12 Tips to Write Better Content than Competitors

How do you write better content than your competitors? These 12 tips provide a roadmap to write better-performing content than your competitors to gain more of their traffic.

Write Better Content than Competitors

Image by upklyak on Freepik

How Do You Write Better Content than Competitors?

Successful businesses are aware that one of the keys to outperforming their rivals is having an excellent content marketing plan. They also comprehend the value of competition. In terms of content marketing, competition indicates that the search term and topic are pretty lucrative and if you can rank better — you’re going to get a better share of that traffic. 

The entire goal of frequent content creation is to outperform your rivals. Even when this isn’t your primary goal, it still matters! In business, either you or your competitors are going to gain customers’ views, so how much business you can divert from your competitors’ websites or blogs to your own is pretty darn important. You need strong planning to create impact-generating content. This post is going to provide an outline for you to write consistently better content than your competitors so that you can draw those customers in.


12 Tips to Write Better Content than Competitors

Want to know how you write better content? We have got some of the best tips for you below:

1. Stay Informed About Your Target Audience

If you haven’t heard, “you need to know your target audience” by now, let this serve as a reminder. But what exactly does understanding your audience mean? It entails creating and disseminating information tailored to your audience’s needs. It involves comprehending the search intent and then creating content that addresses it. 

Equally as important, it means keeping up with what is important to your customers as their needs change over time. Search for the trending topics for content writing online and then do some digging as to where your customers hang out online. You can gain insightful information from various search engines and social media that often reflect trending topics that are highly relevant to your audience. The public will pay more attention to your work if it addresses their most critical concerns, increasing traffic.

2. Keep a Routine and Never Give Up

The fact that most business blogs are not consistent is a significant issue. Many companies take to content when it is convenient and when their budget permits. Publishing content requires commitment. You can’t just provide your visitors material whenever you feel like it.

You must be persistent and consistent. Have a calendar for when new stuff will be published. You will be able to focus better and stay organized. A consistent timetable for publishing material encourages both human users and search engine crawlers to visit your website frequently.

3. Include Content Types that Your Rivals Have Overlooked

Interactive content unquestionably converts 2x better than static information, making it one of the most effective content marketing methods available. If you discover that your competitor’s page has textual material, you have a significant opportunity to overtake them. 

Including uniquely designed infographics is one of the best strategies for beating competitors. The fact that you offer written and valuable material to the page is one of the reasons infographics might outperform other rivals who create original infographics. Your writing will adopt a fresh style, and readers will be more eager to read your posts. 

Most of us feel more comfortable producing a specific type of content, and that ok, but when you’re working your butt off to build your audience it’s important to make sure you cover all your bases.

4. Adhere to the Proper Format and Outline

Follow a compressed format to produce top-notch content. Establish your post’s core argument first. It will be simpler and quicker to write if you break it into smaller sections. You won’t need to rework your ideas once your information is organized because you can work on each component separately. Any piece of writing should always have an introduction, a body, and a conclusion

By examining the body, you may create content that expresses your personality and appeals to your target audience. It’s common to neglect the value of optimizing their conclusion. Create a compelling call to action to inspire people to act after reading your information.

5. Writing SEO Content with Expertise

Your search engine rankings may be improved by writing SEO content. Writers that can help their clients rank higher in search engines are highly sought after. You might attract clients by consistently utilizing terms that are popular in a particular market. All that’s left to do is familiarize yourself with the tools and methods that can help you identify relevant keywords. 

Only add tags that are relevant to your niche and issue; disregard the rest. It decreases the worth and rating of your website by making it harder for Google to categorize your content. Your URLs should be descriptive of the subjects you will cover and pertinent to your site. If you write about sales, including the URL.

6. Produce Catchy Headlines

Only a few lines of text are necessary to make a big impression. The SEO content creation explains the significance of a compelling title. In addition to having a strong title, make sure your meta descriptions are appealing and expand on the substance of your post. Your blog post’s content is succinctly summarized in your meta description. 

Include the key phrase that was utilized to describe the topic. It affects a user’s decision to visit your blog. If you stay away from overused terminology, your CTA will be clear and convincing. You can use various content writing tools to get better ideas. 

7. Update Your Content Frequently

Even if you create captivating material that is highly effective, you still need to update your website and add blog entries frequently. Google works hard to deliver the most relevant results to users. So that’s why. Google will dismiss your blog as a valuable resource for searchers if you don’t update it frequently. You can recycle little bits and share them on social media

You can write specialized blog entries on subtopics you may have covered in other blog articles. Starting once or twice a week is a terrific idea. Before responding to blog comments, give your visitors time to digest your fresh information. Use copywriting strategies to improve your writing.

8. Give the Audience Something Meaningful

Free things appeal to people significantly if it aids in problem-solving. Include a promotion at the start or end of your article to make it simple for readers to find. Give them a way to try out a new social media tool you wish to introduce them to using your link. Give visitors something as soon as they arrive at your website, especially if you are selling free content or an eBook. 

Understanding your target audience’s thoughts is essential to creating content that converts. You can explore famous sites like perfect essay writing to understand effective techniques to produce quality content. 

9. Include Numbers to Engage Readers

You must display your material in a way that convinces readers that it is worthwhile reading if you want them to believe that it is what they have been looking for. One of the most remarkable ways to do this is to utilize numbers (for instance, 12 tips to travel), as readers will be more interested in reading further if they can instantly see the value of your content. 

If you publish your articles on websites that are willing to link to another blog, numbers can help you acquire shares and links because they make your pieces look lengthier. Don’t overdo it or use numbers for everything to avoid coming across as spammy and assist your readers in finding the best information. Instead, be judicious.

10. Include Captivating Images and Graphics

The user experience and content sharing on your website are both enhanced by the diversity of photos you employ. To swiftly and effectively provide your audience with useful information, make use of checklists, templates, infographics, and other visual aids. 

Another advantage of integrating images and videos in blog articles and other types of content is that they can be indexed in Google’s Images and Video sections and even appear in Featured Snippets, which boosts traffic. Your chances of obtaining backlinks increase if your news is intriguing, educational, and pertinent. If your content contains links from trustworthy sources, Google is more inclined to believe it. 

11. Encourage the Creation of Natural Links

Although link creation has advanced much since the days of link farms and link buying, links are still a crucial ranking component for SEO. A link back to your website is ensured if you include a link to one of your own articles or websites in your post. A link back to the original source is included when you get creative with other forms of content, such as infographics and films, and add an embed code to your website to encourage content sharing

When producing SEO content, strive for quality to increase its shareability and the likelihood that other websites will link to it. Promote it on various social media platforms. It will help in generating diverse traffic and also improve the credibility of your brand. 

12. Monitor Your Progress

By monitoring your efforts, you can keep producing SEO-friendly content. Google Analytics makes it easy and cost-free to monitor page views and the normal amount of time spent on each page. Look at indicators like your bounce rate and time on site to gain insight into how users interact with your website after viewing your content. 

A high drop-off rate and a short average duration on the page are signs that your content wasn’t engaging or pertinent to what they were looking for. To gauge your post’s popularity, look at the number of social interactions (shares, likes, etc.). 


The better you write, the higher you will go. People who think well, write well. Good writing is not a natural gift. You have to learn to write well. If you want to have good writing skills check these 10 David Ogilvy writing tips from ship 30 for 30.

In order to avoid overwhelming visitors with information and forge enduring relationships with them, careful planning and novel strategies are required. Keep your content updated and Search Engine Optimized. Follow the suggestions in the aforementioned list to give your best shot and accomplish your goals.