The Visual Guide to the Best Call-to-Action Designs on the Internet

I see so many websites struggling simply because they lack effective Call-to-Action Designs. Check out this infographic to get your site right.

call to action designs

The Best call-to-action designs incorporate many elements required in a successful business’ marketing campaign, including copywriting, outreach emails, explainer videos, landing pages, ads, and call to actions (CTAs). All of these elements are working together to create an exceptional customer journey that will eventually lead to conversion.


What are Call-to-Actions?


You’re probably familiar with the concept of CTA: buttons, phrases, or banners that invites visitors to get involved in certain actions. A simple example: “Check out our products now!”


Normally, CTAs are located in key landing pages where conversions happen. Conversions aren’t necessarily transactions that involve money. CTAs can also be placed form submission pages, newsletter subscription forms, contact/inquiries, etc. That means there are many types of CTA to be used in unique scenarios throughout your marketing channels.


Why do CTAs matter for your conversion?


However, there are more to CTAs than just a cheesy sales line. CTAs are the gateway that will finalize the decisions that your potential customers/clients take — e.g whether or not they will buy your product or hire your service.


CTAs are a crucial part in your conversion funnel, which obviously you can’t ignore. Make a CTA that is too pushy will turn a precious potential client away. Inversely, a generic CTA will not have the desired effect on potential clients.


How should you design your CTAs?


CTAs work by feeding off the attention that you have hooked earlier, whether it’s through an email, a landing page, a video, or an ad. That means you need to craft each stage of your marketing funnel to suit the actions that you want to be taken. Slapping a cold CTA will not work these days. An effective CTA should:

  • Be compelling
  • Have obvious benefit
  • Relevant to the context it’s in
  • Trigger actual action


There are plenty of weak CTAs on the internet, most of them just say “Buy now!”, “Submit”, “Subscribe” or other non-compelling words. These generic CTAs aren’t working because they don’t feed off the communication momentum that you’ve built with your emails, copy paragraphs, taglines, and many other things throughout your conversion funnel.


In order to make a CTA that works in collaboration with other elements in your conversion points, you need to understand how your target audience would react to certain things. Breadnbeyond, an explainer video company, created a visual guide to the best and most-used CTA designs on the Internet. This infographic contains examples of landing page designs and how each element amplify the CTA. Check it out!


Best Call-to-Action Designs