5 Mind Blowing Web Design Tips and Tricks to Kick Start your Startup

If you’re launching a new site or have a website that isn’t performing well take a look at these 5 web design tips to get your startup on track.

5 Mind Blowing Web Design Tips

Do you even remember what life was like before the internet?

I remember when email was ‘the new thing’ making faxing old hat. The new generation of entrepreneurs won’t even know what a fax machine is and dial up internet — what’s that?

Technology ushers in some pretty amazing tools to get stuff done and done quickly. With that the average internet user has a shorter attention span than a goldfish. That’s not a joke.


If you have a startup, then you have to be focusing more on your online business along with technology that can make your life easier.

One obvious channel your business will be using is a website. There are about a million different ways to build and launch a website for your business. Regardless of how you go about it, there are a few web design tips and tricks that will help kick start your online presence.


Let’s Take a Look at 5 Mind Blowing Web Design Tips and Tricks to Kick Start your Startup.


1. The 5-Second Rule


The back button on any website is the most widely used and clicked button.

Therefore, you have only 5 seconds to impress your audiences and grab their attention.

Your Website Must Achieve A Few Critical Aspects to Keep the User Engaged

Your Landing Page Must:

• Attract & Engage visitors

• Educate your visitors

• And most importantly compel your visitors to an action

Everything about your web design should draw a visitors’ attention.

Whether that means engaging them to keep them from bouncing or guiding them to an action — your web design is a critical factor.

Read this post for a guide to crafting a landing page that rocks.


2. A Design Strategy

Each of the points mentioned in step 1 above are components of design strategy.

If you’ve run an online store, chances are you have at least begun to understand just how important a web design strategy is.

Your business website is critical to enabling your customers to find and interact with you online. In fact, the primary goal of your web design is to clearly communicate your value proposition to reach and motivate your customers — a design strategy can help significantly with this.

Even simple websites have a lot of moving parts, and they all matter!

A web design strategy will allow you to thoughtfully identify what components will make your customers’ lives easier right down to where they should be placed.

Customized BigCommerce Product Landing Pages

Good web design can help you build your brand and communicate with your audience. For even more web design tips to help you convert your audience – click here.

3. Future Proof your Website


They say “live today, who cares about tomorrow”.

Well, they might be right but not when you are starting up your business. Always remember that you are investing your hard-earned money and time for a better tomorrow.

You can get a website set up just about anywhere nowadays. Shoot, even the website this post is on offers FREE Premium WordPress themes for startups when they sign up for a WP Engine hosting account.

Why would a web design company offer free templates?

Because they know that over 80% of start up customers who launch on a template come back for custom design to better server their business goals.

If you want to future proof your website, plan for the future not the ‘right now’.

What does that mean?

Well, in short, you shouldn’t necessarily opt for quick and cheap.

You should absolutely take into consideration these factors:


Take a look at these 5 easy hacks to future proof your website.


4. The Beta Trials

“It is okay to launch a half-baked product. But what is not okay is to keep the product in the oven for too long.”

I recently heard marketing guru, Seth Godin, say that phrase to a web design company in New Jersey, and I think it applies beautifully to website design.


I’ve seen many business owners wait to launch a site until they think it’s perfect. I’ve also seen business wait, and wait… and ultimately wait too fricking long to launch their website.

Waiting until a site is ‘launch ready’ is one thing. I typically, classify a website as ‘launch ready’ when it has all of it’s core pages flushed out and the site is functional, working and tested across multiple devices.

Waiting too long is when current technology and your customers pass you by.

It’s essential to look at your website as a continued work in progress.

Understand that you will face problems when you launch your website, but how will you know where you have to correct things if you don’t even launch the design?

To keep yourself on the safer side, you can create a beta launch. This will help your customers to know that your design is ready and they can even give suggestions to make improvements to the user experience.


5. Don’t Confuse the User


Once you do launch your website, I’m sure that you’ll feel like a huge weight has been lifted.

That being said, you are going to need to keep an eye out for issues.

Things like an increase in bounce rate could be the indication of a very big problem. If your site is technically functional then there could be issues with the actual layout that are inhibiting your users.

UX encompasses a lot of factors, some that are controllable by you, and some that are environmental or just user preference. These factors include usability, accessibility, performance, design/aesthetics, utility, ergonomics, overall human interaction and marketing.

People won’t ever buy from you if they don’t even understand why they should pay attention to you.



Why are these 5 Web Design Tips so mind blowing?

If you were expecting some cool css widgets or online tools in this post — you may have been a little disappointed.

But these 5 web design tips are so commonly overlooked that it totally blows my mind. Paying attention to the tips above could totally change your website’s performance.