5 Of The Best E-Commerce Marketing Techniques For 2021

If you could do 5 things to improve your E-Commerce marketing techniques, what would they be? We’ve got some suggestions.Best E-Commerce Marketing Techniques

Photo by Mark König on Unsplash

E-commerce marketing is crucial for promoting your goods or services, driving traffic to your online store and converting that into paying customers. But more than this, it’s also about retaining consumers after they’ve made a purchase and turning them into loyal customers. 


The best way to achieve these results is to create a strong and holistic e-commerce marketing strategy. This will help to build brand awareness, boost your reputation and ultimately increase sales. 


But what E-Commerce marketing techniques should you use? 


Well, with both the marketing and e-commerce landscape changing all the time, Irish Parcels has pulled together five of the best marketing techniques for 2021, so you can get a killer marketing strategy in place this year. 


So what are we waiting for, let’s get started! 


1. Email marketing 


One of the best E-Commerce marketing techniques to reach your audience is through their inbox; which is why building an email list is so crucial for your e-commerce business. You can use emails in a number of different ways to add to the customer experience and to increase sales. Some of the best ways to use email in 2021 include: 


  • Introducing your brand and letting customers know a bit more about who you are
  • Letting them know about new products you’re launching 
  • Providing genuinely useful insights or information on topics related to your goods or services 
  • Telling them about upcoming sales 
  • Offering them exclusive discounts or freebies 
  • Follow up emails after purchases that offer tracking links or updates on when they will receive their goods


But remember, you don’t want to come across as spammy or they might unsubscribe from your mailing list. So be sparing with your emails and don’t just flood their inbox for the sake of it. Make sure anything you send a potential or existing customer is of genuine value to them. 


2. Personalization strategies


On a similar note, personalization can be a hugely important marketing tool and this is something that can be applied to email marketing as well as a number of other parts of your marketing strategy. 


Through personalization strategies you can target your customers in a more clever way, making them feel understood and more like a person rather than just another sale. And this is something that is important to today’s consumers. 


So as well as personalized emails, you should also consider tailored offers and discounts and perhaps loyalty rewards for those who use your e-commerce site a lot. You might offer free shipping after a certain amount of purchases. 


You can also target them with recommended products that you feel could be of genuine interest to them. You can do this by taking into account their past purchases or even their demographics and what people similar to them have bought in the past. 


This will require you to invest in some analytical tools but can be so worth it for personalizing the consumer journey and adding to the customer experience in a big way. This can bag you more sales and repeat customers. 


3. Content marketing 


In today’s digital world, content is king. It’s the perfect way to build your brand and online presence and to increase traffic and sales. As such, you need to make sure you’re producing valuable and enjoyable content as part of your e-commerce marketing strategy. 


There are so many different formats your content can take and this will largely depend on what your e-commerce business is and whether you’re targeting a B2B or B2C audience. That being said, some of the content you should consider creating includes: 


  • Blog posts 
  • Guest posts (for other people’s blogs)
  • Whitepapers 
  • E-books
  • Case studies 
  • Guides (including listicles and how-to guides) 
  • Infographics 
  • Press releases 
  • Videos 


In 2021, mediums like video are becoming increasingly popular, so in the early stages of your marketing strategy, you may wish to play around with the different types of content to find out what works and what doesn’t. 


Analytics will help you to see what your audience prefer and you can then ramp up your efforts to produce the content they most engage with.  


4. Social media 


Segueing nicely on from content marketing, we have social media. This has become a hugely popular tool for marketing over the last decade and this is no surprise. With an estimated 3.96 billion people using social media worldwide, this is a huge platform for targeting your audience. 


Again, there are several ways you should be using social media in 2021 to promote your e-commerce business. This includes sharing the aforementioned content such as blog posts, images, videos, etc. It can also be used to advertise or promote new goods or services.


Another important part of your social media strategy should be creating aesthetically pleasing images and sharing genuinely useful content to drive engagement. This includes likes, shares, comments and follows. The more interaction your posts get, the more trustworthy your brand appears to consumers.  


Plus, the more people engage with your social media the more people will be able to find you online. This can make it much easier to reach your target audience. 


For this reason, social media must be an integral part of your e-commerce marketing strategy this year. 


5. Search Engine Optimization


Finally, we have search engine optimization (SEO) strategies. Thus is an important part of search engine marketing, though it is all about driving organic traffic to your e-commerce site rather than paying for it. 


It’s important to get a strong SEO strategy in place as early as possible because although it is a longer process and the results might not be instant, it is a vital way to ensure a constant flow of high-quality traffic to your site. 


Which, of course, can lead to more sales. 


Now, as we said, this can be a slower process but it is well worth the investment. Through targeting keywords and creating strong content, you can ensure your website ranks higher on search engine results pages (SERPs). 


Why is this important?


Well, think about it, when was the last time you went past page one of Google? 


People tend to trust the first few results they see on a search engine page. In fact, the first five organic results that appear on SERPs will receive a staggering 67.6% of click-throughs on Google.


So you can see why an SEO strategy is so important for marketing your business. This means optimizing your content with keywords, creating genuinely useful and clear content and securing backlinks. 


Or of course, you could invest in an SEO professional or service to do all this for you!