8 SaaS Landing Page Secrets Proven to Increase Leads

Improve your top-of-sales funnel experience with these SaaS landing page secrets and convert more of your site visitors.

SaaS Landing Page Secrets

Image by vectorjuice on Freepik


When analyzing your marketing and sales funnels, there are a lot of places for optimization. End-of-the-funnel sales discussions tend to dominate thinking because they’re most tangible (you’re talking to someone) and have the most immediate consequences (we lost a huge deal). 


But when finding areas where prospects and leads leak out of your funnel, optimizing higher-up in the funnel will net you more leads and deals. Since there are fewer people at the end of the funnel, improvements show fewer results. But, improving at the top can make a huge difference since the prospect numbers are bigger. 


Let’s say you’re getting 10,000 visitors to your landing pages each month, and you’re converting 5%. You’re getting 500 strong leads. But if you plan intelligently, follow best practices, and experiment, a 10% bump in visitors converting (15% total conversion rate) would lead to 1,500 leads. You just tripled what your sales team has to work with. 


Let’s go over 8 SaaS landing page secrets to increase leads.


1. Keep Everything Essential Above the Fold

When someone reaches your webpage, everything they can see without scrolling is called “Above the Fold.” Anything a user would have to scroll down to see is “Below the Fold.” You want users to do minimal scrolling to see your headline, key selling points, social proof, and form. 


When viewing a desktop computer, keeping everything up top isn’t too difficult since you have a lot of room on the screen. But the issue is mobile. And, guess where most of your traffic will be on? Mobile.

So, look at your SaaS landing page on your phone and see how long it takes to view all those essential details. A little scrolling is likely necessary to give everything space and have high readability, but you want to hit the essentials as fast as possible. Your landing page isn’t a Hitchcock film. No one should need to reach the ending to get to the end to have a mystery revealed.


2. Tailor the Landing Page to the Link Source

Your audience doesn’t magically show up on your landing page out of nowhere. They come from your paid advertisements, social posts, and possibly SEO results. No matter which traffic source, you’ll want your SaaS landing page to match the initial information someone clicked on. 


For example, the headline of your landing page should match the optimized ad headline you’re using. Not only will the audience avoid confusion, but advertisers such as Google will increase your ad ranking since the ad and landing page match.

Likewise, matching your key headlines and copy to SEO-tested phrases will help with ranking in search results.


3. Create Unique Landing Pages for Audience Segments

If you’re customizing landing pages based on the above recommendation of matching ads or SEO copy, then you’ve likely already picked up on the fact that you’ll need to customize your landing pages. 


Technically, if you’re using Account-Based Marketing (ABM), you could customize it down to the company or even individual level. But usually, that’s impractical. Instead, you’ll want unique, customized landing pages for your major audience segments. Do you sell to healthcare, tech, and retail companies? Make a landing page for each industry highlighting their respective pain points.


You can also create landing pages customized for new campaigns you’re launching. Doing an email campaign comparing yourself to a competitor? Design the landing page to make the difference clear instead of being a generic page for your product.


4. Don’t Overload with Banners and Popups

There is nothing wrong with a pop-up when someone shows exit intent. Chatbots can be extremely helpful in the right circumstances. Header banners are great for directing traffic to a key resource. By themselves, there’s nothing wrong with any of these tools.


But, when you have all of them running simultaneously, your page is slow to load. And, instead of seeing your clear, customized landing page, your visitor is barraged by pop-ups, links, and chat windows. The whole page can get covered up, and your visitor will probably bounce instead of trying to clear the way to the actual page.


5. Avoid Stock Photos. Use Originals.

I’m a marketer. I love royalty-free stock photos. But after years of everyone pulling from the same sources, I recognize repeated pictures all over the place. When I hit a landing page with a stock photo, I’m distracted by it or my eyes glaze right over it. 

While your audience may not be as familiar with common stock photos, they’ve still seen an overwhelming amount of them. To make your page pop, use an original picture or design on your landing page. Being unique will make your branding stick in the viewer’s mind.


6. Social Proof. Social Proof. Social Proof.

I mentioned social proof earlier, but its importance can’t be overstated. When someone hits your landing page, they’re likely not familiar with your company. The fastest way to establish credibility is to have social proof front and center. 

The ideal centerpiece is a case study video matching the industry or topic of the landing page. But at the bare minimum, you’ll want to have customer quotes and logos. Your landing page is asking for the viewer’s contact information. You’ll want to do everything you can to establish trust.


7. Directly Mention Benefits. Not Features.

So, what should all these headlines and bullet points be? You should be sharing the direct overall benefits instead of listing your features. As the seller, you know why all your features are useful. But your audience likely struggles to connect features to business growth and objectives. 


When you’re customizing, address the pain points for each audience and explain how you solve them. A Sales VP on your landing page might never use your software product. They won’t care what the features are. But, they’ll be interested in seeing a 10% revenue increase. SaaS lead generation depends on succinctly communicating why someone needs your product.


8. Ask for Minimal Information on Your Forms

The more you add to a form, the fewer people will submit it. You’ll want to ask for the bare minimum to increase the conversion rate. The best forms only ask for an email address. Then, you can use a data partner to enrich the contact with the rest of the details you need such as company, industry, company size, mobile phone number, etc. 

Needing a data partner to enrich your contact data might seem like a big extra step. It’s a whole additional service! But, you’ll see dual benefits. First, significantly more people will fill out your form. Second, data from a provider will likely be more accurate than self-reported data and provide more options for your sales team. Just because you have a field for a cell phone number doesn’t mean someone will put their real number. But, your data provider should have the right one. Is the person who filled out your form, not a decision-maker? Your data provider can help you find who you need to talk to since their company is interested.


Both benefits contribute heavily to your sales team seeing the benefits from your optimized SaaS Landing Pages.