies them as spam. 


Increases reply rates.

As of now, you have personalized the email; the email has landed in the expected reader’s primary inbox. Now, it depends on if your email is personalized enough or not. If your email is personalized, the customer would want to open it and believe me, if the reader opens your mail, half your work is done. The reader would like to connect with you. If your email triggers the pinpoints of the reader, the reply rate will eventually increase.


It shows the readers that you care for them.

When you send an email to the reader, if it hits the reader’s pain points, if the reader feels connected, and if the email is grabbing the reader’s attention, it makes the reader think that you care for them. The email is written explicitly for them. This certainly increases the engagement rate on your emails, and the reply rate will increase, fulfilling the purpose of you sending the email. 


You can be saved from the ESPs blocklist.

Cold Email Deliverability is important because cold emails typically equal a poor delivery rate which also means they end up blocked.

An ESP doesn’t blocklist the servers that are not spammed; hence, you can save your email IP server from getting blocked. If you continue to send emails that are constantly ending up in spam, then your mail ID gets blocklisted. If you personalize your email, then you can avoid these scary situations.


Adding a tip!

Recently made domains (email addresses) ought to forgo conveying mass emails. All things being equal, they ought to ‘heat’ their inbox for 3 to a half years to support their ‘sender reputation’ and accomplish the most extreme deliverability.


As you now know how personalization affects the deliverability of cold emails, let me take some steps to personalize your cold emails. 


Highlight the mutual connections

Somewhere, people tend not to open emails from unknown people. But if you want to increase the open rates, then mentioning mutual connections may help. 


Now comes the question, how will you find mutual connections? 


The most straightforward answer is social media. Social media is the key to getting to know anyone. Anyone from their social media like LinkedIn, Instagram, or Facebook may be the one you know. A personal connection may work if you cannot find a professional link.


Show that you have done your homework.

Referencing something special or new about their organization will quickly make your email stick out, such as a news story about their start-up getting another round of funding.


Maybe assuming they delivered another component or item, you could involve that as a valuable chance to open the lines of communication. 


It ought to be basic yet successful. The central matter here is to show the possibility that you’ve explored their organization and that they make a solid match for your effort.


Butter them up!


One of the most flattering ways to grab anyone’s attention is to butter them up.

Emma, who doesn’t love being complimented? Well, this is one of the tricks most companies use nowadays.

Here are a few methods of using buttering as a way of personalization!

  1. Use some of their work that you would love to compliment
  2. Use the award which they recently got as an ice breaker
  3. Use the blog/ article published by them/ for them

This way, you may reach them in a more personal manner.


Use personal pain points.

Attacking someone’s pain points may seem a little evil! But believe me, this works like wonders. Wanna know why? Because this shows that you care for them, it shows that you understand their problem and definitely wanna work on it. It also signifies that you did your homework well. 

When using this, tell them how the email/ the product resolves their issue!

Of course, use their names.

A chemical is released into the brain when someone reads their name in any unknown space. It may seem like an old way, but believe me, it works! It works in your favor! But now, most of the readers are familiar with this trick! Now, how to make it work?

Personalizing just with a name won’t help now! Be a little extra; add something they would like with their name! 


Customize your subject line and try not to utilize spam words. Custom titles with the possibility’s name have an open rate of 18.30%. Compared with headlines without representations, they have an open pace of 15.70%.




Personalization helps your emails not get spammed, end up in the receivers’ primary inbox, and helps increase the open rate and reply rate. It further improves your engagement rates. It also saves from your email IP to get blocklisted.

Personalizing your email’s subject line and mail body by adding the names, mutual connection, or flattering them may help get readers’ attention and would help in improving cold Email deliverability rates.