Home/Sebastian Rice
Sebastian Rice

About Sebastian Rice (Edit profile)

Sebastian Rice has been working as an editor and a copywriter at dissertation writing service in London for 3 years. He is also a professional content writer and journalist in such topics as inspiration, productivity, education, and technologies.
8 06, 2022

How Can Artificial Intelligence (AI) Impact Cyber Security

2022-06-07T08:48:49-07:00By |

How Can Artificial Intelligence (AI) Impact Cyber Security AI is an absolutely essential integration for cyber security, simply from the shear man hours required to effectively combat cyber risks, but the impacts are far reaching - let's have a look.   Within the information security business, the impact of AI on cybersecurity continues to be [...]

8 03, 2021

10 Branding Mistakes that Solopreneurs Make

2021-03-08T17:19:24-08:00By |

10 Branding Mistakes that Solopreneurs Make Building a brand is difficult and time consuming, consequently solopreneurs often fall victim to these common branding mistakes, don't follow in their footsteps. Photo by Danielle MacInnes on Unsplash Most solopreneurs don’t give branding the serious consideration that it deserves. They see it as an activity that they can [...]

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