Brand Storytelling Examples That You Can Learn From

Effective brand storytelling isn’t just making shit up about your business, here are some brand storytelling examples from brands large and small that you can learn from.

Brand Storytelling Examples

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Brand storytelling is a trend that has been growing for the last few years and its importance is apparent. It’s not just about telling tales about your company – it’s about emphasizing the human element of your brand, whether it’s a photo from a social media post or an employee that embodies the values of what you stand for as a brand.




Brand storytelling is a powerful way to connect with customers and tell your story. It can help you create a connection with your customers by showing them who you are, what you stand for, and what your company represents. This can help increase loyalty and customer engagement.


Here are some examples of brand storytelling from some of the world’s biggest companies. Each example demonstrates how a company can use storytelling to connect with its customers and build trust.



Starbucks tells the story of how coffee has shaped human culture for more than two centuries. Throughout its history, the brand has always been rooted in community involvement, from supporting education programs to donating products to charity events.


This is how storytelling helps connect Starbucks with its customers on a personal level and reinforces the company’s commitment to being socially responsible.



Nike has a long history of creating iconic products that have helped athletes around the world achieve their goals. Through its brand storytelling, Nike showcases these products and how they’ve helped people achieve success both on and off the field. This story helps connect Nike with its customers on an emotional level, building trust and loyalty in the process.


What is Brand Storytelling?


Brands large and small are increasingly using storytelling techniques to create a personal connection with their customers. Here are three examples of how brands have used storytelling to connect with their customers.


1. Nike’s “Just Do It” Campaign

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Nike’s “Just Do It” campaign is one of the most recognized and successful brand storytelling examples. The campaign began in the early 1980s and starred American football player Michael Jordan. The campaign slogan is “Just do it.” The goal of the campaign was to show people that if they set their mind to it, anything is possible. The campaign also focused on creating a sense of community among Nike athletes and fans. If you want to run the same type of campaign to promote your product or services on your social platforms and website, 

Companies like Nike use Incrementors advance level services in PPC marketing to expand the reach of the brand’s story


2. Dove’s Campaign for Real Beauty

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Dove’s campaign for real beauty is another example of a successful brand storytelling campaign. The campaign began in 2003 and focused on challenging the idea that beauty is only skin deep. The Dove Campaign for Real Beauty featured ads with the tagline: “If it feels good, do it.” The goal of the campaign was to encourage women to feel good about themselves no matter what their appearance looked like.


3. Starbucks Coffee’s “One Love” 

Campaign Starbucks Coffee began its “One Love” campaign in 2004. The goal of the campaign, which featured a single heart surrounded by six other hearts, was to promote a positive, loving attitude towards all people. To achieve this goal, Starbucks used a variety of media. It included TV commercials, print ads, radio spots, and billboards, as well as social media components such as Facebook pages and Twitter feeds.  


The Benefits of Brand Storytelling

Brands that tell stories well outperform their competitors. They create a connection with their customers and inspire them to take action. By learning from the best brands, you can create powerful brand storytelling that will help you connect with your audience and drive results.


Here are five benefits of storytelling that can help your business:


1. Engagement:

Stories engage customers on an emotional level, which leads to deeper engagement and better customer retention. This is why storytelling is so important in marketing. Incrementors is an influencer marketing firm that will help you connect with your customers emotionally through good retention and engagement.


2. Customer empathy

When customers feel connected to the characters in a story, they’re more likely to identify with them and act on the message. This is why it’s important for your company to have a personal story that resonates with your customers.

3. Reciprocity: 

When people feel like they’ve been given something valuable in return for their time, they’re more likely to return to a brand or product again in the future. Storytelling allows you to build a relationship with your customers and create loyalty, two crucial ingredients for success in any business.


4. Motivation: 

Stories motivate people to take action and make choices. This is especially true if the story inspires people to think about their own lives and makes them feel connected personally. The more your customers feel like they have a personal connection to you, the more motivated they are to act on your message.


5. Scarcity:

A compelling narrative creates a sense of scarcity, which works to inspire people’s behavior and drive sales. As soon as we feel there’s not enough time, money, or resources for us to do something in our lives, we want to take action now! 


6. Alignment:

When people feel aligned with an organization or product through a story, they are more likely to align their behavior with that idea as well. What this means is that when companies make


Examples of large brand storytelling 


  1. Coca-Cola’s “The Journey” tells the story of how Coca-Cola has become one of the world’s most recognized brands. The video features interviews with famous figures in history, It features people like Winston Churchill and Muhammad Ali, and highlights the Coca-Cola The brand’s journey from a small beverage producer to one of the most popular drinks in the world.


  1. Nike’s “Just Do It” campaign is a classic example of brand storytelling. The video tells the story of Nike founder Phil Knight’s quest to create the best athletic shoes in the world. The video features inspiring sports moments and memorable quotes from notable athletes such as LeBron James and Michael Jordan.


  1. Apple’s “Think Different” campaign is another iconic example of brand storytelling. The video tells the story of how Apple founder Steve Jobs changed the way people think about technology. The video features famous quotes from Jobs, along with scenes from Apple products such as the iPod and iPhone.


Examples of small brand storytelling 


Small brands can use storytelling to engage customers and create a connection with them. For example, Uber uses storytelling to communicate its mission, values, and goals. The company also uses storytelling to explain how it makes its app more accessible and efficient for users.


Another small brand that uses storytelling extensively is Warby Parker. The eyeglass company tells stories about how different people have used Warby Parker products to change their lives, resulting in an emotionally charged brand story. This type of storytelling helps to connect with customers on an individual level and builds trust.


Large brands also use storytelling to connect with customers. For example, Coca-Cola tells the story of Coke as the “refreshing answer” to all of life’s challenges. This story helps to define Coca-Cola and gives the brand a distinct identity. Additionally, Nike uses storytelling to tell stories about its athletes and their accomplishments. This type of storytelling gives customers a sense of connection to and ownership over Nike’s brand.




Brand storytelling is a powerful way for brands to connect with their customers and tell stories that are relevant to them.


A case in point: Nike’s “Just Do It” campaign. This story helped Nike create a connection with its customer base, which then led to increased sales and brand loyalty.


Other successful brand storytelling examples include American Express’ ” OPEN Forum” and Dunkin’ Donuts’ ” Race Together”. And, of course, there’s Apple’s marketing campaigns like “Think Different.”


These stories not only resonated with Apple’s target market but also taught valuable life lessons that often stuck with consumers long after the product or campaign was over.