7 Social Media Marketing Strategies for Photographers

Social media is a must for photographers, get these 7 social media marketing strategies to market your work.

Social Media Marketing Strategies for Photographers

Image Source: Unsplash


If you are a photographer or are thinking of becoming one, it’s important to be on social media.

It’s an incredible way to get your work seen by people who love photography as much as you do. Social media posts are shared approximately three times more often than other types of online content, so you’re always more likely to reach more people than traditional marketing avenues. Your photos have the potential to go viral and reach thousands or even millions of people through just a single post. 

Here are some social media marketing strategies for photographers so you can get the most out of your social media posts and grow your following.

1. Research the Best Social Media Sites for Photographers

While there are many social media sites for photographers to choose from, some – like Facebook and Instagram – are more popular than others. A good way to start is by researching which social media site will work best for your business and determining the features you need most, such as in-depth analytics or customer feedback forums. For instance, Facebook is great because it has many potential customers and is a great platform for sharing photos with friends and family.


Instagram, on the other hand, has grown in popularity quickly with many photographers. There are two main reasons for its success: First, Instagram is an excellent platform for showcasing photos. Second, it has a well-developed customer feedback forum that you can use to get quality marketing insights and help make informed decisions about future photo projects.


Run Gun Shoot notes that when deciding which social media sites are best suited for your business needs, you should consider the following: 


  • What type of photography do you focus on? Do you specialize in weddings or like to take pictures of landscapes or pets? This will help determine where you should spend time promoting your work. 
  • What is the goal of your social media marketing strategy? Do you want to increase customer traffic, awareness, or product sales? Knowing your ultimate objective will help you decide which networks are best suited to meet those goals. 

2. Create a Profile That Reflects Who You Are and What You Do

Create a profile that reflects who you are as a photographer and your style of photography. This will help people find you when they search for someone with the same interests or specific expertise. For example, if you specialize in wedding photos, then make sure to include keywords like “wedding” and “bride” within your profile’s description throughout all social media sites as these words pertain to what they can expect from following your page.


Include high-quality images on each site, so potential customers have an idea about the type of work you do before clicking to view more details about it. If you are wondering what to post, remember that each social platform offers different opportunities for posting content. In general, it’s recommended that you stick primarily with one form of image: landscape shots, for example (such as the coast or mountains) or portraits (such as a smiling family).

3. Share Photos and Videos Related to Your Field of Work

A successful social media strategy is based on the quality and quantity of content shared. Having a variety of posts ensures that visitors are constantly seeing new things, which will keep their attention on your page. Posting photos is one way to include content for multiple purposes: it can be used as an advertising tool by showing off the photographs you have taken, or it could simply serve as decoration in much the same way as a billboard might. 


Always make sure to post high-quality images. Include videos related to your field of work as well – this is another form of content that people enjoy viewing because it either informs them or entertains them (or both). You can share information about photo editing, photography techniques, and more – all while maintaining a personal touch by sharing some of your own images too. 


  • Get creative with it – there are no limitations regarding what content you should post online for potential clients or customers
  • Use hashtags to increase your visibility on Instagram and Twitter 
  • By sharing content regularly, you’ll establish yourself as an expert in your field and people will want to follow you

4. Interact With Users On Other Social Media Sites 

Interacting with other users on social media is an easy way to expand your network. You can comment, like, share or retweet their content, and in turn, you will receive a notification that someone has done the same for one of your posts. Interacting with others allows them to see what you’re posting and vice versa – it’s a win-win. You get to enjoy increased visibility and more engaged followers. 


You might be hesitant at first because it feels like extra work, but if you have time, then this should be part of your online marketing strategy on a regular basis. By interacting with potential customers for your photography business, you’ll be able to get a sense of what they’re specifically looking for. Then you can tailor your social media content accordingly.

5. Encourage Followers To Share Your Content To Grow an Audience 

Sharing your content can be a great way to grow your following. It’s the key ingredient in any successful social media marketing strategy: the more people who see your posts, the better. By encouraging others to share your photos and blog posts, you’ll stimulate word-of-mouth marketing that will help expand visibility for all of your work – not just one piece. 


You might also want to involve yourself with other platforms like Reddit or Digg. Users are often eager to submit links on these sites rather than Facebook or Instagram because they have limited character space when it comes to posting. With more sharing of content, you get to grow your audience. 

6. Post About Upcoming Events or Special Offers

Posting about upcoming events or special offers is another great way to draw attention to your business. This doesn’t have the same immediacy as posting new content, but it can still be a good opportunity for people who might not otherwise notice that you’re still in operation. You’ll also reach people who don’t follow your account regularly, ensuring they don’t miss out on anything important.

Image Source: Unsplash


When considering which upcoming event or offer would interest your audience most, your best bet is figuring out their interests by looking at what they’ve liked in the past. Post about your event or offer a few days before you plan to do it so that people have time to consider attending or booking you beforehand, and can help prevent them from forgetting your promotion several weeks later. 

7. Join Photography Groups on Social Media 

You should also join photography groups on social media and get involved in discussions with other photographers or potential clients about their work and ideas for future shoots. These conversations can turn into future business opportunities or partnerships. The key to social media marketing for photographers is keeping up with your account and groups every day so that you won’t miss out on anything important. Remember, making small tweaks along the way can significantly impact your marketing efforts

Implement Your Social Media Marketing Plan

With these strategies in mind, you can move forward and use social media to promote your business. The key is to post consistently so that people always know what’s going on in your life and business. Once you find what works best for your business, it will become easier to focus on the most important marketing tasks that are more effective and less time-consuming.


Engage with followers and other content creators, create a network of connections and focus on your niche and brand’s voice. Get in the habit of regularly posting about new photography opportunities and upcoming events in areas where you host events. This will help you either gain exposure at home or increase attendance through word-of-mouth.