Home/Peter Palladino
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About Peter Palladino (Edit profile)

Peter Palladino specializes in Management Engineering for companies and small businesses.
28 01, 2021

DIY SEO for Huge Website Ranking Improvements Out of the Gate

2021-01-28T17:32:08-08:00By |

DIY SEO for Huge Website Ranking Improvements Out of the Gate Looking for DIY SEO actions that will help you get that new website ranking? Keep Reading. Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash Everybody has heard about SEO, but how do you do it yourself? Some people seem to have great success with little effort while [...]

11 11, 2020

Why is Tracking Important for Your Business

2020-11-10T22:01:48-08:00By |

Why is Tracking Important for Your Business Tracking is a crucial aspect of any successfully run business. It’s the most effective and reliable way to prove a return on investment (ROI) in your company. Image Source Some of the metrics worth monitoring include your sales, expenses, number of leads, website visitors, numbers of subscribers in [...]

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