4 Signs That You Need to Do an SEO Audit for Your Website

Do you need to do an SEO audit? These 4 signs are clear indicators that it’s time for you to run an SEO audit on your website.

You Need to Do an SEO Audit


Image Source: SEOOptimer


Just what you wanted to do, spend more time dicking around with your website, right?

Unfortunately, if your website is a primary service or sales channel making sure that it’s working for both you and your customers is essential and that means knowing when to do an SEO audit.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is an essential aspect of any successful online business. It is used for optimizing your website’s content and its structure for ranking higher on search engine results pages (SERPs). While SEO can be a powerful tool for driving traffic and sales, keeping up with the ever-changing algorithms and best practices can also be challenging.

One way to stay ahead of your competition and be updated on the latest SEO algorithms and practices followed by search engines is by conducting regular SEO audits of your website. An SEO audit provides a comprehensive analytical report of your website’s current SEO status and any areas or opportunities for improvement.

How do you know when it’s time to run one?

To know when to run such audits, you must keep your eyes open for a few signs. 

Here are four signs that you need to do an SEO audit for your website.

#1 Your Website Traffic Has Decreased

A decrease in website traffic is one of the most significant signs that you need to conduct an SEO audit. This audit is especially important if the drop in traffic is unexpected or after a period of steady growth. 

Suppose your website has been experiencing a decline in traffic. In that case, it could be due to several factors, including changes in search engine algorithms, website updates or redesigns, or changes in user behavior. An SEO audit will help identify what caused the decline in traffic and allow you to make necessary changes to improve your website’s SEO.

With increased web traffic, an audit can also help you generate new leads, as it did for Art Tartman and his company when he got in touch with the Peter Rota SEO company to work on his website’s SEO. Given its expertise, the SEO company did not take long to help Art Tartman rejuvenate his website traffic which also included newer leads, meaning new sales. 

Thus, it’s clear that apart from fixing your existing web traffic problems, an audit can help your business reach newer heights by bringing in more leads for you. 

#2 Your Website is Not Ranking for Relevant Keywords

Websites use keywords in their content as part of their SEO strategies. Using the right keywords helps improve the company’s growth in terms of traffic and pageviews. 

Using the right keywords can mean a lot of things, including keyword selection, placement, and distribution. When your website is not ranking for the keywords you’re already using, it means something is wrong in at least one of those areas. 

A website audit will help uncover why your website is not ranking for these keywords. It can either mean that you have to rethink your keyword placement or distribution or overhaul your entire web content plan. 

#3 Your Website Has Technical SEO Issues

On-page SEO has mostly to do with your keyword placement and content. Technical SEO oversees how well you’re optimizing your backend. 

Technical SEO issues can include things like broken links, duplicate content, missing or incorrect meta tags, slow loading times, poorly optimized images, lack of web accessibility features, and other technical issues. 

An SEO audit will help identify these issues and provide recommendations for fixing them. Addressing these technical SEO issues can improve your website’s performance and user experience, leading to higher search engine rankings and more traffic.

#4 Your Website Has a High Bounce Rate

A high bounce rate occurs when users visit your website but leave without clicking on any other pages. This means your content, although appealing to the visitors at first glance, lacks sufficient features or qualities that will keep them on the content page for longer. 

A high bounce rate can be an indication that users are not finding what they are looking for on your website. This can be due to several factors, including poor website design, slow loading times, irrelevant content, and other issues. 

Through an SEO audit, you can understand what’s causing such a high bounce rate. It could be your content or something on the technical side. Either way, you’ll have a clear answer to your questions and solutions on how to fix these issues. 

These are some of the most important signs that it’s time for you to run an SEO audit for your website. The problems listed here may not seem fatal at first. However, if they’re left as they are for a long time, you’ll find it difficult to get your website on top of Google Search. Thus, don’t hesitate to get an SEO audit the moment you notice any of these issues. 


How To Conduct An SEO Audit?

Great! So, now you know when to run an SEO audit on your website, but how exactly do you go about it? Don’t worry, we’re not going to leave you hanging.

There are several different types of websites and while they all share some of the same foundational points, audits for service-based websites and eCommerce websites can be a little different.

There’s a lot of software to optimize your content on search engines and streamline your SEO efforts. But only some bloggers and marketers randomly choose a tool without considering their SEO needs and priorities.

Consider an SEO tool with multiple users if running a digital marketing agency. That way, collaborating with other members of your team would be hassle-free.

Here Are the Best SEO Tools to Help:


Understand How to Conduct a Website SEO Audit:


How to Conduct an eCommerce SEO Audit:


Comprehensive Site Audit Checklist: